一段落Word VBA中具有不同样式的文本

时间:2019-10-08 11:37:39

标签: vba ms-word


    With objWrdDoc
        .Styles.Add ("S2")
        .Styles.Add ("S3")
        .Styles("S2").Font.Bold = True
        .Styles("S3").Font.Bold = False
    End With
    With objWrdApp.Selection
        .Style = objWrdDoc.Styles("S2")
        .TypeText Text:="I want to have bold "
        .Style = objWrdDoc.Styles("S3")
        .TypeText Text:="and not bold text in one line."
    End With


1 个答案:

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  • 代码可以与多个Range对象一起使用
  • 用户无法影响Range的位置(点击屏幕或按箭头键会更改Selection
  • 跟踪Range在代码中任意给定点的位置是可靠的

更改问题中的代码以使用“目标” Range,如下所示。

(请注意,我还为所定义的样式添加了Style对象。与诸如objWrdDoc.Styles("S3")之类的结构相比,它更可靠,而且键入的对象更少。)< / p>

   Dim S2 as Word.Style, S3 as Word.Style 'As Object if using late-binding
   With objWrdDoc
        Set S2 = .Styles.Add("S2")
        Set S3 = .Styles.Add("S3")
        S2.Font.Bold = True
        S3.Font.Bold = False
    End With

    Dim objRange as Word.Range 'As Object if using late-binding
    Set objRange = objWrdApp.Selection.Range

    With objRange
        .Text = vbCr 'Chr(13) = paragraph mark
        'The new text should follow the inserted paragraph mark
        'Like pressing right-arrow to "collapse" a selection
        .Collapse wdCollapseEnd

        'When working with ranges, apply the formatting after writing the text
        .Text = "I want to have bold "
        .Style = S2

        .Collapse wdCollapseEnd
        .Text = "and not bold text in one line."
        .Style = S3
    End With