等标准字符串方法的polyfills String.replace
$ Added following core-js polyfill:
es.array.join { "ie":"11" }
$ Added following core-js polyfills:
es.string.replace { "edge":"17", "firefox":"67", "ie":"11", "ios":"12", "safari":"12.1", "samsung":"9.2" }
es.string.split { "edge":"17", "ie":"11" }
是否可以通过babel config禁用这些标准方法的polyfill?下面是我们的babel配置,如果我们缺少某些内容,请提示我们。
const presets = [
'@babel/env', // Using babel preset-env
debug: true, // Disabling debug output in console
targets: {
browsers: ['> 1%', 'not dead', 'not ie < 8'], // Spit code for all browsers with usage > 1% and not dead.
useBuiltIns: 'usage', // Use polyfills for runtime feature support
corejs: 3, // Use core-js 3 Polyfills.
const plugins = [
'@babel/plugin-transform-runtime', // Use Babel helpers to prevent code bloating with helpers
module.exports = { presets, plugins };