CocoaPods错误输出: ↳
[!] <PBXGroup UUID=97C146E51CF9000F007C117D> attempted to initialize an object with an unknown UUID. CF3B75C9A7D2FA2A4C99F110 for attribute: children. This can be the result of a merge and the unknown UUID is being discarded.
[!] Automatically assigning platform ios with version 8.0 on target Runner because no platform was specified. Please specify a platform for this target in your Podfile. See https://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podfile.html#platform.
运行pod安装时出错 在iPhoneXʀ上启动应用程序时出错。
app/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig:1: could not find included file 'Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig' in search paths (in target 'Runner')
:-1: Capabilities for Runner may not function correctly because its entitlements use a placeholder team ID. To resolve this, select a development team in the build settings editor. (in target 'Runner')
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