
时间:2011-04-26 02:07:56

标签: objective-c cocoa nsfilemanager



NSLog(@"Copying from: %@ to: %@", [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"template_1_path"], path);
if(![file_manager copyItemAtPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"template_1_path"]] toPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", path] error:&error]) {
      NSLog(@"%@" [error localizedDescription]);

日志示例 -

"Copying from: /Users/testuser/Sites/example_site to: /Users/testuser/Desktop"
"The operation couldn’t be completed. File exists"



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:21)

您似乎正在尝试将文件“/ Users / testuser / Sites / example_site”复制到文件“/ Users / testuser / Desktop / example_site”,假设您只需指定目标目录,它将使用源文件名。这不起作用。 Quoth the documentation


复制文件时,目标路径必须以文件名结尾 - 没有隐式采用源文件名。

答案 1 :(得分:16)


- (BOOL)copyFolderAtPath:(NSString *)sourceFolder toDestinationFolderAtPath:(NSString*)destinationFolder {
    //including root folder.
    //Just remove it if you just want to copy the contents of the source folder.
    destinationFolder = [destinationFolder stringByAppendingPathComponent:[sourceFolder lastPathComponent]];

    NSFileManager * fileManager = [ NSFileManager defaultManager];
    NSError * error = nil;
    //check if destinationFolder exists
    if ([ fileManager fileExistsAtPath:destinationFolder])
        //removing destination, so soucer may be copied
        if (![fileManager removeItemAtPath:destinationFolder error:&error])
            NSLog(@"Could not remove old files. Error:%@",error);
            [error release];
            return NO;
    error = nil;
    //copying destination
    if ( !( [ fileManager copyItemAtPath:sourceFolder toPath:destinationFolder error:&error ]) )
        NSLog(@"Could not copy report at path %@ to path %@. error %@",sourceFolder, destinationFolder, error);
        [error release];
        return NO;
    return YES;