
时间:2019-09-24 22:06:20

标签: vba ms-word userform xmlnode




enter image description here

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

On Error GoTo Err_UserForm_Initialize

Set objNode = ActiveDocument.CustomXMLParts.SelectByNamespace("http://schemas.rlicorp.net/ContentManagement.Claims").Item(1).DocumentElement

If objNode.SelectSingleNode("/ns0:Claim[1]/ns0:Contacts[1]") Is Nothing Then
    Exit Sub
End If

Dim ctlTo As Control
Dim ctlCc As Control
Dim ctlName As Control
Dim ctlTempName As Control
Dim ctlAddress1 As Control
Dim ctlAddress2 As Control
Dim ctlCity As Control
Dim ctlState As Control
Dim ctlZIP As Control
Dim ctlRole As Control
Dim cName As Variant
Dim tempname As String
Dim coll As Collection
Dim i As Long
Dim nAddresses As Integer

Set objNode = ActiveDocument.CustomXMLParts.SelectByNamespace("http://schemas.rlicorp.net/ContentManagement.Claims").Item(1).DocumentElement

nAddresses = 0

Set coll = nameCollection

For i = 1 To Int(objNode.SelectSingleNode("/ns0:Claim[1]/ns0:Contacts[1]").ChildNodes.Count)
    Set objNode1 = objNode.SelectSingleNode("/ns0:Claim[1]/ns0:Contacts[1]").ChildNodes(i)

    If (Not (objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Address1[1]") Is Nothing)) Or _
    (Not (objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Name[1]") Is Nothing)) Then
        nAddresses = nAddresses + 1

        For Each cName In nameCollection

            If Not (objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Name[1]") Is Nothing) Then
                tempname = objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Name[1]").Text
            End If

            If cName <> tempname Then Exit For
            Debug.Print cName

            Set ctlTo = fraSelectContact.Controls.Add("Forms.Checkbox.1", "chkTo" & nAddresses)
            ctlTo.Left = lblTo.Left
            ctlTo.Top = lblTo.Top + 20 + (nAddresses - 1) * 30

            Set ctlCc = fraSelectContact.Controls.Add("Forms.Checkbox.1", "chkCc" & nAddresses)
            ctlCc.Left = lblCc.Left
            ctlCc.Top = lblCc.Top + 20 + (nAddresses - 1) * 30

            Set ctlName = fraSelectContact.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "txtName" & nAddresses)
            ctlName.Left = lblName.Left
            ctlName.Top = lblName.Top + 20 + (nAddresses - 1) * 30
            ctlName.Width = 130
            ctlName.Text = cName

            Set ctlAddress1 = fraSelectContact.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "txtAddress1_" & nAddresses)
            ctlAddress1.Left = lblAddress1.Left
            ctlAddress1.Top = lblAddress1.Top + 20 + (nAddresses - 1) * 30
            ctlAddress1.Width = 170
            If Not (objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Employer[1]") Is Nothing) Then
                ctlAddress1.Text = objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Employer[1]").Text & ";"
            End If
            If Not (objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Address1[1]") Is Nothing) Then
                ctlAddress1.Text = ctlAddress1.Text & objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Address1[1]").Text
            End If

            Set ctlAddress2 = fraSelectContact.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "txtAddress2_" & nAddresses)
            ctlAddress2.Left = lblAddress2.Left
            ctlAddress2.Top = lblAddress2.Top + 20 + (nAddresses - 1) * 30
            ctlAddress2.Width = 160
            If Not (objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Address2[1]") Is Nothing) Then
                ctlAddress2.Text = objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Address2[1]").Text
            End If

            Set ctlCity = fraSelectContact.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "txtCity" & nAddresses)
            ctlCity.Left = lblCity.Left
            ctlCity.Top = lblCity.Top + 20 + (nAddresses - 1) * 30
            ctlCity.Width = 60
            If Not (objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:City[1]") Is Nothing) Then
                ctlCity.Text = objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:City[1]").Text
            End If

