我有一个画布,其中的图像放置在显示图像的矩形槽中。在矩形外部显示背景而不是图像(因此将图像裁剪)。我正在尝试防止图像 not 覆盖裁剪矩形,图像应始终较大并完全覆盖矩形。我可以在笔直的图像/矩形上工作,但是当涉及旋转时却无法正常工作。
我已使用此问题中的代码来使其在纯图像上运行: Prevent Fabric js Objects from scaling out of the canvas boundary
canvas.on('object:moving', (event: any) => {
// this eventlistener makes sure that a moving image won't leave it's placeholder area uncovered
const activeObject = event.target;
// the cropping Rect
const containerRect = retrieveObjectFromCanvas(this.state.canvas, `${this.selectedImage.value.id}-container`);
// apply new coords of current move action
const newCoords = activeObject.getCoords();
const containerCoords = containerRect.getCoords();
// left
if (newCoords[0].x >= containerCoords[0].x) {
activeObject.left = (containerRect.left - (containerRect.width / 2) + ((activeObject.width * activeObject.scaleX) / 2));
// top
if (newCoords[0].y >= containerCoords[0].y) {
activeObject.top = (containerRect.top - (containerRect.height / 2) + ((activeObject.height * activeObject.scaleY) / 2));
// right
if (newCoords[2].x <= containerCoords[2].x) {
activeObject.left = (containerRect.left + (containerRect.width / 2) - ((activeObject.width * activeObject.scaleX) / 2));
// bottom
if (newCoords[2].y <= containerCoords[2].y) {
activeObject.top = (containerRect.top + (containerRect.height / 2) - ((activeObject.height * activeObject.scaleY) / 2));
canvas.on('object:scaling', (event:any) => {
// this eventlistener makes sure that a scaling image won't leave it's placeholder area uncovered
const activeObject = event.target;
activeObject.set({ lockScalingFlip: true });
const boundingRect = activeObject.getBoundingRect();
// the cropping Rect
const containerRect = retrieveObjectFromCanvas(this.state.canvas, `${this.selectedImage.value.id}-container`);
// apply new coords of current move action
const newCoords = activeObject.getCoords();
const containerCoords = containerRect.getCoords();
// left
let corners = ['tl', 'ml', 'bl'];
if ((includes(corners, event.transform.corner)) && newCoords[0].x >= containerCoords[0].x) {
const newScale = (boundingRect.width) / activeObject.width;
activeObject.scaleX = newScale;
activeObject.left = (containerRect.left - (containerRect.width / 2) + ((activeObject.width * activeObject.scaleX) / 2));
// top
corners = ['tl', 'mt', 'tr'];
if (includes(corners, event.transform.corner) && newCoords[0].y >= containerCoords[0].y) {
const newScale = (boundingRect.height) / activeObject.height;
activeObject.scaleY = newScale;
activeObject.top = (containerRect.top - (containerRect.height / 2) + ((activeObject.height * activeObject.scaleY) / 2));
// right
corners = ['tr', 'mr', 'br'];
if (includes(corners, event.transform.corner) && newCoords[2].x <= containerCoords[2].x) {
const newScale = (boundingRect.width) / activeObject.width;
activeObject.scaleX = newScale;
activeObject.left = (containerRect.left + (containerRect.width / 2) - ((activeObject.width * activeObject.scaleX) / 2));
// bottom
corners = ['bl', 'mb', 'br'];
if (includes(corners, event.transform.corner) && newCoords[2].y <= containerCoords[2].y) {
const newScale = (boundingRect.height) / activeObject.height;
activeObject.scaleY = newScale;
activeObject.top = (containerRect.top + (containerRect.height / 2) - ((activeObject.height * activeObject.scaleY) / 2));