在system / core / include / private / android_filesystem_config.h中,AID_ISOLATED_START的作用是什么?以及“完全隔离的沙盒进程的uid开始”是哪种情况?
#define AID_APP 10000 /* first app user */
#define AID_ISOLATED_START 99000 /* start of uids for fully isolated sandboxed processes */
#define AID_ISOLATED_END 99999 /* end of uids for fully isolated sandboxed processes */
// Translate a user/group name to the corresponding user/group id.
// u0_a1234 -> 0 * AID_USER + AID_APP + 1234
// u2_i1000 -> 2 * AID_USER + AID_ISOLATED_START + 1000
// u1_system -> 1 * AID_USER + android_ids['system']
// returns 0 and sets errno to ENOENT in case of error
static unsigned app_id_from_name(const char* name) {