Sub DeleteItemConditionally()
Dim numList As Variant, elem As Variant
numList = Array("12", "47", "90", "15", "37")
Debug.Print UBound(numList) - LBound(numList) + 1
For Each elem In numList
If elem >= 40 Then
Delete elem
End If
Next elem
Debug.Print UBound(numList) - LBound(numList) + 1
End Sub
First print : 5 (already getting it)
Second print: 3 (want to achieve it)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Option Explicit
Sub DeleteItemConditionally()
Dim numList As Variant
numList = Array(12, 47, 90, 15, 3)
Dim newElements() As Variant
Dim firstElement As Boolean: firstElement = True
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(numList) To UBound(numList)
If numList(i) <= 40 Then
If firstElement Then
ReDim Preserve newElements(0)
firstElement = False
ReDim Preserve newElements(UBound(newElements) + 1)
End If
newElements(UBound(newElements)) = numList(i)
End If
Dim element As Variant
For Each element In newElements
Debug.Print element
End Sub
Sub TestMyCollection()
Dim myList As Object
Set myList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
With myList
.Add 12
.Add 47
.Add 90
.Add 15
.Add 3
End With
Dim i As Long
For i = myList.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
If Not myList.Item(i) <= 40 Then
myList.RemoveAt i
End If
Next i
Dim element As Variant
For Each element In myList
Debug.Print element
End Sub
,可以退出大于For i = myList.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
答案 1 :(得分:1)
Sub DeleteItemConditionally()
Dim my_num_list As Collection, my_item_index As Long
Set my_num_list = FilledCollection("12", "47", "90", "15", "37")
Debug.Print my_num_list.Count
For my_item_index = my_num_list.Count To 1 Step -1
If my_num_list(my_item_index) >= 40 Then
my_num_list.Remove my_item_index
End If
Debug.Print my_num_list.Count
End Sub
Public Function FilledCollection(ParamArray args() As Variant) As Collection
Dim my_return As Collection
Dim my_item As Variant
Set my_return = New Collection
For Each my_item In args
my_return.Add my_item
Set FilledCollection = my_return
End Function
答案 2 :(得分:1)
首先:您的数据。您已经创建了一个 String 数组,然后将它们与 Number 进行了比较。那是行不通的(好吧,它会给出答案,但是那不是您所期望的)。我已将您的数据更改为 Numbers
第二:我已经创建了Delete功能作为 Function ,该功能返回一个可能精简的数组。它仅接受一维数组(如果传递了其他任何东西,则返回此传递的结果)
最后:速度。是否足够快取决于您的用例。我已经对其进行了如下测试-数组大小为5,在3.9 mS中运行1000次。 10,000个阵列的大小是586毫秒的1000倍
Sub Test()
Dim numList As Variant
numList = Array(12, 47, 90, 15, 37)
Debug.Print UBound(numList) - LBound(numList) + 1
numList = DeleteItemConditionally(numList, 40)
Debug.Print UBound(numList) - LBound(numList) + 1
End Sub
Function DeleteItemConditionally(Arr As Variant, Optional DeleteGEQ As Variant, Optional DeleteLES As Variant) As Variant
Dim NewArr As Variant
Dim iArr As Long, iNewArr As Long
' Check if Arr is valid
If Not IsArrayAllocated(Arr) Then GoTo AbortExit
If NumberOfArrayDimensions(Arr) <> 1 Then GoTo AbortExit
' that one and only one of Delete criteria is specified
If Not (IsMissing(DeleteGEQ) Xor IsMissing(DeleteLES)) Then GoTo AbortExit
ReDim NewArr(LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr))
If Not IsMissing(DeleteGEQ) Then
' Delete members >= DeleteGEQ
iNewArr = LBound(Arr) - 1
For iArr = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
If Arr(iArr) < DeleteGEQ Then
iNewArr = iNewArr + 1
NewArr(iNewArr) = Arr(iArr)
End If
' Delete members < DeleteGEQ
iNewArr = LBound(Arr) - 1
For iArr = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
If Arr(iArr) >= DeleteGEQ Then
iNewArr = iNewArr + 1
NewArr(iNewArr) = Arr(iArr)
End If
End If
' ReDim Preserve is an expensive function, do it only once
ReDim Preserve NewArr(LBound(Arr) To iNewArr)
DeleteItemConditionally = NewArr
Exit Function
On Error Resume Next
DeleteItemConditionally = Arr
End Function
Public Function IsArrayAllocated(Arr As Variant) As Boolean
' IsArrayAllocated
' Returns TRUE if the array is allocated (either a static array or a dynamic array that has been
' sized with Redim) or FALSE if the array is not allocated (a dynamic that has not yet
' been sized with Redim, or a dynamic array that has been Erased). Static arrays are always
' allocated.
' The VBA IsArray function indicates whether a variable is an array, but it does not
' distinguish between allocated and unallocated arrays. It will return TRUE for both
' allocated and unallocated arrays. This function tests whether the array has actually
' been allocated.
' This function is just the reverse of IsArrayEmpty.
' From http://www.cpearson.com/Excel/VBAArrays.htm
Dim N As Long
On Error Resume Next
' if Arr is not an array, return FALSE and get out.
If IsArray(Arr) = False Then
IsArrayAllocated = False
Exit Function
End If
' Attempt to get the UBound of the array. If the array has not been allocated,
' an error will occur. Test Err.Number to see if an error occurred.
N = UBound(Arr, 1)
If (Err.Number = 0) Then
' Under some circumstances, if an array
' is not allocated, Err.Number will be
' 0. To acccomodate this case, we test
' whether LBound <= Ubound. If this
' is True, the array is allocated. Otherwise,
' the array is not allocated.
If LBound(Arr) <= UBound(Arr) Then
' no error. array has been allocated.
IsArrayAllocated = True
IsArrayAllocated = False
End If
' error. unallocated array
IsArrayAllocated = False
End If
End Function
Public Function NumberOfArrayDimensions(Arr As Variant) As Integer
' NumberOfArrayDimensions
' This function returns the number of dimensions of an array. An unallocated dynamic array
' has 0 dimensions. This condition can also be tested with IsArrayEmpty.
' From http://www.cpearson.com/Excel/VBAArrays.htm
Dim Ndx As Integer
Dim Res As Integer
On Error Resume Next
' Loop, increasing the dimension index Ndx, until an error occurs.
' An error will occur when Ndx exceeds the number of dimension
' in the array. Return Ndx - 1.
Ndx = Ndx + 1
Res = UBound(Arr, Ndx)
Loop Until Err.Number <> 0
NumberOfArrayDimensions = Ndx - 1
End Function