            Set ctlState = fraSelectContact.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "txtState" & nAddresses)
            ctlState.Left = lblState.Left
            ctlState.Top = lblState.Top + 20 + (nAddresses - 1) * 30
            ctlState.Width = 30
            If Not (objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:State[1]") Is Nothing) Then
                ctlState.Text = objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:State[1]").Text
            End If

            Set ctlZIP = fraSelectContact.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "txtZIP" & nAddresses)
            ctlZIP.Left = lblZIP.Left
            ctlZIP.Top = lblZIP.Top + 20 + (nAddresses - 1) * 30
            ctlZIP.Width = 50
            If Not (objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Zip[1]") Is Nothing) Then
                ctlZIP.Text = objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Zip[1]").Text
            End If

        Next cName
    End If
Next i

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Number & " _ " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "Contact claimcenterhelp@rlicorp.com"
Resume Exit_UserForm_Initialize

End Sub

unction nameCollection() As Collection

Dim coll As Collection
Set coll = New Collection

Set objNode = ActiveDocument.CustomXMLParts.SelectByNamespace("http://schemas.rlicorp.net/ContentManagement.Claims").Item(1).DocumentElement

For i = 1 To Int(objNode.SelectSingleNode("/ns0:Claim[1]/ns0:Contacts[1]").ChildNodes.Count)
    Set objNode1 = objNode.SelectSingleNode("/ns0:Claim[1]/ns0:Contacts[1]").ChildNodes(i)

    If Not (objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Name[1]") Is Nothing) Then
        coll.Add Item:=objNode1.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Name[1]").Text
    End If

Next i

QuickSort coll, 1, coll.Count

Set nameCollection = coll

End Function
Sub QuickSort(coll As Collection, first As Long, last As Long)

Dim vCentreVal As Variant, vTemp As Variant
Dim lTempLow As Long
Dim lTempHi As Long

lTempLow = first
lTempHi = last

vCentreVal = coll((first + last) \ 2)

Do While lTempLow <= lTempHi

Do While coll(lTempLow) < vCentreVal And lTempLow < last
    lTempLow = lTempLow + 1

Do While vCentreVal < coll(lTempHi) And lTempHi > first
    lTempHi = lTempHi - 1

If lTempLow <= lTempHi Then
    vTemp = coll(lTempLow)

    coll.Add coll(lTempHi), After:=lTempLow
    coll.Remove lTempLow

    coll.Add vTemp, Before:=lTempHi
    coll.Remove lTempHi + 1

    lTempLow = lTempLow + 1
    lTempHi = lTempHi - 1

End If


If first < lTempHi Then QuickSort coll, first, lTempHi
If lTempLow < last Then QuickSort coll, lTempLow, last

End Sub


enter image description here


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
- <Claim xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  <Description>General Liability</Description> 
+ <Contract>
- <Contacts>
- <ClaimContact>
  <Name>John Doe</Name> 
  <Address1>PO Box 712</Address1> 
- <ClaimContact>
  <Name>Alton Carpeting</Name> 
  <Address1>4567 Watchworks Ave</Address1> 
+ <ClaimContact>
+ <ClaimContact>
  <ClaimUser /> 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


const PLUGIN_DIR_NAME = "mytheme";
const GENERAL_CONFIG_INI = "../config/config.ini";
const THEME_CONFIG_INI = "./config/config.ini";

const path = require('path');
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const fs = Promise.promisifyAll( require('fs') );
const ini = require('ini');
// include the css extraction and minification plugins
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require("mini-css-extract-plugin");
const CopyPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');
const {CleanWebpackPlugin} = require('clean-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = env => {
    const global_config = ini.parse( fs.readFileSync( GENERAL_CONFIG_INI, 'utf-8' ) );
    const theme_config = ini.parse( fs.readFileSync( THEME_CONFIG_INI, 'utf-8' ) );

