Sub stackoverflow()
'first criteria is string
hold = "Yes"
arrTarget = populate(hold)
wsHold.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(arrTarget), UBound(arrTarget, 2)) = arrTarget
'second criteria is date
dueDate = InputBox("Enter cut off date for check run" & vbCrLf & "date entered is inclusive" & vbCrLf & "(any format works?)")
arrTarget = populate(dueDate)
wsNext.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(arrTarget), UBound(arrTarget, 2)) = arrTarget
End Sub
Function populate(arg As Variant) As Variant
Dim wsSource As Worksheet
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim arrSource As Variant
Dim arrReturn As Variant
Set wsSource = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
With wsSource
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
arrSource = .Range("A2:L" & lastRow) 'store source range into source array
Select Case arg 'some puesdo code to follow
case string
For i = 1 To UBound(arrSource)
If arrSource(i, 9) = arg Then
k = k + 1
End If
ReDim arrReturn(1 To k, 1 To UBound(arrSource, 2))
k = 0
For i = 1 To UBound(arrSource)
If arrSource(i, 9) = arg Then
k = k + 1
For j = 1 To UBound(arrSource, 2)
arrReturn(k, j) = arrSource(i, j)
End If
'if it's date, we want to test if greater than date
Case Date
For i = 1 To UBound(arrSource)
If DateValue(arrSource(i, 9)) > DateValue(arg) Then
k = k + 1
End If
so on and so forth...
End With
populate = arrReturn
End Function
基本上,如何根据条件来操作If arrSource(i, 9) = arg Then
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Enum ComparisonType
vbEquality = 1
vbBigger = 2
vbSmaller = 4
End Enum
Function Compare(ByVal lhs As Variant, ByVal rhs As Variant, ComparisonType As ComparisonType) As Boolean
If ComparisonType = vbEquality Then
If lhs = rhs Then
Compare = True
End If
ElseIf ComparisonType = vbBigger Then
If lhs > rhs Then
Compare = True
End If
ElseIf ComparisonType = vbSmaller Then
If lhs < rhs Then
Compare = True
End If
End If
End Function
答案 1 :(得分:0)
dim n1 as long
n1= UBound(arrSource,1) 'dimension 1
dim n2 as long
n2 UBound(arrSource,2) 'dimension '2
For i = 1 to n1
For j = 1 to n2
var data=arrSource(i,j)
'now you could convert everyting to string or variant
VT= VarType(data)
Select Case VT
Case vbDouble
dim d as double
d=cdbl(data) 'or
dim v as variant
Case vbString '8
Case vbEmpty '0
Case vbNull '1
Case vbInteger '2
Case vbLong '3
Case vbSingle '4
Case vbDouble '5
Case vbCurrency '6
Case vbDate '7
Case vbObject '9
Case vbError '10
Case vbBoolean '11
Case vbVariant '12
Case vbDataObject '13
Case vbDecimal '14
Case vbByte '15
Case Else
End Select
now do your calculations with the single data element
'and convert it back if you want
Select Case VT'w know already what was data before
Case vbDouble
Case vbString '8
Case vbEmpty '0
Case vbNull '1
Case vbInteger '2
Case vbLong '3
Case vbSingle '4
Case vbDouble '5
Case vbCurrency '6
Case vbDate '7
Case vbObject '9
Case vbError '10
Case vbBoolean '11
Case vbVariant '12
Case vbDataObject '13
Case vbDecimal '14
Case vbByte '15
Case Else
End Select
function convertback(data,vt) as variant
select case(vt)
Case vbDouble
Case vbString '8
Case vbEmpty '0
Case vbNull '1
Case vbInteger '2
Case vbLong '3
Case vbSingle '4
Case vbDouble '5
Case vbCurrency '6
Case vbDate '7
Case vbObject '9
Case vbError '10
Case vbBoolean '11
Case vbVariant '12
Case vbDataObject '13
Case vbDecimal '14
Case vbByte '15
Case Else
End Select
convertback= data
end function