
时间:2019-10-09 13:45:59

标签: c pointers


此:**r = &(r->next)

此:**r = &(*r->next)

或此:**r = &(**r->next)

当我尝试更改双指针“ a”指向的位置时,也会发生同样的情况。这是完整的方法,以防万一您需要查看它,

int sortBoardingQueue(BoardingQueue *qPtr){
    int size = calculateSize(qPtr);

    Passenger *t = qPtr->head;
    Passenger *a = qPtr->head->next;
    Passenger **r = &(qPtr->head);
    Passenger **q = &(qPtr->next);
    for (int i = size-1; i <=0; i--)
        while(t != NULL){
            if (t->seatNumber>a->seatNumber)
                **r = *a;
                **q = *t;
            t = t->next;
            a = a->next;
            **r = &(r->next);
            **a = &(a->next);


//the declarations of the structs I am using in my header file
typedef struct boardingQueue {
    Passenger* head; // points to the Passenger at the front/head of the queue
    Passenger* tail; // points to the Passenger at the end/tail of the queue
} BoardingQueue;

typedef struct passenger {
char name[30];          // the passenger's name
double passportNumber;  // their passport number
int seatNumber;         // their seat number on the plane
struct passenger* next; // a pointer to the next passenger in the queue after this one
} Passenger;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

如果指针Private Sub Command30_Click() 'set variables Dim oWord As Word.Application Dim oWdoc As Word.Document Dim wdInputName As String Dim wdOutputName As String Dim outFileName As String ' Set Template Path '------------------------------------------------ wdInputName = CurrentProject.Path & "X:\PM\PM-O\PM-OQ\PM-OQRA\PROCESSES\03_Pigments\98_ Database\05_Inventory\02_Bulk_letter\word_template.docx" ' Create unique save filename with minutes ' and seconds to prevent overwrite '------------------------------------------------ outFileName = "Merck_InvStatements_" & Format(Now(), "yyyymmddmms") ' Output File Path w/outFileName '------------------------------------------------ wdOutputName = CurrentProject.Path & "\desktop\completed\" & outFileName Set oWord = New Word.Application Set oWdoc = oWord.Documents.Open(wdInputName) ' Start mail merge '------------------------------------------------ With oWord oWord.Visible = True With ActiveDocument.MailMerge .MainDocumentType = wdFormLetters .OpenDataSource _ Name:=CurrentProject.FullName, _ AddToRecentFiles:=False, _ LinkToSource:=True, _ Connection:="Q_SERIAL_INVENTORY_A02", _ SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM [Q_SERIAL_INVENTORY_A02]" .Destination = wdSendToNewDocument .Execute Pause:=False End With End With ' Hide Word During Merge '------------------------------------------------ oWord.Visible = False ' Save file as PDF ' Uncomment the line below and comment out ' the line below "Save file as Word Document" '------------------------------------------------ 'oWord.ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 wdOutputName & ".pdf", 17 ' Save file as Word Document '------------------------------------------------ oWord.ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 wdOutputName & ".docx", 16 ' Quit Word to Save Memory '------------------------------------------------ oWord.Quit savechanges:=False ' Clean up memory '------------------------------------------------ Set oWord = Nothing Set oWdoc = Nothing End Sub` 这样声明和初始化



Passenger **r = &(qPtr->head);

**r = &(r->next); 的类型为**r。此外,r指向指针。此表达式Passenger不正确,因为指针的下一个没有数据成员(指针不是结构)。




**r = &(r->next),

**r = &(*r->next),

**r = &(**r->next)




&(** ( r->next ) )


r = &( *r )->next;

也是无效的,因为结构Passenger **q = &(qPtr->next); 没有数据成员BoardingQueue



无效。仅在for (int i = size-1; i <=0; i--) 小于或等于1的情况下有效。:)


答案 1 :(得分:0)




#define NULL 0
//the declarations of the structs I am using in my header file
typedef struct passenger {
char name[30];          // the passenger's name
double passportNumber;  // their passport number
int seatNumber;         // their seat number on the plane
struct passenger* next; // a pointer to the next passenger in the queue after this one
} Passenger;

typedef struct boardingQueue {
    Passenger* head; // points to the Passenger at the front/head of the queue
    Passenger* tail; // points to the Passenger at the end/tail of the queue
} BoardingQueue;

int sortBoardingQueue(BoardingQueue *qPtr){
    int size = 3; // func undefined?? calculateSize(qPtr);

    Passenger *t = qPtr->head;
    Passenger *a = qPtr->head->next;
    Passenger **r = &(qPtr->head);
    Passenger **q = &(qPtr->next);
    for (int i = size-1; i <=0; i--)
        while(t != NULL){
            if (t->seatNumber>a->seatNumber)
                **r = *a; 
                **q = *t; 
            t = t->next;
            a = a->next;
            **r = &(r->next);
            **a = &(a->next);


int main(){
    // make passengers
    Passenger a = {"p1", 111.0, 1, NULL};
    Passenger b = {"p2", 222.0, 2, NULL};
    Passenger c = {"p2", 222.0, 3, NULL};

    // make boarding queue a->c->b
    a.next = &c; 
    c.next = &b; 
    BoardingQueue q = {&a, &b};



dp.c:在“ sortBoardingQueue”函数中:dp.c:22:27:错误:  “ BoardingQueue {aka struct boardingQueue}”没有名为“ next”的成员       Passenger **q = &(qPtr->next);

这是因为boardingQueue没有成员next,只有headtail。 (也许您想让它指向乘客?我无法从上下文中看出您的意图)

dp.c:33:22: error: request for member ‘next’ in something not a structure or union
              `**r = &(r->next);`

为此,r的类型为Passenger **,因此它指向一个乘客结构。如果您确实要访问该结构的下一个字段,则必须使用(*r)->next

  dp.c:34:13: error: invalid type argument of unary ‘*’ (have
 ‘Passenger {aka struct passenger}’)
              **a = &(a->next);