    var a_author_uri = global_config.author_uri.split(":");
    var author_protocol = a_author_uri[0];
    var author_uri_without_protocol = a_author_uri[1].replace( "//", "" );
    var a_author_uri_domain = author_uri_without_protocol.split(".");
    var author_uri_domain_name, author_uri_extension;
    if( a_author_uri_domain.length === 3 ){
        author_uri_domain_name = a_author_uri_domain[1];
        author_uri_extension = a_author_uri_domain[2];
    }else if( a_author_uri_domain.length === 2 ){
        author_uri_domain_name = a_author_uri_domain[0];
        author_uri_extension = a_author_uri_domain[1];
    var a_prev_theme_version = theme_config.theme_infos.version.split(".");
    var prev_major_theme_version = parseInt( a_prev_theme_version[0] );
    var prev_minor_theme_version = parseInt( a_prev_theme_version[1] );
    var prev_patch_theme_version = parseInt( a_prev_theme_version[2] );
    var prev_build_theme_version = parseInt( a_prev_theme_version[3] );
    var next_build_theme_version, next_patch_theme_version, next_minor_theme_version, next_major_theme_version;
    if( env.version === "build" ){
        next_build_theme_version = prev_build_theme_version + 1;
        next_patch_theme_version = prev_patch_theme_version;
        next_minor_theme_version = prev_minor_theme_version;
        next_major_theme_version = prev_major_theme_version;
    }else if( env.version === "patch" ){
        next_build_theme_version = 0;
        next_patch_theme_version = prev_patch_theme_version + 1;
        next_minor_theme_version = prev_minor_theme_version;
        next_major_theme_version = prev_major_theme_version;
    }else if( env.version === "minor" ){
        next_build_theme_version = 0;
        next_patch_theme_version = 0;
        next_minor_theme_version = prev_minor_theme_version + 1;
        next_major_theme_version = prev_major_theme_version;
    }else if( env.version === "major" ){
        next_build_theme_version = 0;
        next_patch_theme_version = 0;
        next_minor_theme_version = 0;
        next_major_theme_version = prev_major_theme_version + 1;
    theme_config.theme_infos.version = next_major_theme_version + "." + next_minor_theme_version + "." + next_patch_theme_version + "." + next_build_theme_version;
    fs.writeFileSync( THEME_CONFIG_INI, ini.stringify( theme_config, {} ) );

        plugins: [
            new CleanWebpackPlugin(),
            // extract css into dedicated file
            new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
                filename: './' + PLUGIN_DIR_NAME + '/style.css'
            //Only copy php files
            new CopyPlugin([
                    from: 'dev',
                    ignore: ['*.sass', 'next/css/common/**/*.css'],
        entry: [ './dev/' + PLUGIN_DIR_NAME + '/style.sass', './dev/' + PLUGIN_DIR_NAME + '/css/common/normalize.css', './dev/' + PLUGIN_DIR_NAME + '/css/common/main.sass' ],
        output: {
            path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist/'),
        module: {
            rules: [
                // compile all .scss files to plain old css
                    test: [/css\/common\/.*\.(css|sass)$/],
                    use: [{loader: MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader},
                        {loader: 'css-loader'},
                            loader: 'sass-loader',
                            options: {
                                prependData: '$theme-name: ' + theme_config.theme_infos.name +
                                    ';$author:' + global_config.author +
                                    ';$author-uri-protocol:' + author_protocol +
                                    ';$author-uri-domain:' + author_uri_domain_name +
                                    ';$author-uri-extension:' + author_uri_extension +
                                    ';$description:' + theme_config.theme_infos.description.replace(/:/g, "%3A").replace(/;/g, "%3B") + ';' +
                                    ';$version-major:' + next_major_theme_version + ';' +
                                    ';$version-minor:' + next_minor_theme_version + ';' +
                                    ';$version-patch:' + next_patch_theme_version + ';' +
                                    ';$version-build:' + next_build_theme_version + ';',