
时间:2019-09-15 22:30:01

标签: cuda

将cudaMalloc的数据归零的好方法是什么?假设从CPU使用cudaMemsetcudaMemsetAsync会导致与其他cuda API调用的同步问题,从而迫使您执行其他操作。



Shows Thread 1291997440 issuing a DtoH async transfer

Shows Thread 1308604160 waiting for that transfer to complete before actually executing the cudaMemsetAsync



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

在这里,我展示了使用三种不同方法将约5.5GB数据归零的结果。该代码使用-O3进行了编译,并在具有16 GB内存的V100上运行。





调用memset可能会调用CPU和GPU两者中最糟糕的一个。 memset的感觉是,一旦退出,数据将完全符合您的指示。当然,在存在其他内核,竞争条件等情况下,情况并非如此。但是,这是我猜测为什么它这么慢的原因。








Starting timer for calling cudaMemset from CPU
Stopping timer for calling cudaMemset from CPU took 0.006015s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,1> that uses memset
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,1> that uses memset took 0.393921s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,2> that uses memset
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,2> that uses memset took 0.300473s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,4> that uses memset
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,4> that uses memset took 0.269686s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,8> that uses memset
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,8> that uses memset took 0.241374s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,16> that uses memset
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,16> that uses memset took 0.645509s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,32> that uses memset
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,32> that uses memset took 0.611437s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,64> that uses memset
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,64> that uses memset took 0.611276s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,128> that uses memset
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,128> that uses memset took 0.459663s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,256> that uses memset
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,256> that uses memset took 0.308788s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,512> that uses memset
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,512> that uses memset took 0.595893s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,1024> that uses memset
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,1024> that uses memset took 2.552866s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,1> that performs coalesced writes
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,1> that performs coalesced writes took 0.136967s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,2> that performs coalesced writes
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,2> that performs coalesced writes took 0.068426s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,4> that performs coalesced writes
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,4> that performs coalesced writes took 0.039974s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,8> that performs coalesced writes
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,8> that performs coalesced writes took 0.017121s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,16> that performs coalesced writes
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,16> that performs coalesced writes took 0.008586s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,32> that performs coalesced writes
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,32> that performs coalesced writes took 0.006139s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,64> that performs coalesced writes
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,64> that performs coalesced writes took 0.006075s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,128> that performs coalesced writes
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,128> that performs coalesced writes took 0.006093s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,256> that performs coalesced writes
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,256> that performs coalesced writes took 0.006479s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,512> that performs coalesced writes
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,512> that performs coalesced writes took 0.006972s
Starting timer for calling kernel<80,1024> that performs coalesced writes
Stopping timer for calling kernel<80,1024> that performs coalesced writes took 0.007354s



#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "timer.h"

static void CheckCudaErrorAux (const char *, unsigned, const char *, cudaError_t);
#define CUDA_CHECK_RETURN(value) CheckCudaErrorAux(__FILE__,__LINE__, #value, value)

#define round_up(x, multiple) (((x + multiple - 1) / multiple) * multiple)

const long COUNT = 80 << 24;
const long SIZE_OF_DATA = sizeof(int) * COUNT;

__global__ void clear_scratch_space_kernel(int * data, int blocks, int threads) {

    // BOZO: change the code to just error out if we're any of the border cases below
    const int idx = blockIdx.x * threads + threadIdx.x;
    long size = sizeof(int) * COUNT;
    long size_of_typical_chunk = round_up(size / (blocks * threads), GPU_CACHE_LINE_SIZE_IN_BYTES);
    // Due to truncation, the threads at the end won't have anything to do.  This is a little sloppy but costs us
    // hardly anything in performance, so we do the simpler thing.

    long this_threads_offset = idx * size_of_typical_chunk;
    if (this_threads_offset > SIZE_OF_DATA) {

    long size_of_this_threads_chunk;
    if (this_threads_offset + size_of_typical_chunk >= SIZE_OF_DATA) {
        // We are the last thread, so we do a partial write
        size_of_this_threads_chunk = SIZE_OF_DATA - this_threads_offset;
    } else {
        size_of_this_threads_chunk = size_of_typical_chunk;
    void * starting_address = reinterpret_cast<void *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(data) + this_threads_offset);
    memset((void *) starting_address, 0, size_of_this_threads_chunk);

__global__ void clear_scratch_space_with_coalesced_writes_kernel(int * data, int blocks, int threads) {
    if (COUNT % (blocks * threads) != 0) {
        printf("Adjust the SIZE_OF_DATA so it's divisible by the number of (blocks * threads)\n");

    const long count_of_ints_in_each_blocks_chunk = COUNT / blocks;

    int block = blockIdx.x;
    int thread = threadIdx.x;

    const long rounds_needed = count_of_ints_in_each_blocks_chunk / threads;

    const long this_blocks_starting_offset = block * count_of_ints_in_each_blocks_chunk;

