
时间:2019-08-22 09:34:59

标签: ios swiftui swiftui-list


我对列表的一行有一个行模型(我说的是列表,尽管实际上我通常使用的是一个称为Collection的定制元素,这是一个带有HStack和VStack的列表一起模拟 UICollectionView




感谢您的帮助! 谢谢! :)


import SwiftUI

// data displayed in the collection view
var itemsGroupData = [
  ItemsGroupModel("Projects"), // should open ProjectsView()
  ItemsGroupModel("People"), //should open PeopleView()
  ItemsGroupModel("Agenda"), //should open AgendaView()
  ItemsGroupModel("Name") //should open NameView()

// main view where the collection view is shown
struct GroupDetail: View {

  var body: some View {

    Collection(itemsGroupData, columns: 2, scrollIndicators: false) { index in
      ItemsGroupRow(data: index)

// model of the data
struct ItemsGroupModel: Identifiable {
  var id: UUID
  let title: String

  init(_ title: String) {
    self.id = UUID()
    self.title = title

// row type of the collection view
struct ItemsGroupRow: View {

  var body: some View {

    // This model is for one row
    // I need to specify what view to open depending on what item of the collection view was selected (clicked on)
    NavigationLink(destination: ProjectsView()) { // open ProjectsView only if the user clicked on the item "Projects" of the list etc..



// this custom struct creates the UIKit equivalent of the UICollectionView
// it uses a HStack and a VStack to make columns and rows

import SwiftUI

@available(iOS 13.0, OSX 10.15, *)
public struct Collection<Data, Content>: View
where Data: RandomAccessCollection, Content: View, Data.Element: Identifiable {

  private struct CollectionIndex: Identifiable { var id: Int }

  private let columns: Int
  private let columnsInLandscape: Int
  private let vSpacing: CGFloat
  private let hSpacing: CGFloat
  private let vPadding: CGFloat
  private let hPadding: CGFloat
  private let scrollIndicators: Bool
  private let axisSet: Axis.Set

  private let data: [Data.Element]
  private let content: (Data.Element) -> Content

  private var actualRows: Int {
    return data.count / self.actualColumns

  private var actualColumns: Int {
    return UIDevice.current.orientation.isLandscape ? columnsInLandscape : columns

  // MARK: - INIT
  public init(_ data: Data,
              columns: Int = 2,
              columnsInLandscape: Int? = nil,
              scrollIndicators: Bool = true,
              axisSet: Axis.Set = .vertical,
              vSpacing: CGFloat = 10,
              hSpacing: CGFloat = 10,
              vPadding: CGFloat = 10,
              hPadding: CGFloat = 10,
              content: @escaping (Data.Element) -> Content) {
    self.data = data.map { $0 }
    self.content = content
    self.columns = max(1, columns)
    self.columnsInLandscape = columnsInLandscape ?? max(1, columns)
    self.vSpacing = vSpacing
    self.hSpacing = hSpacing
    self.vPadding = vPadding
    self.hPadding = hPadding
    self.scrollIndicators = scrollIndicators
    self.axisSet = axisSet

  // MARK: - BODY
  public var body : some View {

    GeometryReader { geometry in
      ScrollView(self.axisSet, showsIndicators: self.scrollIndicators) {
        if self.axisSet == .horizontal {
          HStack(alignment: .center, spacing: self.hSpacing) {
            ForEach((0 ..< self.actualRows).map { CollectionIndex(id: $0) }) { row in
              self.createRow(row.id, geometry: geometry)
        } else {
          VStack(spacing: self.vSpacing) {
            ForEach((0 ..< self.actualRows).map { CollectionIndex(id: $0) }) { row in
              self.createRow(row.id * self.actualColumns, geometry: geometry)
            // LAST ROW HANDLING
            if (self.data.count % self.actualColumns > 0) {
              self.createRow(self.actualRows * self.actualColumns, geometry: geometry, isLastRow: true)
                .padding(.bottom, self.vPadding)

  private func createRow(_ index: Int, geometry: GeometryProxy, isLastRow: Bool = false) -> some View {
    HStack(spacing: self.hSpacing) {
      ForEach((0 ..< actualColumns).map { CollectionIndex(id: $0) }) { column in
        self.contentAtIndex(index + column.id)
          .frame(width: self.contentWidthForGeometry(geometry))
          .opacity(!isLastRow || column.id < self.data.count % self.actualColumns ? 1.0 : 0.0)

  private func contentAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> Content {
    // (Addressing the workaround with transparent content in the last row) :
    let object = index < data.count ? data[index] : data[data.count - 1]
    return content(object)

  private func contentWidthForGeometry(_ geometry: GeometryProxy) -> CGFloat {
    let hSpacings = hSpacing * (CGFloat(self.actualColumns) - 1)
    let width = geometry.size.width - hSpacings - hPadding * 2
    return width / CGFloat(self.actualColumns)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



struct NavigationCell: View {
    var navigationItem: NavigationItem
    var body: some View {
        NavigationLink(destination: getDestination(from: navigationItem)) {
            HStack {
    func getDestination(from navItem: NavigationItem) -> AnyView {
        if navItem.destination is ZoneList.Type {
            return AnyView(ZonesList())
        } else {
            return AnyView(ListStyles())

