我应该如何编辑文本文件中的特定行?以及如何避免覆盖问题。 (如何保留以前添加的记录,而不是用新记录替换?)
else if(choice == 4){
// count++;
string edit;
string newdate;
double newincome;
double newoutcome;
double EditTodayBalance = 0;
string emptySpace = " ";
// string sentence;
cout << " There are " << count << " record(s) in the file " << endl;
cout << " Please enter the date to edit " << endl;
cin >> edit;
size_t pos;
ifstream Record("BankRecord.txt");
if (Record.is_open()) {
while (getline(Record, line)) {
pos = line.find(edit);
if (pos != string::npos) // string::npos is returned if
string is not found
cout << line << endl;
cout << " Enter what you want to replace " << endl;
cout << " Please enter the new date you want to put " << endl;
cin >> newdate;
cout << " Please enter the new income you want to put " << endl;
cin >> newincome;
cout << " Please enter the new outcome you want to put " << endl;
cin >> newoutcome;
cout << " Your new Record is " << endl;
cout << count << emptySpace << newdate << emptySpace << newincome << emptySpace << newoutcome << endl;
EditTodayBalance = newincome - newoutcome;
cout << " Today's balance is " << EditTodayBalance << endl;
cout << " Please reenter your choice " << endl;
cin >> choice;
我希望如果旧行是“ 1 2/2/2019 32 21”,我输入新行是“ 1 2/3/2019 22 11”。然后,当我打开文件时,记录将是新记录。
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