如何运行我刚刚从BHO </script>动态插入的<script>标记

时间:2011-04-28 10:13:06

标签: javascript dom bho






代码明细: 我在OnDocumentComplete事件上调用以下方法:

void CHelloWorldBHO::InsertScriptTag(IDispatch* pDispDoc)
// query for an HTML document.
CComQIPtr<IHTMLDocument3> pDocument3 = pDispDoc;
CComQIPtr<IHTMLDocument2> pDocument2 = pDispDoc;
if (pDocument2 != NULL && pDocument3 != NULL)
    // **********************   create our script tag Element  (pHtmlElem) ****************************
    IHTMLElement* pHtmlElem;
    CComVariant vAlert="http://www.gnpcb.org/esv/share/js/?action=getDailyVerse"; // example referencing external JS code
    CComVariant vJavascript="text/javascript";
    hr = pDocument2->createElement(_T("script"), &pHtmlElem); 
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pHtmlElem != NULL)
        hr = pHtmlElem->setAttribute(_T("type"), vJavascript); 
        hr = pHtmlElem->setAttribute(_T("src"), vAlert);            

    // **********************   insert Element  (pHtmlElem) in HTML Head ****************************
    // Get the head from the DOM.
    static const CComBSTR sbstrHead(L"head");
    CComPtr<IHTMLElementCollection> objects;
    hr = pDocument3->getElementsByTagName(sbstrHead, &objects);
    if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && objects != NULL)
        // Get the number of elements in the collection.
        long nElements = 0;
        hr = objects->get_length(&nElements);
        if (hr == S_OK && nElements > 0)
            CComVariant svarItemIndex(0); // we will get the first element
            CComVariant svarEmpty;
            CComPtr<IDispatch> spdispElement;

            // Get the element out of the collection with index 0 (the first element, that is, the head)
            hr = objects->item(svarItemIndex, svarEmpty, &spdispElement);
            if (hr == S_OK && spdispElement != NULL)
                CComQIPtr<IHTMLDOMNode, &IID_IHTMLDOMNode> spHeadNode = spdispElement; // query for DOM interfaces
                CComQIPtr<IHTMLDOMNode, &IID_IHTMLDOMNode> spNodeNew; 
                spNodeNew = pHtmlElem; 

                if (spHeadNode)
                    spHeadNode->appendChild(spNodeNew, NULL); 


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:13)

您应该使用execScript而不是appendChild。你需要执行的语法是非常非常奇怪。但它完成了你想要的 - 即,一个外部JavaScript被添加到DOM。在OnDocumentComplete期间调用此方法:

VARIANT vrt = {0};
CComQIPtr<IHTMLWindow2> win;
CComBSTR bstrScript = L"var html_doc = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var _js = document.createElement('script');  _js.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); _js.setAttribute('id', 'bho_js'); _js.setAttribute('src', 'http://domain.com/script.js'); if(!document.getElementById('bho_js')) html_doc.appendChild(_js);";
CComBSTR bstrLanguage = L"javascript";
HRESULT hrexec = win->execScript(bstrScript,bstrLanguage, &vrt);

这会将<script type="text/javascript" id="bho_js" src="http://domain.com/script.js"></script>添加到DOM HEAD中。