这里的技巧是确保您的返回类型为AnyView。凭直觉,您会认为getDestination()的返回类型应该为some View,因为View是我们在SwiftUI中构建的视图所遵循的协议。但是返回some View的方法只能返回ONE类型-一种恰好符合View的单一类型。但这不是我们所需要的。我们正在尝试创建一种方法,该方法能够根据我们要导航到的视图返回各种类型的任何一种。 AnyView是解决方案,为我们提供了type erased view

这里是AnyView的{​​{3}}。 这是Apple docs,介绍如何以其他方式使用它:

答案 1 :(得分:2)



struct ProjectView: View {
    var row: ItemsGroupModel
    var body: some View {
        Text("Project title = \(row.title)")

struct NonProjectView: View {
    var row: ItemsGroupModel
    var body: some View {
        Text("Non-Project title = \(row.title)")

// row type of the collection view
struct ItemsGroupRow: View {

    var data: ItemsGroupModel

    var body: some View {

        // This model is for one row
        // I need to specify what view to open depending on what item of the collection view was selected (clicked on)
        NavigationLink(destination: {
                if data.title.contains("project") {
                    ProjectView(row: data)
                } else {
                    NonProjectView(row: data)
        }()) { // open ProjectsView only if the user clicked on the item "Projects" of the list etc..



import SwiftUI

struct ConditionalNavigationLinkView: View {
    var body: some View {

// data displayed in the collection view
var itemsGroupData = [
    ItemsGroupModel(.project), // should open ProjectsView()
    ItemsGroupModel(.people), //should open PeopleView()
    ItemsGroupModel(.agenda), //should open AgendaView()
    ItemsGroupModel(.name) //should open NameView()

// main view where the collection view is shown
struct GroupDetail: View {

    var body: some View {

            Collection(itemsGroupData, columns: 2, scrollIndicators: false) { row in
                ItemsGroupRow(data: row)

enum ItemsGroupModelType: String {
    case project = "Projects"
    case people = "People"
    case agenda = "Agenda"
    case name = "Name"

// model of the data
struct ItemsGroupModel: Identifiable {
    var id: UUID
    let type: ItemsGroupModelType

    init(_ type: ItemsGroupModelType) {
        self.id = UUID()
        self.type = type

struct ProjectView: View {
    var row: ItemsGroupModel
    var body: some View {
        Text("Projects \(row.type.rawValue)")

struct NameView: View {
    var row: ItemsGroupModel
    var body: some View {
        Text("NameView \(row.type.rawValue)")

struct PeopleView: View {
    var row: ItemsGroupModel
    var body: some View {
        Text("PeopleView \(row.type.rawValue)")

struct AgendaView: View {
    var row: ItemsGroupModel
    var body: some View {
        Text("AgendaView \(row.type.rawValue)")

// row type of the collection view
struct ItemsGroupRow: View {

    func printingEmptyView() -> EmptyView {
        print("type: \(data.type.rawValue)")
        return EmptyView()

    var data: ItemsGroupModel

    var body: some View {

        // This model is for one row
        // I need to specify what view to open depending on what item of the collection view was selected (clicked on)
        NavigationLink(destination: {

                if data.type == .project {
                    ProjectView(row: data)
                if data.type == .people {
                    PeopleView(row: data)
                if data.type == .agenda {
                    AgendaView(row: data)
                if data.type == .name {
                    NameView(row: data)
        }()) { // open ProjectsView only if the user clicked on the item "Projects" of the list etc..

答案 2 :(得分:0)

以下代码将用户点击列表单元格导航至 Tutor list 或基于 Student listtopicId

struct Topic: Identifiable
    var id = UUID()
    var topicId : Int
    var title   : String
    var desc    : String

struct TopicCell: View
    let topic : Topic
    var body: some View
        NavigationLink(destination: getDestination(topic: topic))
            VStack(alignment: .leading)
    func getDestination(topic: Topic) -> AnyView
        if topic.topicId == 0 {
            return AnyView(TutorList(topic: topic))
        } else {
            return AnyView(StudentList(topic: topic))