ExtJS - 堆积条形图条件着色

时间:2011-04-28 17:12:39

标签: javascript extjs charts extjs4

EXTJS 4 - 我正在尝试为StackedBarChart中的'series'自定义渲染器功能。我想有条件地为酒吧着色。

renderer: function(sprite, record, curAttr, index, store) {
                        return Ext.apply(curAttr, {
                              fill: color
                        return curAttr;



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


答案 1 :(得分:2)

我找到了一种方法来准确检测当前正在渲染的元素。首先,您需要以下覆盖,以解决renderer parameters的几个问题。它不应该影响正常的条形图,但我还没有测试它们。

    drawSeries: function() {
        var me = this,
            chart = me.chart,
            store = chart.getChartStore(),
            surface = chart.surface,
            animate = chart.animate,
            stacked = me.stacked,
            column = me.column,
            enableShadows = chart.shadow,
            shadowGroups = me.shadowGroups,
            shadowGroupsLn = shadowGroups.length,
            group = me.group,
            seriesStyle = me.seriesStyle,
            items, ln, i, j, baseAttrs, sprite, rendererAttributes, shadowIndex, shadowGroup,
            bounds, endSeriesStyle, barAttr, attrs, anim;

        // ---- start edit ----
        var currentCol, currentStoreIndex;
        // ---- end edit ----

        if (!store || !store.getCount()) {

        //fill colors are taken from the colors array.
        delete seriesStyle.fill;
        endSeriesStyle = Ext.apply(seriesStyle, this.style);

        bounds = me.bounds;
        items = me.items;

        baseAttrs = column ? {
            y: bounds.zero,
            height: 0
        } : {
            x: bounds.zero,
            width: 0
        ln = items.length;
        // Create new or reuse sprites and animate/display
        for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
            sprite = group.getAt(i);
            barAttr = items[i].attr;

            if (enableShadows) {
                items[i].shadows = me.renderShadows(i, barAttr, baseAttrs, bounds);

            // ---- start edit ----
            if (stacked && items[i].storeItem.index != currentStoreIndex) {
              //console.log("i: %o, barsLen: %o, j: %o, items[i]: %o",i,bounds.barsLen,i / bounds.barsLen,items[i]);
              currentStoreIndex = items[i].storeItem.index;
              currentCol = 0;
            else {
            // ---- end edit ----

            // Create a new sprite if needed (no height)
            if (!sprite) {
                attrs = Ext.apply({}, baseAttrs, barAttr);
                attrs = Ext.apply(attrs, endSeriesStyle || {});
                sprite = surface.add(Ext.apply({}, {
                    type: 'rect',
                    group: group
                }, attrs));
            if (animate) {
                // ---- start edit ----
                rendererAttributes = me.renderer(sprite, items[i].storeItem, barAttr, (stacked? currentStoreIndex : i), store, (stacked? currentCol : undefined));
                // ---- end edit ----
                sprite._to = rendererAttributes;
                anim = me.onAnimate(sprite, { to: Ext.apply(rendererAttributes, endSeriesStyle) });
                if (enableShadows && stacked && (i % bounds.barsLen === 0)) {
                    j = i / bounds.barsLen;
                    for (shadowIndex = 0; shadowIndex < shadowGroupsLn; shadowIndex++) {
                        anim.on('afteranimate', function() {
                        }, shadowGroups[shadowIndex].getAt(j));
            else {
                // ---- start edit ----
                rendererAttributes = me.renderer(sprite, items[i].storeItem, Ext.apply(barAttr, { hidden: false }), (stacked? currentStoreIndex : i), store, (stacked? currentCol : undefined));
                // ---- end edit ----
                sprite.setAttributes(Ext.apply(rendererAttributes, endSeriesStyle), true);
            items[i].sprite = sprite;

        // Hide unused sprites
        ln = group.getCount();
        for (j = i; j < ln; j++) {
        // Hide unused shadows
        if (enableShadows) {
            for (shadowIndex = 0; shadowIndex < shadowGroupsLn; shadowIndex++) {
                shadowGroup = shadowGroups[shadowIndex];
                ln = shadowGroup.getCount();
                for (j = i; j < ln; j++) {


  • 第二个参数现在映射到正确的商店项目
  • 第四个参数现在是商店索引号而不是内部商品号(IMO无价值)
  • 添加了第六个参数,用于告知记录中的当前段索引,不计算记录中不属于轴的其他属性。
    示例:对于看起来像{name: 'metric': segment1: 12, segment2: 22}的记录,segment1的索引将是0而不是1,因为记录中的第一项不属于其轴(这是类别名称)


renderer: function(sprite, record, attr, storeIndex, store, col) {
    // set the color to white for the first item in every record
    return (col == 0)? Ext.apply(attr, { fill: '#fff' }) : attr;


// let's say that every record looks like this:
// {name: 'metric one', user1: 23, user2: 50, user3: 10}

renderer: function(sprite, record, attr, storeIndex, store, col) {
    // retrieve the segment property name from the record using its numeric index.
    // remember that 'col' doesn't take into account other fields that don't
    // belong to the axis, so in this case we have to add 1 to the index
    var uid = Ext.Object.getAt(record.data, col+1)[0];

    // set the color to red for 'user2'
    return (uid == 'user2')? Ext.apply(attr, { fill: '#f00' }) : attr;


 * Returns the key and its value at the idx position
 * @return {Array} Array containing [key, value] or null
Ext.Object.getAt = function(obj, idx) {
    var keys = Ext.Object.getKeys(obj);
    if (idx < keys.length) {
        return [keys[idx],obj[keys[idx]]];
    return null;