
时间:2019-09-01 15:37:31

标签: javascript slideshow


更改一个幻灯片会更改另一个幻灯片。 另外,两个幻灯片都显示空白幻灯片。





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        <h1 class="text1">LOREM IPSUM</h1>
        <h1 class="text2">LET US SHOW YOU THE WAY</h1>
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                    <p id="quote">“The biggest thing for me was finding an accredited University. The academic level of education I experienced, online at **** University, was excellent.”</p><br>
                    <p id="quoter">SAIMA SHARI ISMAIL<br>
                     - MASTERS IN EDUCATION</p>
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                    <p id="quote">“The most beneficial part of the program was the ability to network with students across the Middle east. The program also offered the opportunity to work on time management and project management.”</p><br>
                    <p id="quoter">**************<br>
                     - Bachelor of Science in Administration</p>
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                    <p id="quote">“The pursuit of my PHD has been a personal goal since I graduated from University of *** in 2018 . Now that I have begun my journey to Canada Immigration.”</p><br>
                    <p id="quoter">ARUNA DILSHAN JAYARATHNE<br>
                     - PhD</p>
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