sizeDict = {
"Name": 16,
"Mobile": 11,
"Pizza": 7,
"Drink": 7,
"Dessert": 7,
"Total": 7
header = ['name', 'mobile', 'pizza', 'drink', 'dessert', 'total']
def printRow(firstChar, endChar, space, specialChar, spaceArray, spaceDict):
output = firstChar
for i in range(0, len(spaceArray)):
if(i == len(spaceArray) - 1):
specialChar = endChar
output = output + space * spaceDict[spaceArray[i].title()] + specialChar
return output
print(printRow("┏", "┓", "━", "┳", header, sizeDict))
#Returns ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━┓
statHeader = ['Average Total', 'Earned', '% of Total']
statSizeDict = {
"Average Total": 15,
"Earned": 10,
"% of Total": 20
statSizeArray = [15,10,20]
<ipython-input-3-5c5f25401e4d> in statOrders(statData)
272 for i in range(0, len(statHeader)):
273 tempString += spaceVal(statHeader[i], statSizeDict[statHeader[i]])
--> 274 print(printRow("┏", "┓", "━", "┳", statHeader, statSizeDict))
275 print(tempString)
276 print(printRow("┣", "┫", "━", "╋", statHeader, statSizeDict))
<ipython-input-3-5c5f25401e4d> in printRow(firstChar, endChar, space, specialChar, spaceArray, spaceDict)
51 if(i == len(spaceArray) - 1):
52 specialChar = endChar
---> 53 output = output + space * spaceDict[spaceArray[i].title()] + specialChar
54 return output
55 # ========================================================================================================================== #
KeyError: '% Of Total'
import csv
import os
# ========================================================================================================================== #
data = []
testData = [8001, 499382, 'int', 'int', 'float']
header = ['name', 'mobile', 'pizza', 'drink', 'dessert', 'total']
statHeader = ['Average Total', 'Earned', '% of Total']
# ========================================================================================================================== #
orderDict = {
"Small cheese pizza": ['pizza', 5],
"Big cheese pizza": ['pizza', 10],
"Small drink": ['drink', 1],
"Large drink": ['drink', 1.5],
"Small dessert": ['dessert', 0.5],
"Large dessert": ['dessert', 1]
posDict = {
"Pizza Total": 2,
"Drink Total": 3,
"Dessert Total": 4
returnDict = {
1: 'Task completed succesfully.',
2: 'Task encountered an unexpected error.',
3: 'No file data was found.',
4: 'Value does not exist or is out of range.',
5: 'Value type is invalid or does not exist in current range.',
6: 'Value length was to large for function.'
sizeDict = {
"Name": 16,
"Mobile": 11,
"Pizza": 7,
"Drink": 7,
"Dessert": 7,
"Total": 7
statSizeDict = {
"Average Total": 15,
"Earned": 10,
"% of Total": 20
statSizeArray = [15,10,20]
def spaceVal(value, size):
return str(value)[:size] + " " * (size-len(str(value))) + '┃'
def printRow(firstChar, endChar, space, specialChar, spaceArray, spaceDict):
output = firstChar
for i in range(0, len(spaceArray)):
if(i == len(spaceArray) - 1):
specialChar = endChar
output = output + space * spaceDict[spaceArray[i].title()] + specialChar
return output
# ========================================================================================================================== #
def newOrderCash(appendData, name, mobile, pizza=0, drink=0, dessert=0):
Appends the formatted order to the data list and returns
the name of the customer and the total of their order.
appendData - a list which has the order
appended to the end of it.
name - a string value containing the customer's name.
mobile - a string or integer value which contains
the mobile number of the person making the order.
pizza - the total cost of the ordered pizza which
defaults to zero if no pizza was ordered.
drink - the total cost of the ordered pizza which
defaults to zero if no pizza was ordered.
dessert - the total cost of the ordered pizza which
defaults to zero if no pizza was ordered.
A list containing the name of the customer and the
total cost of their order.
None - If name or mobile is not provided.
if(name is None or name == "" or mobile is None or mobile == ""):
return None
if(len(name) > 21 or len(str(mobile)) > 10):
return 6
total = float(pizza) + float(drink) + float(dessert)
appendData.append([name, str(mobile), float(pizza), float(drink), float(dessert), total])
returnData = name, total
return list(returnData)
def newOrderItems(appendData, name, mobile, items):
Appends the formatted order to the data list and returns
the name of the customer and the total of their order.
appendData - a list which has the order
appended to the end of it.
name - a string value containing the customer's name.
mobile - a string or integer value which contains
the mobile number of the person making the order.
items - a list which contains the items the
customer has ordered.
A list containing the name of the customer and the
total cost of their order.
None - If name or mobile is not provided.
if(name is None or name == "" or mobile is None or mobile == ""):
return None
total = 0
drink = 0
dessert = 0
pizza = 0
for i in items:
total += float(orderDict[i][1])
if(orderDict[i][0] == 'pizza'):
pizza += float(orderDict[i][1])
elif(orderDict[i][0] == 'drink'):
drink += float(orderDict[i][1])
elif(orderDict[i][0] == 'dessert'):
dessert += float(orderDict[i][1])
tempArray = name, str(mobile), pizza, drink, dessert, total
returnData = name, total
return list(returnData)
def newBulkOrders(appendData, names, mobiles, items):
Appends the formatted order to the data list and returns
the names of the customer and the totals of their order.
appendData - a list which has the order
appended to the end of it.
name - a list containing the customers' names.
mobiles - a list containing the customers' mobiles.
items - a list of lists containing.
A list containing the names of the customers
and the totals of their orders.
None - If name or mobile is not provided.
