C#套接字服务器 - 并发连接问题

时间:2011-04-23 14:08:32

标签: c# .net flash sockets

嘿所有, 我在C#中创建了一个用于我正在开发的Flash游戏的套接字服务器,我从某处获得了代码,我是c#和.net开发的初学者。在进行连接并且服务器正常运行时,它在实践中工作正常。同时获得2个并发连接,我们遇到了问题。




class TcpSock { int tcpIndx = 0; int tcpByte = 0;

    byte[] tcpRecv = new byte[1024];

    public Socket tcpSock;

    public int Recv(ref string tcpRead)
        tcpByte = tcpSock.Available;
        if (tcpByte > tcpRecv.Length - tcpIndx)
            tcpByte = tcpRecv.Length - tcpIndx;

        tcpByte = tcpSock.Receive(tcpRecv, tcpIndx, tcpByte,
        tcpRead = Encoding.ASCII.GetString
            (tcpRecv, tcpIndx, tcpByte);
        tcpIndx += tcpByte;
        return tcpRead.Length;

    public int RecvLn(ref string tcpRead)
        tcpRead = Encoding.ASCII.GetString
            (tcpRecv, 0, tcpIndx);
        tcpIndx = 0;
        return tcpRead.Length;

    public int Send(string tcpWrite)
        return tcpSock.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(tcpWrite));

    public int SendLn(string tcpWrite)
        return tcpSock.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(tcpWrite + "\r\n"));


byte[] tcpRecv = new byte[1024]; //////////////////////////////////////// public Socket tcpSock; //////////////////////////////////////// public int Recv(ref string tcpRead) { tcpByte = tcpSock.Available; if (tcpByte > tcpRecv.Length - tcpIndx) tcpByte = tcpRecv.Length - tcpIndx; tcpByte = tcpSock.Receive(tcpRecv, tcpIndx, tcpByte, SocketFlags.Partial); tcpRead = Encoding.ASCII.GetString (tcpRecv, tcpIndx, tcpByte); tcpIndx += tcpByte; return tcpRead.Length; } public int RecvLn(ref string tcpRead) { tcpRead = Encoding.ASCII.GetString (tcpRecv, 0, tcpIndx); tcpIndx = 0; return tcpRead.Length; } public int Send(string tcpWrite) { return tcpSock.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(tcpWrite)); } public int SendLn(string tcpWrite) { return tcpSock.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(tcpWrite + "\r\n")); } }

[STAThread] static void Main() {

        Thread Server1 = new Thread(RunServer);


    static void RunServer()

        ///class IPHostEntry : Stores information about the Host and is required
        ///for IPEndPoint.
        ///class IPEndPoint  : Stores information about the Host IP Address and
        ///the Port number.
        ///class TcpSock     : Invokes the constructor and creates an instance.
        ///class ArrayList   : Stores a dynamic array of Client TcpSock objects.

        IPHostEntry Iphe = Dns.Resolve(Dns.GetHostName());
        IPEndPoint Ipep = new IPEndPoint(Iphe.AddressList[0], 4444);
        Socket Server = new Socket(Ipep.Address.AddressFamily,SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

        ///Capacity : Maximux number of clients able to connect.
        ///Blocking : Determines if the Server TcpSock will stop code execution
        ///to receive data from the Client TcpSock.
        ///Bind     : Binds the Server TcpSock to the Host IP Address and the Port Number.
        ///Listen   : Begin listening to the Port; it is now ready to accept connections.

        ArrayList Client = new ArrayList();

        string[,] Users = new string[1000,9];

        string rln = null;

        string[] Data;

        Client.Capacity = 1000;

        Server.Blocking = false;

        Console.WriteLine("Server 1 {0}: listening to port {1}", Dns.GetHostName(), Ipep.Port);

        ///Main loop
        ///1. Poll the Server TcpSock; if true then accept the new connection.
        ///2. Poll the Client TcpSock; if true then receive data from Clients.

        while (true)
            //Accept - new connection

            #region new connection
            if (Server.Poll(0, SelectMode.SelectRead))
                int i = Client.Add(new TcpSock());

