
时间:2019-09-21 11:30:42

标签: python python-3.x

美好的一天。我是编码的初学者,基本上我使用python编写了一个简单的迷宫游戏。 它是3x3,所以我做了9个字典变量,详细说明了每个图块(北,南,东,西)的可能运动。 我的代码由嵌套的if-elif以及主while循环组成。

if level == 1: #level of difficulty.
    i = 0
    maplist1 = {'directions1':'south'}
    maplist2 = {'directions1':'south','directions2':'east'}
    maplist3 = {'directions1':'west'}
    maplist4 = {'directions1':'north','directions2':'east','directions3':'south'}
    current_position = 1 #local variable within the first if statement


    while i == 0: #to continuously loop the program
        if current_position == 1:
            directions = maplist1['directions1']
            direction = input(f"What direction do you want to go: {directions} ").title() #choose the possible directions to go to.
            if direction == "S" or direction == "South":
                current_position = 4
                print(f"You are in cell {current_position}.")
                print("Cannot go in that direction.")
        if current_position == 2:
            directions = maplist2['directions1']
            directions2 = maplist2['directions2']
            direction = input(f"What direction do you want to go: {directions} {directions2} ").title()
            if direction == "S" or direction == "South":
                current_position = 5
                print(f"You are in cell {current_position}.")
            elif direction == "E" or direction == "East":
                current_position = 3
                print(f"You are in cell {current_position}.")
                print("Cannot go in that direction.")
        if current_position == 3:
            directions = maplist3['directions1']
            direction = input(f"What direction do you want to go: {directions} ").title()
            if direction == "W" or direction == "West":
                current_position = 2
                print(f"You are in cell {current_position}.")
                print("Cannot go in that direction.")
        if current_position == 4:
            directions = maplist4['directions1']
            directions2 = maplist4['directions2']
            directions3 = maplist4['directions3']
            direction = input(f"What direction do you want to go: {directions} {directions2} {directions3} ").title()
            if direction == "N" or direction == "North":
                current_position = 1
                print(f"You are in cell {current_position}.")
            elif direction == "S" or direction == "South":
                current_position = 7
                print(f"You are in cell {current_position}.")
            elif direction == "E" or direction == "East":
                current_position = 5
                print(f"You are in cell {current_position}.")
                print("Cannot go in that direction.")
        if current_position == 9:
            print("Congratulations, you finished the game.")
            i += 1 #to stop the loop


  • 每次移动都必须记住当前位置
  • 我知道如何使用def,但不确定如何在迷宫游戏中实现它。



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



class Cell:
    def __init__(self, walls):
        self.walls = walls

    def __str__(self):
        """Allows us to call print() on a Cell!"""
        return '\n'.join(self.draw())

    def _draw_wall(self, wall, s):
        return s if wall in self.walls else ' ' * len(s)

    def draw(self, inner='   '):
        """Draw top, mid, and bottom parts of the cell."""
        n = self._draw_wall('N', '___')
        w = self._draw_wall('W', '|')
        e = self._draw_wall('E', '|')
        s = self._draw_wall('S', '___')
        top = ' ' + n + ' '
        mid = w + inner + e
        bot = w + s + e
        return top, mid, bot

    def can_move(self, direction):
        return direction not in self.walls


>>> Cell('NWSE')
|   |

>>> Cell('NWS')


maze = Maze(width=3, height=3, rows=[
    [Cell('NWE'),  Cell('NW'),   Cell('NE')],
    [Cell('WE'),   Cell('WE'),   Cell('WE')],
    [Cell('WS'),   Cell('SE'),   Cell('WSE')]


>>> maze
 ___  ___  ___
| x ||        |
|   ||        |

|   ||   ||   |
|   ||   ||   |

|        ||   |
|___  ___||___|


class Maze:
    def __init__(self, width, height, rows):
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.rows = rows
        self.position = (0, 0)

    def __str__(self):
        return '\n'.join(self.draw_row(i) for i, _ in enumerate(self.rows))

    def _inner(self, i, j):
        return ' x ' if (i, j) == self.position else '   '

    def draw_row(self, i):
        triples = [
            cell.draw(self._inner(i, j)) for j, cell in enumerate(self.rows[i])
        return '\n'.join([
            ''.join(t for t, _, _ in triples),
            ''.join(m for _, m, _ in triples),
            ''.join(b for _, _, b in triples)])

    def cell_at_position(self, i, j):
        return self.rows[i][j]

    def move_direction(self, direction):
        curr_cell = self.cell_at_position(*self.position)
        if not curr_cell.can_move(direction):
            print("Can't go in that direction!")
        deltas = {'N': (-1, 0), 'W': (0, -1), 'S': (1, 0), 'E': (0, 1)}
        y, x = self.position
        dy, dx = deltas[direction]
        self.position = y + dy, x + dx


while True:
    direction = input('What direction? ')



答案 1 :(得分:0)

您不必像一维那样思考迷宫,即current_position(1,2,3 ..,9),而应像二维矩阵空间((0,0),(0,1))那样思考和编码它。

并且我们不必将基本迷宫硬编码为3,而是应该考虑nxn迷宫,因为现在您已经实现了3 x 3的逻辑,现在应该可以将其扩展为nx n。


def possible_path(current_x, current_y, matrix_size=3):
    # this returns like directions possible like current_x + 1 < matrix_size
    # then the east direction is possible.


 def position_handler(row, col, direction):
     # can write the logic for mapping the direction to the movement in X and Y,
     # if direction == 'NORTH' 
     # or can get the config from a map like,
     # move = movement.get(direction)
     # say NORTH config is =>movement= {'NORTH': {'x': 0, 'y':1}}
     # and now move accordingly i.e 
     # row += move.get('x')
     # col += move.get('y')

答案 2 :(得分:0)



0,0   1,0    2,0
0,1   1,1    2,1
0,2   1,2    2,2


field = [ ["one","two","three"],["four","five","six"],["seven","eight","nine"] ]
pos = (0,0)
p = field[pos[0]][pos[1]] #  would be "one"

# rules for movement based on actual position:
move_right = pos[0] < (3-1)
move_left = pos[0] > 0
move_up = pos[1] > 0
move_down = pos[1] < (3-1)


# p is a coordinate (0,0) etc tuple of x and y

# as functions
def can_move_right(p, dim=3):
    return p[0] < dim-1

def can_move_left(p,dim=3):
    return p[0] > 0

def can_move_up(p, dim=3):
    return p[1] > 0

def can_move_down(p,dim=3):
    return p[1] < dim-1

def move_up(p):
    if can_move_up(p):
        return (p[0],p[1]-1)
    # implicitly returns None if not possible

def move_down(p):
    if can_move_down(p):
        return (p[0],p[1]+1)

# etc

new_pos = move_up( (1,1) )  # => (1,0)
new_pos = move_down( (1,1) )  # => (1,2)

new_pos = move_up( (0,0) )  # None - need to handle it
if not new_pos:
    print("Wrong move")

要调整n x n,您只需要指定其他dim-规则是相同的。