在AWS Elastic Beanstalk中提升Sails.js Docker映像时出错

时间:2019-09-10 12:14:37

标签: docker sails.js amazon-elastic-beanstalk

我正在Docker映像中的AWS Elastic Beanstalk(EB)中运行Sails.js应用程序。我的工作流程是在本地构建Docker映像,推送到ECR,然后部署我的AWS配置(例如:Dockerrun.aws.json和Nginx的其他配置)。我的应用程序是用于测试不同技术集成的POC,所以是的,我现在正在使用MemoryStore,但是我主要遵循Deployment Guide



debug: Please note: since `sails.config.session.cookie.secure` is set to `true`, the session cookie 
debug: will _only_ be sent over TLS connections (i.e. secure https:// requests).
debug: Requests made via http:// will not include a session cookie!
debug: For more help:
debug:  • https://sailsjs.com/config/session#?the-secure-flag
debug:  • https://sailsjs.com/config/session#?do-i-need-an-ssl-certificate
debug:  • https://sailsjs.com/config/sails-config-http#?properties
debug:  • https://sailsjs.com/support
Warning: connect.session() MemoryStore is not
designed for a production environment, as it will leak
memory, and will not scale past a single process.
[33mwarn[39m: The default `sails-disk` adapter is not designed for use as a production database.
[33mwarn[39m: Instead, please use another adapter like sails-postgresql or sails-mongo.
[33mwarn[39m: For more info, see: http://sailsjs.com/docs/concepts/deployment
[33mwarn[39m: To hide this warning message, enable `sails.config.orm.skipProductionWarnings`.
[33mwarn[39m:  [?] If you're unsure, see https://sailsjs.com/support
[31merror[39m: Failed to lift app:

... repeats the above ~30 times

debug: Please note: since `sails.config.session.cookie.secure` is set to `true`, the session cookie 
debug: will _only_ be sent over TLS connections (i.e. secure https:// requests).
debug: Requests made via http:// will not include a session cookie!
debug: For more help:
debug:  • https://sailsjs.com/config/session#?the-secure-flag
debug:  • https://sailsjs.com/config/session#?do-i-need-an-ssl-certificate
debug:  • https://sailsjs.com/config/sails-config-http#?properties
debug:  • https://sailsjs.com/support
Warning: connect.session() MemoryStore is not
designed for a production environment, as it will leak
memory, and will not scale past a single process.
[33mwarn[39m: The default `sails-disk` adapter is not designed for use as a production database.
[33mwarn[39m: Instead, please use another adapter like sails-postgresql or sails-mongo.
[33mwarn[39m: For more info, see: http://sailsjs.com/docs/concepts/deployment
[33mwarn[39m: To hide this warning message, enable `sails.config.orm.skipProductionWarnings`.
[33mwarn[39m:  [?] If you're unsure, see https://sailsjs.com/support
[32minfo[39m:                .-..-.
[32minfo[39m:    Sails              <|    .-..-.
[32minfo[39m:    v1.2.2              |\
[32minfo[39m:                       /|.\
[32minfo[39m:                      / || \
[32minfo[39m:                    ,'  |'  \
[32minfo[39m:                 .-'.-==|/_--'
[32minfo[39m:                 `--'-------' 
[32minfo[39m:    __---___--___---___--___---___--___
[32minfo[39m:  ____---___--___---___--___---___--___-__
[32minfo[39m: Server lifted in `/usr/src/app`
[32minfo[39m: To shut down Sails, press <CTRL> + C at any time.
[32minfo[39m: Read more at https://sailsjs.com/support.
[34mdebug[39m: -------------------------------------------------------
[34mdebug[39m: :: Thu Sep 05 2019 06:22:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[34mdebug[39m: Environment : production
[34mdebug[39m: Port        : 1337
[34mdebug[39m: -------------------------------------------------------

鉴于使用Docker,我不知道为什么我在EB的日志中得到[31merror[39m: Failed to lift app:而不是在本地。我应该拉的容器中是否有任何日志(我是Sails的新手,但我认为它可以将所有内容打印到控制台)?




2019-09-14T11:17:29.226Z warn:  [?] If you're unsure, see https://sailsjs.com/support
2019-09-14T11:19:29.084Z error: Failed to lift app:Sails is taking too long to load.

--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
 Troubleshooting tips:
  -• Were you still reading/responding to an interactive prompt?
     (Whoops, sorry!  Please lift again and try to respond a bit more quickly.)

  -• Do you have a lot of stuff in `assets/`?  Grunt might still be running.
    (Try increasing the hook timeout.  Currently it is 300000.
     e.g. `sails lift --hookTimeout=600000`)

  -• Is `grunt` a custom or 3rd party hook?
    (*If* `initialize()` is using a callback, make sure it's being called.)
--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --


增加了hookTimeout: 300000中的挂接超时时间




  1. tasks/register/prod.js复制到tasks/register/docker-prod.js(或任何您想要的文件),然后重命名任务以匹配文件名(例如:docker-prod
  2. 创建/编辑tasks/register/prod.js以包含
// don't build assets as part of running prod; 'docker-prod' instead
grunt.registerTask('prod', []);
  1. 将以下内容添加到您的Dockerfile
# Build the assets for Docker
RUN ./node_modules/.bin/grunt docker-prod

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