Task Code 4 - If a type error occurs.
if(names is None or names == "" or mobiles is None or mobiles == ""):
return None
returnTotals = []
returnNames = []
errorArray = []
returnList = []
for l in range(0, len(names)):
total = 0
drink = 0
dessert = 0
pizza = 0
tempItems = items[l]
for i in tempItems:
total += float(orderDict[i][1])
if(orderDict[i][0] == 'pizza'):
pizza += float(orderDict[i][1])
elif(orderDict[i][0] == 'drink'):
drink += float(orderDict[i][1])
elif(orderDict[i][0] == 'dessert'):
dessert += float(orderDict[i][1])
tempArray = names[l], str(mobiles[l]), float(pizza), drink, dessert, total
for x in range(0, len(errorArray)):
returnList = returnNames, returnTotals
return list(returnList)
except IndexError:
return 4
# ========================================================================================================================== #
def saveOrder(saveData, filename):
Opens a file with name filename, and writes
saveData to it.
saveData - the list of orders which will be
written to the file.
filename - a string value which gives the name
of the file to be written to.
Task Code 1 - If the task is complete successfully.
writeFile = csv.writer(open(filename, 'w', newline=''))
for i in range(0, len(saveData)):
return 1
def getOrders(writeData, filename):
Opens a file with name filename, and writes
saveData to it.
saveData - the list of orders which will be
written to the file.
filename - a string value which gives the name
of the file to be written to.
Task Code 1 - If the task is complete successfully.
if os.path.isfile("pythoncsv.csv"):
getFile = csv.reader(open(filename, 'r+', newline=''))
for i in getFile:
# Getting rid of header row so that we don't get a bunch of TypeErrors.
for i in writeData:
i[2] = float(i[2])
i[3] = float(i[3])
i[4] = float(i[4])
i[5] = float(i[5])
# Creates file as above if statement tests whether it exists or not.
getFile = csv.reader(open(filename, 'w', newline=''))
return 1
# ========================================================================================================================== #
def printOrders(printData):
# Purpose of first for loop is to ensure that longer names do not cause printing errors.
space = 0
tempString = "┃"
for i in range(0, len(header)):
tempString += spaceVal(header[i].title(), sizeDict[header[i].title()])
print(printRow("┏", "┓", "━", "┳", header, sizeDict))
print(printRow("┣", "┫", "━", "╋", header, sizeDict))
tempString = ""
for i in range(0, len(printData)):
tempString = "┃"
for x in range(0, len(printData[i])):
tempString += spaceVal(printData[i][x], sizeDict[header[x].title()])
print(printRow("┗", "┛", "━", "┻", header, sizeDict))
return 1
# ========================================================================================================================== #
def statOrders(statData):
statArray = [[0, 'Pizzas'], [0, 'Drinks'], [0, 'Desserts'], [0, 'Overall']]
for i in range(0, len(statData)):
statArray[0][0] += statData[i][2]
statArray[1][0] += statData[i][3]
statArray[2][0] += statData[i][4]
statArray[3][0] += statData[i][5]
space = 0
tempString = "┃"
for i in range(0, len(statHeader)):
tempString += spaceVal(statHeader[i], statSizeDict[statHeader[i]])
print(printRow("┏", "┓", "━", "┳", statHeader, statSizeDict))
print(printRow("┣", "┫", "━", "╋", statHeader, statSizeDict))
tempString = ""
for i in range(0, len(statArray)):
tempString = "┃"
tempString = tempString + spaceVal(statArray[i][1], statSizeArray[0]) + spaceVal(str(statArray[i][0]), statSizeArray[1]) + spaceVal(str(int(100 * statArray[i][0] / statArray[3][0])) + '%', statSizeArray[2])
print(printRow("┗", "┛", "━", "┻", statHeader, statSizeDict))
return 1
#except (IndexError, TypeError):
# return 5
# ========================================================================================================================== #
def modifyOrder(modifyData, orderName, modifyValueType, newValue):
for i in range(0, len(modifyData)):
if(modifyData[i][0] == orderName):
modifyData[i][posDict[modifyValueType]] = float(newValue)
modifyData[i][5] = float(sum(modifyData[i][2:5]))
return modifyData[i][5]
return 4
except (TypeError, IndexError):
return 2
# ========================================================================================================================== #
# End of Asserts: Task Failed Succesfully
# ========================================================================================================================== #
def statOrders(statData):
statArray = [[0, 'Pizzas'], [0, 'Drinks'], [0, 'Desserts'], [0, 'Overall']]
for i in range(0, len(statData)):
statArray[0][0] += statData[i][2]
statArray[1][0] += statData[i][3]
statArray[2][0] += statData[i][4]
statArray[3][0] += statData[i][5]
space = 0
tempString = "┃"
for i in range(0, len(statHeader)):
tempString += spaceVal(statHeader[i], statSizeDict[statHeader[i]])
print(printRow("┏", "┓", "━", "┳", statHeader, statSizeDict))
print(printRow("┣", "┫", "━", "╋", statHeader, statSizeDict))
tempString = ""
for i in range(0, len(statArray)):
tempString = "┃"
tempString = tempString + spaceVal(statArray[i][1], statSizeArray[0]) + spaceVal(str(statArray[i][0]), statSizeArray[1]) + spaceVal(str(int(100 * statArray[i][0] / statArray[3][0])) + '%', statSizeArray[2])
print(printRow("┗", "┛", "━", "┻", statHeader, statSizeDict))
return 1
#except (IndexError, TypeError):
# return 5
# ========================================================================================================================== #
答案 0 :(得分:2)
"% of Total".title()
返回% Of Total