
时间:2019-10-03 04:00:42

标签: javascript ag-grid

enter image description here如何在ag-grid表的页脚中显示特定列的总和。 例如,如果我在ag-grid表中有列名薪水,那么我想在网格底部显示总薪水总和,如以下屏幕所示。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您可以使用AgGrid文档的pinnedBottomRowData部分中讨论的Row Pinning网格属性。


getTotalRow(rowData) {
  const initial = {
    fname: undefined,
    lname: undefined,
    position: undefined,
    office: 'Total', // if you want to display in the 'Total' in the Office column
    salary: 0,

  // iterate overRow data summing each property for total
  // assuming lodash reduce is available and skipping actual summing logic of salary
  const rowTotal = reduce((totals, rowData) => {...}, initial) 

  // rowTotal has a structure like:
  //  {
  //    fname: undefined, // undefined should render blank cell in row at column
  //    lname: undefined,
  //    position: undefined,
  //    office: 
  //    salary: 1234567.89,
  //  }

  // have to format in an array as pinnedBottomRowData expects the same format as rowData
  return [rowTotal];



space between last row and pinned bottom row