
时间:2019-09-27 22:39:43

标签: javascript serial-port node-serialport

经过仔细搜索,我找不到文档 告诉我第二个参数有哪些选项及其作用 到新的SerialPort()

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

由于缺少更好的描述,Node Serialport文档非常糟糕。它以一种非常荒谬的方式进行布局,并将关键信息隐藏在奇怪或切向的主题标题下。


 * @typedef {Object} openOptions
 * @property {boolean} [autoOpen=true] Automatically opens the port on `nextTick`.
 * @property {number=} [baudRate=9600] The baud rate of the port to be opened. This should match one of the commonly available baud rates, such as 110, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200. Custom rates are supported best effort per platform. The device connected to the serial port is not guaranteed to support the requested baud rate, even if the port itself supports that baud rate.
 * @property {number} [dataBits=8] Must be one of these: 8, 7, 6, or 5.
 * @property {number} [highWaterMark=65536] The size of the read and write buffers defaults to 64k.
 * @property {boolean} [lock=true] Prevent other processes from opening the port. Windows does not currently support `false`.
 * @property {number} [stopBits=1] Must be one of these: 1 or 2.
 * @property {string} [parity=none] Must be one of these: 'none', 'even', 'mark', 'odd', 'space'.
 * @property {boolean} [rtscts=false] flow control setting
 * @property {boolean} [xon=false] flow control setting
 * @property {boolean} [xoff=false] flow control setting
 * @property {boolean} [xany=false] flow control setting
 * @property {object=} bindingOptions sets binding-specific options
 * @property {Binding=} Binding The hardware access binding. `Bindings` are how Node-Serialport talks to the underlying system. Will default to the static property `Serialport.Binding`.
 * @property {number} [bindingOptions.vmin=1] see [`man termios`]( LinuxBinding and DarwinBinding
 * @property {number} [bindingOptions.vtime=0] see [`man termios`]( LinuxBinding and DarwinBinding


var newPort = ("OS-appropriate comName here", { baudRate:9600, parity:"none"});
