如何更改Celery Beat Service的默认路径?

时间:2019-09-24 05:54:59

标签: python celery

我安装了HANDLE hConnect = ::InternetOpen( TEXT("FCM"), INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0 ); if( hConnect == NULL ) return false; HANDLE hHttp = ::InternetConnect( hConnect, TEXT("fcm.googleapis.com"), INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, NULL ); if( hHttp == NULL ) { InternetCloseHandle( hConnect ); return false; } HANDLE hReq = HttpOpenRequest(hHttp, TEXT("POST"), TEXT("/fcm/send"), HTTP_VERSION, NULL, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD | INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE | INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES, 0 ); if( hReq == NULL ) { InternetCloseHandle( hConnect ); InternetCloseHandle( hHttp ); return false; } TCHAR szHeader[1024] = { 0, }, szTmp[1024] = { 0, }; _stprintf( szTmp, TEXT("Content-Type:application/json\r\n") ); _tcscat( szHeader, szTmp ); _stprintf( szTmp, TEXT("Authorization:key=%s\r\n"), TEXT("Server key") ); _tcscat( szHeader, szTmp ); _tcscat( szHeader, TEXT("\r\n\r\n") ); 作为Windows服务。我的代码将* .pid和Celery日志文件移动到另一个目录,但是三个文件(./gradlew tasks --offline Celerycelerybeat-schedule.bak)无法移动。



如何更改Celery Beat Service的默认路径?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


command = '"{celery_path}" -A {proj_dir} beat -f "{log_path}" -l info --pidfile="{pid_path}" '.format(
            celery_path=os.path.join(PYTHONSCRIPTPATH, 'celery.exe'),
            # log_path_1=os.path.join(INSTDIR,'celery_2.log')),
            # bak_path=os.path.join(CELERYDIR,'celerybeat-schedule'),
            pid_path = os.path.join(CELERYDIR,'celerybeat_'+cur_date_time+'.pid'))

答案 1 :(得分:3)

如果执行了User::insert(['id'=>2,'name'=>'overflow']);,它将打印出非常有用的CLI帮助,您可以在其中找到问题的解决方案-celery -A your.project.app beat --help标志。

-s <path to the scheduler database file>

您要做的就是将日程表数据库文件的完整路径传递给Celery beat进程。示例:-s SCHEDULE, --schedule SCHEDULE Path to the schedule database. Defaults to celerybeat- schedule. The extension '.db' may be appended to the filename. Default is celerybeat-schedule.