                ((TcpSock)Client[i]).tcpSock = Server.Accept();
                Console.WriteLine("Client " + i + " connected.");

                Users[i, 0] = i.ToString();


            for (int i = 0; i < Client.Count; i++)
                //check for incoming data
                if (((TcpSock)Client[i]).tcpSock.Poll(0, SelectMode.SelectRead))
                    //receive incoming data
                    if (((TcpSock)Client[i]).Recv(ref rln) > 0)
                        Data = rln.Split('|');

                        // 1) initial connection
                        #region InitialConnection

                        if (Data[0] == "0000")




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


答案 1 :(得分:0)

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
public static partial class TcpServer
    public static void Main()
        // Setup listener on "localhost" port 12000
        IPAddress ipAddr = Dns.GetHostEntry("localhost").AddressList[0];
        TcpListener server = new TcpListener(ipAddr, 12000);
        server.Start(); // Network driver can now allow incoming requests 

        // Accept up to 1 client per CPU simultaneously
        Int32 numConcurrentClients = Environment.ProcessorCount;

        for (Int32 n = 0; n 

    private static Byte[] ProcessData(Byte[] inputData)
        String inputString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(inputData, 1, inputData[0]);
        String outputString = inputString.ToUpperInvariant();

        Console.WriteLine("Input={0}", inputString);
        Console.WriteLine("   Output={0}", outputString);

        Byte[] outputStringBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(outputString);
        Byte[] outputData = new Byte[1 + outputStringBytes.Length];
        outputData[0] = (Byte)outputStringBytes.Length;
        Array.Copy(outputStringBytes, 0, outputData, 1, outputStringBytes.Length);
        return outputData;
public static partial class TcpServer
    private sealed class ClientConnectionApm
        private TcpListener m_server;
        private TcpClient m_client;
        private Stream m_stream;
        private Byte[] m_inputData = new Byte[1];
        private Byte m_bytesReadSoFar = 0;
        public ClientConnectionApm(TcpListener server)
            m_server = server;
            m_server.BeginAcceptTcpClient(AcceptCompleted, null);
        private void AcceptCompleted(IAsyncResult ar)
            // Connect to this client
            m_client = m_server.EndAcceptTcpClient(ar);

            // Accept another client
            new ClientConnectionApm(m_server);

            // Start processing this client
            m_stream = m_client.GetStream();
            // Read 1 byte from client which contains length of additional data
            m_stream.BeginRead(m_inputData, 0, 1, ReadLengthCompleted, null);
        private void ReadLengthCompleted(IAsyncResult result)
            // If client closed connection; abandon this client request
            if (m_stream.EndRead(result) == 0) { m_client.Close(); return; }

            // Start to read 'length' bytes of data from client
            Int32 dataLength = m_inputData[0];
            Array.Resize(ref m_inputData, 1 + dataLength);
            m_stream.BeginRead(m_inputData, 1, dataLength, ReadDataCompleted, null);
private void ReadDataCompleted(IAsyncResult ar) { // Get number of bytes read from client Int32 numBytesReadThisTime = m_stream.EndRead(ar); // If client closed connection; abandon this client request if (numBytesReadThisTime == 0) { m_client.Close(); return; } // Continue to read bytes from client until all bytes are in m_bytesReadSoFar += (Byte)numBytesReadThisTime; if (m_bytesReadSoFar private void WriteDataCompleted(IAsyncResult ar) { // After result is written to client, close the connection m_stream.EndWrite(ar); m_client.Close(); } } }

答案 2 :(得分:-1)

首先:停止使用非阻塞套接字。在.NET中,您应该坚持使用同步方法Receive / Send或异步方法BeginReceive / BeginSend



public void AcceptClients()
     TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, 5566);

     while (_serverRunning)
          var socket = listener.AcceptSocket();
          new Thread(ClientFunc).Start(socket);

public void ClientFun(object state)
    var clientSocket = (Socket)state;
    var buffer = new byte[65535];
    while (_serverRunning)
        //blocking read.
        clientSocket.Receive(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None);

        //check packet.

        // handle packet

        // send respons.
