Windows Server 2016和2019之间的区别

时间:2019-08-22 16:25:23

标签: windows vb6

我正在尝试做的事情的摘要。使用rtlGetVersion使用版本号(例如1803/1809)而不是最新版本的内部版本号确定Windows Server 2016和2019之间的区别

我正在修复将GetVersionEx替换为rltGetVersion的旧代码。大多数代码是编写的,因此仅是实现它的问题。使用此链接。 How can a VB 6 app determine if it is running on Windows 10?

问题在于Windows Server 2016和19具有相同的字段,因此确定使用此设置无法完成的操作。使用。我知道Windows 2016的版本为1803,2019年的版本为1809。




' RealWinVer.bas     by Cody Gray, 2016
' (Freely available for use and modification, provided that credit is given to the
' original author. Including a comment in the code with my name and/or a link to
' this Stack Overflow answer is sufficient.)

Option Explicit

' Windows SDK Constants, Types, & Functions

Private Const cbCSDVersion As Long = 128 * 2

Private Const STATUS_SUCCESS As Long = 0

Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s As Long        = 0
Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS As Long = 1
Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT As Long      = 2

Private Const VER_NT_WORKSTATION As Byte       = 1
Private Const VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER As Byte = 2
Private Const VER_NT_SERVER As Byte            = 3

Private Const VER_SUITE_PERSONAL As Integer = &H200

   dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long
   dwMajorVersion      As Long
   dwMinorVersion      As Long
   dwBuildNumber       As Long
   dwPlatformId        As Long
   szCSDVersion        As String * cbCSDVersion
   wServicePackMajor   As Integer
   wServicePackMinor   As Integer
   wSuiteMask          As Integer
   wProductType        As Byte
   wReserved           As Byte
End Type

Private Declare Function RtlGetVersion Lib "ntdll" _
    (lpVersionInformation As RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEXW) As Long

' Internal Helper Functions

Private Function IsWinServerVersion(ByRef ver As RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEXW) As Boolean
   ' There are three documented values for "wProductType".
   ' Two of the values mean that the OS is a server versions,
   ' while the other value signifies a home/workstation version.
   Debug.Assert ver.wProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION Or _
                ver.wProductType = VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER Or _
                ver.wProductType = VER_NT_SERVER

   IsWinServerVersion = (ver.wProductType <> VER_NT_WORKSTATION)
End Function

Private Function GetWinVerNumber(ByRef ver As RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEXW) As String
   Debug.Assert ver.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT

   GetWinVerNumber = ver.dwMajorVersion & "." & _
                     ver.dwMinorVersion & "." & _
End Function

Private Function GetWinSPVerNumber(ByRef ver As RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEXW) As String
   Debug.Assert ver.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT

   If (ver.wServicePackMajor > 0) Then
      If (ver.wServicePackMinor > 0) Then
         GetWinSPVerNumber = "SP" & CStr(ver.wServicePackMajor) & "." & CStr(ver.wServicePackMinor)
         Exit Function
         GetWinSPVerNumber = "SP" & CStr(ver.wServicePackMajor)
         Exit Function
      End If
   End If
End Function

Private Function GetWinVerName(ByRef ver As RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEXW) As String
   Debug.Assert ver.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT

   Select Case ver.dwMajorVersion
      Case 3
         If IsWinServerVersion(ver) Then
            GetWinVerName = "Windows NT 3.5 Server"
            Exit Function
            GetWinVerName = "Windows NT 3.5 Workstation"
            Exit Function
         End If
      Case 4
         If IsWinServerVersion(ver) Then
            GetWinVerName = "Windows NT 4.0 Server"
            Exit Function
            GetWinVerName = "Windows NT 4.0 Workstation"
            Exit Function
         End If
      Case 5
         Select Case ver.dwMinorVersion
            Case 0
               If IsWinServerVersion(ver) Then
                  GetWinVerName = "Windows 2000 Server"
                  Exit Function
                  GetWinVerName = "Windows 2000 Workstation"
                  Exit Function
               End If
            Case 1
               If (ver.wSuiteMask And VER_SUITE_PERSONAL) Then
                  GetWinVerName = "Windows XP Home Edition"
                  Exit Function
                  GetWinVerName = "Windows XP Professional"
                  Exit Function
               End If
            Case 2
               If IsWinServerVersion(ver) Then
                  GetWinVerName = "Windows Server 2003"
                  Exit Function
                  GetWinVerName = "Windows XP 64-bit Edition"
                  Exit Function
               End If
            Case Else
               Debug.Assert False
         End Select
      Case 6
         Select Case ver.dwMinorVersion
            Case 0
               If IsWinServerVersion(ver) Then
                  GetWinVerName = "Windows Server 2008"
                  Exit Function
                  GetWinVerName = "Windows Vista"
                  Exit Function
               End If
            Case 1
               If IsWinServerVersion(ver) Then
                  GetWinVerName = "Windows Server 2008 R2"
                  Exit Function
                  GetWinVerName = "Windows 7"
                  Exit Function
               End If
            Case 2
               If IsWinServerVersion(ver) Then
                  GetWinVerName = "Windows Server 2012"
                  Exit Function
                  GetWinVerName = "Windows 8"
                  Exit Function
               End If
            Case 3
               If IsWinServerVersion(ver) Then
                  GetWinVerName = "Windows Server 2012 R2"
                  Exit Function
                  GetWinVerName = "Windows 8.1"
                  Exit Function
               End If
            Case Else
               Debug.Assert False
         End Select
      Case 10
         If IsWinServerVersion(ver) Then
            GetWinVerName = "Windows Server 2016"
            Exit Function
            GetWinVerName = "Windows 10"
            Exit Function
         End If
      Case Else
         Debug.Assert False
   End Select

   GetWinVerName = "Unrecognized Version"
End Function

' Public Functions

' Returns a string that contains the name of the underlying version of Windows,
' the major version of the most recently installed service pack, and the actual
' version number (in "Major.Minor.Build" format).
' For example: "Windows Server 2003 SP2 (v5.2.3790)" or
'              "Windows 10 (v10.0.14342)"
' This function returns the *real* Windows version, and works correctly on all
' operating systems, including Windows 10, regardless of whether or not the
' application includes a manifest. It calls the native NT version-info function
' directly in order to bypass compatibility shims that would otherwise lie to
' you about the real version number.
Public Function GetActualWindowsVersion() As String
   ver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(ver)

   If (RtlGetVersion(ver) <> STATUS_SUCCESS) Then
      GetActualWindowsVersion = "Failed to retrieve Windows version"
   End If

   ' The following version-parsing logic assumes that the operating system
   ' is some version of Windows NT. This assumption will be true if you
   ' are running any version of Windows released in the past 15 years,
   ' including several that were released before that.
   Debug.Assert ver.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT

   GetActualWindowsVersion = GetWinVerName(ver) & " " & GetWinSPVerNumber(ver) & _
                             " (v" & GetWinVerNumber(ver) & ")"
End Function

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

只需比较内部版本号,即可告诉您它是Windows 10的哪个版本。内部版本号是您所要做的,无法从Windows 10中获取“版本”字符串。WindowsServer 2019的内部版本号将大于或等于17623,具有较小内部版本号的任何产品都将是Windows。 Server 2016。