
时间:2019-09-27 17:42:44

标签: r web-scraping hyperlink

尊敬的Stackoverflow用户, 我正在尝试从网站的不同页面中抓取两个节点(今天是Psychology,而这些页面是指心理健康专业人员MHP)。

首先,我创建一个抓取函数,然后创建一个包含此函数的循环。 最终,我能够创建一个数据框。但是,我想包含(作为第三个变量)指向我抓取的各个页面的完整链接。 如何在数据框中包含此信息?


j <- 1 #set the running variable = to 1 (the MHP id will increase by one)
MHP_codes <-  c(150130:150170) #therapist identifier range
df_list <- vector(mode = "list", length(MHP_codes)) #set up the vector 
                                                    #that collects individual
                                                    #MHP information
for(code1 in MHP_codes) {
  delayedAssign("do.next", {next})
  URL <- paste0('https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/illinois/', code1)
  #Reading the HTML code from the website
  URL <-  tryCatch(read_html(URL), 
           error = function(e) force(do.next)) 
                #tryCatch catches also those with missing URL
                #however, if an error occur in those pages
                #the loop stops; this is why we need delayedAssign
                #and force(do.next) in tryCatch
  df_list[[j]] <- getProfile(URL) #the function puts the scraped data
                                  #into a row  
  na.omit(df_list) #this function eliminates rows with only NAs, which happens if the URL does not exist
  j <- j + 1
final_df <- rbind.fill(df_list) #gather the vectors into one unique data set



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