由于COPY --from = build

时间:2019-09-24 16:01:55

标签: c# azure-devops azure-pipelines

大家好,我很难在azure构建管道中获取COPY --from = build / src / dest。它可以在我的本地计算机上运行...请参见下面的代码


#Depending on the operating system of the host machines(s) that will build or run the containers, the image specified in the FROM statement may need to be changed.
#For more information, please see https://aka.ms/containercompat 

FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/framework/sdk:4.7.2-windowsservercore-ltsc2019 AS build

COPY . .
COPY SimpleWeb/*.csproj ./SimpleWeb/
COPY SimpleWeb/*.config ./SimpleWeb/
RUN nuget restore

COPY SimpleWeb/. ./SimpleWeb/
WORKDIR /src/SimpleWeb
RUN msbuild /p:Configuration=Release

FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/framework/aspnet:4.7.2-windowsservercore-ltsc2019 AS runtime
WORKDIR /inetpub/wwwroot
COPY --from=build /src/SimpleWeb/bin/Release/Publish/. .

Azure Pipeline.yml

# ASP.NET Core (.NET Framework)
# Build and test ASP.NET Core projects targeting the full .NET Framework.
# Add steps that publish symbols, save build artifacts, and more:
# https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/languages/dotnet-core

- master

  vmImage: 'windows-latest'

- task: Docker@2
  displayName: Build
    containerRegistry: 'container-registry-dockerhub'
    repository: 'myrepo'
    command: 'build'
    Dockerfile: '**/Dockerfile'
    tags: 'latest'
- task: Docker@2
  displayName: Push
    containerRegistry: 'container-registry-dockerhub'
    repository: 'myrepo'
    command: 'push'
    tags: 'latest'

Azure CI版本发生错误

Step 12/21 : COPY --from=build /src/SimpleWeb/bin/Release/Publish/. .
COPY failed: CreateFile \\?\Volume{a4952e14-500f-4d78-9efe-1a9e638e3459}\src\SimpleWeb\bin\Release\Publish: The system cannot find the path specified.
##[error]The process 'C:\Program Files\Docker\docker.exe' failed with exit code 1

------编辑------ 但这可行:

复制--from = build / src / SimpleWeb /。

我不确定为什么未在Azure管道上生成 bin / Release / Publish

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您可以尝试使用dotnet restore代替nuget restore

nuget restore会将所有NuGet依赖项下载到您的项目。 dotnet restore将下载所有NuGet依赖项以及参考和工具。