在NASM中执行此循环时遇到一些麻烦。对于某些信息,在循环首次开始时:div2 = 2,binConv = 10,sum = 63,rmndr = 0。 我不明白为什么它无限循环。当我的“和”最终达到0时,它不应该与rbx中的0进行比较并退出循环吗?代码如下:
mov rbx,0
mov rax,0 ; Clear out rax
mov rax,[sum] ; Move the remaining sum into rax
div qword[div2] ; Divide existing sum by 2
mov [sum],rax ; Put the divided value of rax into sum var
mov rax, 0 ; Clear out rax for the binary conversion
mov rax,rdx ; Move remainder into binConv var
imul rax,[binConv] ; Multiply by existing binary notation (10^x)
add [rmndr],rax ; Add the coverted remainder to rmndr var
mov rax,0 ; Clear out rax for updating binConv var
mov rax,[binConv] ; Place binConv value into rax
imul rax,10 ; Continue to do binConv*10 (10,100,1000,etc)
mov [binConv],rax ; Place the new value into binConv
cmp rbx,[sum] ; Check to see if sum has reached 0
jne binLoop ; Jump if sum !=0