    //printf("Clearing %li ints starting at offset %li\n", count_of_ints_in_each_blocks_chunk, this_blocks_starting_offset);

    int * this_threads_base_pointer = &data[this_blocks_starting_offset + thread];
    for (int round = 0; round < rounds_needed; ++round) {
        *this_threads_base_pointer = 0;
        this_threads_base_pointer += threads;

void set_gpu_data_to_ones(int * data_on_gpu) {
    cudaMemset(data_on_gpu, 1, SIZE_OF_DATA);

void check_gpu_data_is_zeroes(int * data_on_gpu, char * data_on_cpu) {
    cudaMemcpy(data_on_cpu, data_on_gpu, SIZE_OF_DATA, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    for (long i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_DATA; ++i) {
        if (data_on_cpu[i] != 0) {
            printf("Failed to zero-out byte offset %i in the data\n", i);

int main(void)
    const long count = COUNT;
    int * data_on_gpu;
    char * data_on_cpu = (char *) malloc(SIZE_OF_DATA);
    if (data_on_cpu == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to allocate data on cpu");

    CUDA_CHECK_RETURN(cudaMalloc(&data_on_gpu, sizeof(int) * count));

        Timer memset_timer("calling cudaMemset from CPU");
        CUDA_CHECK_RETURN(cudaMemset(data_on_gpu, 0, SIZE_OF_DATA));

    for (int threads = 1; threads <= 1024; threads *= 2) {


        char buffer[200];
        sprintf(buffer, "calling kernel<80,%i> that uses memset", threads);
        Timer memset_timer(buffer);
        clear_scratch_space_kernel<<<80, threads>>>(data_on_gpu, 80, threads);

        check_gpu_data_is_zeroes(data_on_gpu, data_on_cpu);

    for (int threads = 1; threads <= 1024; threads *= 2) {


        char buffer[200];
        sprintf(buffer, "calling kernel<80,%i> that performs coalesced writes", threads);
        Timer memset_timer(buffer);
        clear_scratch_space_with_coalesced_writes_kernel<<<80, threads>>>(data_on_gpu, 80, threads);

        check_gpu_data_is_zeroes(data_on_gpu, data_on_cpu);


 * Check the return value of the CUDA runtime API call and exit
 * the application if the call has failed.
static void CheckCudaErrorAux (const char *file, unsigned line, const char *statement, cudaError_t err)
    if (err == cudaSuccess)
    std::cerr << statement<<" returned " << cudaGetErrorString(err) << "("<<err<< ") at "<<file<<":"<<line << std::endl;
    exit (1);


#include <string>
#include <chrono>

class Timer {
    Timer(std::string name_, bool allow_output = true);
    virtual ~Timer();

    void start();
    void start_or_restart();
    void stop(bool force_no_output = false);
    void report(const int count = 0, bool preface_with_spaces = true);
    void stop_and_report(const int count = 0);
    double duration_in_seconds();
    long duration_in_microseconds();

    std::string name;
    // even though we call report, we still might suppress output since the output is often a type of debugging info
    bool allow_output;
    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> start_time;
    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> end_time;
    bool started_before = false;
    bool currently_rolling = false; // if timer (i.e., the clock) is currently rolling
    double duration = -1.0;


#include <stdexcept>

#include "timer.h"

Timer::Timer(std::string name_, bool allow_output_) {
    name = name_;
    allow_output = allow_output_;

Timer::~Timer() {

void Timer::start() {
#ifdef DEBUG
    if(started_before) {
        printf("Attempting to start same timer twice.  Exiting.\n");
        throw std::runtime_error("Attempting to start timer that was previously started");

    if (allow_output) {
        printf("Starting timer for %s\n", name.c_str());
    start_time = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    currently_rolling = true;
    started_before = true;
    duration = 0.0;

void Timer::start_or_restart() {
    if (currently_rolling) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Can't start or restart a timer that's already rolling.");
    if (!started_before && allow_output) {
        printf("Starting timer for %s\n", name.c_str());
    started_before = true;
    start_time = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    currently_rolling = true;
    if (duration < 0.0) {
        duration = 0.0;

void Timer::stop(bool force_no_output) {
    if (!force_no_output) { // Slight style violation: I prefer nested if's over && statements with two && operators
        if (allow_output && duration <= 0.0) {
            printf("Stopping timer for %s\n", name.c_str());
    end_time = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed_seconds = end_time - start_time;
    currently_rolling = false;
    duration += elapsed_seconds.count();

void Timer::stop_and_report(const int count) {
    report(count, false);

double Timer::duration_in_seconds() {
    return duration;

long Timer::duration_in_microseconds() {
    return static_cast<long>(duration * 1000000);

void Timer::report(const int count, bool preface_with_spaces) {
    std::string preface;
    if (preface_with_spaces) {
        preface = "         ";
    } else {
        preface = "Stopping ";
    if (allow_output) {
        if (!started_before) {
            printf("%stimer for %s was never started\n", preface.c_str(), name.c_str());
        } else if (count > 0) {
            double average = (duration / static_cast<double>(count)) * 1000.0;
            printf("%stimer for %s took %fs, %.3lfus each\n", preface.c_str(), name.c_str(), duration, average * 1000.0);
        } else {
            printf("%stimer for %s took %fs\n", preface.c_str(), name.c_str(), duration);