
时间:2019-09-10 19:55:13

标签: vb.net linq



año    mes  Oficina Cliente  Moneda total
2017    3   O1        Cliente1  USD    3250
2017    5   O1        Cliente1  USD    55000
2018    3   O1        Cliente1  USD    7900
2018    4   O1        Cliente1  USD    7900
2018    7   O1        Cliente1  USD    7900
2017    3   O2        Cliente2  EUR    145,7
2017    7   O2        Cliente2  EUR    6000
2017    2   O2        Cliente3  USD    23250
2017    3   O2        Cliente3  USD    2331,64
2017    4   O2        Cliente3  USD    1504,32
2017    5   O2        Cliente3  USD    1504,32


oficina  cliente  enero   febrero marzo   abril  ....   diciembre total
======== ======== ======= ======= ======= ===== ======= ========= =====


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


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Class row
    Public year As Integer
    Public month As Integer
    Public office As String
    Public client As String
    Public currency As String
    Public total As Double

    Public Sub New(ByVal y As Integer, ByVal m As Integer, ByVal o As String, ByVal cl As String, ByVal cu As String, ByVal t As Double)
        year = y
        month = m
        office = o
        client = cl
        currency = cu
        total = t
    End Sub
End Class


Dim rows = New List(Of row) From {
    New row(2017, 3, "O1", "Cliente1", "USD", 3250),
    New row(2017, 5, "O1", "Cliente1", "USD", 55000),
    New row(2018, 3, "O1", "Cliente1", "USD", 7900),
    New row(2018, 4, "O1", "Cliente1", "USD", 7900),
    New row(2018, 7, "O1", "Cliente1", "USD", 7900),
    New row(2017, 3, "O2", "Cliente2", "EUR", 145.7),
    New row(2017, 7, "O2", "Cliente2", "EUR", 6000),
    New row(2017, 2, "O2", "Cliente3", "USD", 23250),
    New row(2017, 3, "O2", "Cliente3", "USD", 2331.64),
    New row(2017, 4, "O2", "Cliente3", "USD", 1504.32)



Class pivotedRow
    Public year As Integer
    Public office As String
    Public client As String
    Public currency As String
    Public Jan As Double?
    Public Feb As Double?
    Public Mar As Double?
    Public Apr As Double?
    Public May As Double?
    Public Jun As Double?
    Public Jul As Double?
    Public Aug As Double?
    Public Sep As Double?
    Public Oct As Double?
    Public Nov As Double?
    Public Dec As Double?
End Class


Dim result = rows.GroupBy(Function(r) New With {r.year, r.office, r.client, r.currency
}).[Select](Function(g) New pivotedRow With {
    .office = g.Key.office,
    .client = g.Key.client,
    .currency = g.Key.currency,
    .year = g.Key.year,
    .Jan = g.SingleOrDefault(Function(r) r.month = 1)?.total,
    .Feb = g.SingleOrDefault(Function(r) r.month = 2)?.total,
    .Mar = g.SingleOrDefault(Function(r) r.month = 3)?.total,
    .Apr = g.SingleOrDefault(Function(r) r.month = 4)?.total,
    .May = g.SingleOrDefault(Function(r) r.month = 5)?.total,
    .Jun = g.SingleOrDefault(Function(r) r.month = 6)?.total,
    .Jul = g.SingleOrDefault(Function(r) r.month = 7)?.total,
    .Aug = g.SingleOrDefault(Function(r) r.month = 8)?.total,
    .Sep = g.SingleOrDefault(Function(r) r.month = 9)?.total,
    .Oct = g.SingleOrDefault(Function(r) r.month = 10)?.total,
    .Nov = g.SingleOrDefault(Function(r) r.month = 11)?.total,
    .Dec = g.SingleOrDefault(Function(r) r.month = 12)?.total


Private Function getMonthTotal(ByVal group As IEnumerable(Of row), ByVal month As Integer) As Double?
    Return group.FirstOrDefault(Function(r) r.month = month)?.total
End Function


Dim result = rows.GroupBy(Function(r) New With {r.year, r.office, r.client, r.currency
}).[Select](Function(g) New pivotedRow With {
    .office = g.Key.office,
    .client = g.Key.client,
    .currency = g.Key.currency,
    .year = g.Key.year,
    .Jan = getMonthTotal(g, 1),
    .Feb = getMonthTotal(g, 2),
    .Mar = getMonthTotal(g, 3),
    .Apr = getMonthTotal(g, 4),
    .May = getMonthTotal(g, 5),
    .Jun = getMonthTotal(g, 6),
    .Jul = getMonthTotal(g, 7),
    .Aug = getMonthTotal(g, 8),
    .Sep = getMonthTotal(g, 9),
    .Oct = getMonthTotal(g, 10),
    .Nov = getMonthTotal(g, 11),
    .Dec = getMonthTotal(g, 12)


答案 1 :(得分:1)


    Dim amountPerGroup = From row In table.AsEnumerable
                   Group row By myGroup = New With {
                                                Key .ano = row.Field(Of Integer)("año"),
                                                Key .Oficina = row.Field(Of String)("Oficina"),
                                                Key .Cliente = row.Field(Of String)("Cliente"),
                                                Key .Moneda = row.Field(Of String)("Moneda")
                                           } Into Group
                   Select New With {
                                   myGroup.ano, myGroup.Oficina, myGroup.Cliente, myGroup.Moneda,
                                  .SumJan = Group.Sum(Function(x) Convert.ToDouble(IIf(x.Field(Of Integer)("mes") = 1, x.Field(Of Double)("total"), 0))),
                                  .SumFeb = Group.Sum(Function(x) Convert.ToDouble(IIf(x.Field(Of Integer)("mes") = 2, x.Field(Of Double)("total"), 0))),
                                  .SumMar = Group.Sum(Function(x) Convert.ToDouble(IIf(x.Field(Of Integer)("mes") = 3, x.Field(Of Double)("total"), 0))),
                                  .SumApr = Group.Sum(Function(x) Convert.ToDouble(IIf(x.Field(Of Integer)("mes") = 4, x.Field(Of Double)("total"), 0))),
                                  .SumMay = Group.Sum(Function(x) Convert.ToDouble(IIf(x.Field(Of Integer)("mes") = 5, x.Field(Of Double)("total"), 0))),
                                  .SumJun = Group.Sum(Function(x) Convert.ToDouble(IIf(x.Field(Of Integer)("mes") = 6, x.Field(Of Double)("total"), 0))),
                                  .SumJul = Group.Sum(Function(x) Convert.ToDouble(IIf(x.Field(Of Integer)("mes") = 7, x.Field(Of Double)("total"), 0))),
                                  .SumAug = Group.Sum(Function(x) Convert.ToDouble(IIf(x.Field(Of Integer)("mes") = 8, x.Field(Of Double)("total"), 0))),
                                  .SumSep = Group.Sum(Function(x) Convert.ToDouble(IIf(x.Field(Of Integer)("mes") = 9, x.Field(Of Double)("total"), 0))),
                                  .SumOct = Group.Sum(Function(x) Convert.ToDouble(IIf(x.Field(Of Integer)("mes") = 10, x.Field(Of Double)("total"), 0))),
                                  .SumNov = Group.Sum(Function(x) Convert.ToDouble(IIf(x.Field(Of Integer)("mes") = 11, x.Field(Of Double)("total"), 0))),
                                  .SumDec = Group.Sum(Function(x) Convert.ToDouble(IIf(x.Field(Of Integer)("mes") = 12, x.Field(Of Double)("total"), 0)))}