当Microsoft Azure文本语音转换处理输入时,Unity冻结2秒

时间:2019-09-11 22:13:58

标签: c# azure unity3d text-to-speech microsoft-cognitive

我正在将Microsoft Azure文本语音转换与Unity配合使用。它的工作原理是:按下按钮以通过文本输入产生语音,整个应用程序冻结约2秒钟,然后输出声音,然后游戏恢复正常。我认为这种冻结是由于Azure正在处理TTS?下面是代码。

public void ButtonClick()
        // Creates an instance of a speech config with specified subscription key and service region.
        // Replace with your own subscription key and service region (e.g., "westus").
        var config = SpeechConfig.FromSubscription("[redacted]", "westus");

        // Creates a speech synthesizer.
        // Make sure to dispose the synthesizer after use!
        using (var synthsizer = new SpeechSynthesizer(config, null))
            lock (threadLocker)
                waitingForSpeak = true;

            // Starts speech synthesis, and returns after a single utterance is synthesized.
            var result = synthsizer.SpeakTextAsync(inputField.text).Result;

            // Checks result.
            string newMessage = string.Empty;
            if (result.Reason == ResultReason.SynthesizingAudioCompleted)
                // Since native playback is not yet supported on Unity yet (currently only supported on Windows/Linux Desktop),
                // use the Unity API to play audio here as a short term solution.
                // Native playback support will be added in the future release.
                var sampleCount = result.AudioData.Length / 2;
                var audioData = new float[sampleCount];
                for (var i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i)
                    audioData[i] = (short)(result.AudioData[i * 2 + 1] << 8 | result.AudioData[i * 2]) / 32768.0F;

                // The default output audio format is 16K 16bit mono
                var audioClip = AudioClip.Create("SynthesizedAudio", sampleCount, 1, 16000, false);
                audioClip.SetData(audioData, 0);
                audioSource.clip = audioClip;

                newMessage = "Speech synthesis succeeded!";
            else if (result.Reason == ResultReason.Canceled)
                var cancellation = SpeechSynthesisCancellationDetails.FromResult(result);
                newMessage = $"CANCELED:\nReason=[{cancellation.Reason}]\nErrorDetails=[{cancellation.ErrorDetails}]\nDid you update the subscription info?";

            lock (threadLocker)
                message = newMessage;
                waitingForSpeak = false;

    void Start()
        if (inputField == null)
            message = "inputField property is null! Assign a UI InputField element to it.";
        else if (speakButton == null)
            message = "speakButton property is null! Assign a UI Button to it.";
            // Continue with normal initialization, Text, InputField and Button objects are present.
            inputField.text = "Enter text you wish spoken here.";
            message = "Click button to synthesize speech";


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

当您执行synthesizer.SpeakTextAsync(inputField.text).Result;时,它会阻塞直到任务完成。相反,请尝试调用Task<SpeechSynthesisResult> task = synthesizer.SpeakTextAsync(inputField.text);,然后建立一个协程,直到task.IsCompleted()为真,然后执行代码中的其余过程

以下是部分(未试用)的解决方案,可以帮助您入门。我将变量从 synthsizer 更改为 synthesizer ,并删除了所有锁定,因为协程在主线程上按顺序发生,因此无需锁定:

public void ButtonClick()
    if (waitingForSpeak) return;

    waitingForSpeak = true;

    // Creates an instance of a speech config with specified subscription
    // key and service region.
    // Replace with your own subscription key and service region (e.g., "westus").
    SpeechConfig config = SpeechConfig.FromSubscription("[redacted]", "westus");

    // Creates a speech synthesizer.
    // Make sure to dispose the synthesizer after use!       
    SpeechSynthesizer synthesizer = new SpeechSynthesizer(config, null));

    // Starts speech synthesis, and returns after a single utterance is synthesized.
    Task<SpeechSynthesisResult> task = synthesizer.SpeakTextAsync(inputField.text);

    StartCoroutine(CheckSynthesizer(task, config, synthesizer));

private IEnumerator CheckSynthesizer(Task<SpeechSynthesisResult> task, 
        SpeechConfig config, 
        SpeechSynthesizer synthesizer)
    yield return new WaitUntil(() => task.IsCompleted());

    var result = task.Result;

    // Checks result.
    string newMessage = string.Empty;
    if (result.Reason == ResultReason.SynthesizingAudioCompleted)
        // Since native playback is not yet supported on Unity yet (currently
        // only supported on Windows/Linux Desktop),
        // use the Unity API to play audio here as a short term solution.
        // Native playback support will be added in the future release.
        var sampleCount = result.AudioData.Length / 2;
        var audioData = new float[sampleCount];
        for (var i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i)
            audioData[i] = (short)(result.AudioData[i * 2 + 1] << 8 
                    | result.AudioData[i * 2]) / 32768.0F;

        // The default output audio format is 16K 16bit mono
        var audioClip = AudioClip.Create("SynthesizedAudio", sampleCount, 
                1, 16000, false);
        audioClip.SetData(audioData, 0);
        audioSource.clip = audioClip;

        newMessage = "Speech synthesis succeeded!";
    else if (result.Reason == ResultReason.Canceled)
        var cancellation = SpeechSynthesisCancellationDetails.FromResult(result);
        newMessage = $"CANCELED:\nReason=[{cancellation.Reason}]\n"+
                     "Did you update the subscription info?";

    message = newMessage;
    waitingForSpeak = false;

void Start()
    if (inputField == null)
        message = "inputField property is null! Assign a UI InputField element to it.";
    else if (speakButton == null)
        message = "speakButton property is null! Assign a UI Button to it.";
        // Continue with normal initialization, Text, InputField and Button 
        // objects are present.
        inputField.text = "Enter text you wish spoken here.";
        message = "Click button to synthesize speech";


private IEnumerator CheckSynthesizer(Task<SpeechSynthesisResult> task, 
        SpeechConfig config, 
        SpeechSynthesizer synthesizer)
    yield return new WaitUntil(() => task.IsCompleted());

    var result = task.Result;

    // Checks result.
    string newMessage = string.Empty;
    if (result.Reason == ResultReason.SynthesizingAudioCompleted)
        // Since native playback is not yet supported on Unity yet (currently
        // only supported on Windows/Linux Desktop),
        // use the Unity API to play audio here as a short term solution.
        // Native playback support will be added in the future release.

        Task copyTask = Task.Factory.StartNew( () => 
            var sampleCount = result.AudioData.Length / 2;
            var audioData = new float[sampleCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i)
                audioData[i] = (short)(result.AudioData[i * 2 + 1] << 8 
                        | result.AudioData[i * 2]) / 32768.0F;

            // The default output audio format is 16K 16bit mono
            var audioClip = AudioClip.Create("SynthesizedAudio", sampleCount, 
                    1, 16000, false);
            audioClip.SetData(audioData, 0);
            audioSource.clip = audioClip;

        yield return new WaitUntil(() => copyTask.IsCompleted());

        newMessage = "Speech synthesis succeeded!";
    else if (result.Reason == ResultReason.Canceled)
        var cancellation = SpeechSynthesisCancellationDetails.FromResult(result);
        newMessage = $"CANCELED:\nReason=[{cancellation.Reason}]\n"+
                     "Did you update the subscription info?";

    message = newMessage;
    waitingForSpeak = false;