我正在尝试集成源代码zip文件“ Razorpay”, 现在没有任何反应,这是我的代码,我哪里写错了?
require_once ('Razorpay.php');
use Razorpay\Api\Api;
$api = new Api($api_key, $api_secret);
echo "<pre>";print_R($api);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
第2步。然后从顶部导航栏测试或实时模式中选择一种模式,然后转到设置-> API密钥。
第3步。在您的项目中添加Razorpay PHP客户端。
composer require razorpay/razorpay:2.*
use Razorpay\Api\Api;
use Razorpay\Api\Errors\SignatureVerificationError;
$keyId = 'rzp_test_ZN5pRVLs4tU7YF';
$keySecret = 'YOUR API Keys';
$displayCurrency = 'INR';
$api = new Api($keyId, $keySecret);
// We create an razorpay order using orders api
// Docs: https://docs.razorpay.com/docs/orders
$orderData = [
'receipt' => 3456,
'amount' => 2000 * 100, // 2000 rupees in paise
'currency' => 'INR',
'payment_capture' => 1 // auto capture
$razorpayOrder = $api->order->create($orderData);
$razorpayOrderId = $razorpayOrder['id'];
$_SESSION['razorpay_order_id'] = $razorpayOrderId;
$displayAmount = $amount = $orderData['amount'];
if ($displayCurrency !== 'INR'){
$url = "https://api.fixer.io/latest?symbols=$displayCurrency&base=INR";
$exchange = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
$displayAmount = $exchange['rates'][$displayCurrency] * $amount / 100;
$checkout = 'automatic';
if (isset($_GET['checkout']) and in_array($_GET['checkout'], ['automatic', 'manual'], true))
$checkout = $_GET['checkout'];
$data = [
"key" => $keyId,
"amount" => $amount,
"name" => "Aneh Thakur",
"description" => "Happy to help :)",
"image" => "https://s29.postimg.org/r6dj1g85z/daft_punk.jpg",
"prefill" => [
"name" => "Aneh Thakur",
"email" => "customer email",
"contact" => "customer mobile",
"notes" => [
"address" => "Customer Address",
"merchant_order_id" => "12312321",
"theme" => [
"color" => "#F37254"
"order_id" => $razorpayOrderId,
if ($displayCurrency !== 'INR')
$data['display_currency'] = $displayCurrency;
$data['display_amount'] = $displayAmount;
$json = json_encode($data);
<script src="https://checkout.razorpay.com/v1/checkout.js"></script>
<form name='razorpayform' action="verify.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="razorpay_payment_id" id="razorpay_payment_id">
<input type="hidden" name="razorpay_signature" id="razorpay_signature" >
// Checkout details as a json
var options = <?=$json?>;
* The entire list of Checkout fields is available at
* https://docs.razorpay.com/docs/checkout-form#checkout-fields
options.handler = function (response){
document.getElementById('razorpay_payment_id').value = response.razorpay_payment_id;
document.getElementById('razorpay_signature').value = response.razorpay_signature;
// Boolean whether to show image inside a white frame. (default: true)
options.theme.image_padding = false;
options.modal = {
ondismiss: function() {
console.log("This code runs when the popup is closed");
window.location = 'cancel.php';
// Boolean indicating whether pressing escape key
// should close the checkout form. (default: true)
escape: true,
// Boolean indicating whether clicking translucent blank
// space outside checkout form should close the form. (default: false)
backdropclose: false
var rzp = new Razorpay(options);
并另外创建2个文件,一个verify.php和cancel.php。 您可以在此处阅读完整的集成教程:-Razorpay PHP integration。