在ASP.NET和Classic ASP之间共享会话状态

时间:2019-08-19 17:04:30

标签: asp.net asp-classic


问题是,没有源代码,我无法使其正常工作。本文中的代码段显示了Visual Studio中的许多错误。作者Dennis Hurst是无法访问的,因为它写于2004年。在那里有人可以发布实际的源代码吗?或者也许将我指向正确的方向?我的目标是将Classic ASP对象数据(应用程序)提取到共享同一文件夹的ASP.Net代码中。我已经读到使用COMM Wrapper可能是可行的,但这超出了我的技术水平。这听起来像是解决我的问题的最佳方法。预先感谢您的帮助。

// The constructor for this class takes a reference to the HttpContext and derives the URL it will need to send its requests to
    public ASPSessionVar(HttpContext oInContext)
        oContext = oInContext;
        ASPSessionVarASP = "SessionVar.asp";
        /* We now build a System.Uri object to derive the correct
           URL to send the HTTP request to. oContext.Request.Url
           will contain a System.Uri object that represents
           this ASPXs URL.
        System.Uri oURL = oContext.Request.Url;
        ASPSessionVarASP = oURL.Scheme + "://"
            + oURL.Host + ":" + oURL.Port.ToString()
            + ASPSessionVarASP;


    // The primary function for this example is called GetSessionVar. It does the majority of the work done by this application,
    // This includes creating a WebRequest, sending it off to the ASP page, and returning the response.

    // First get the Session Cookie
    string ASPCookieName = "";
    string ASPCookieValue = "";
 if (!GetSessionCookie
(out ASPCookieName, out ASPCookieValue))
   return  "";

 // Initialize the WebRequest.
 HttpWebRequest myRequest =
     (ASPSessionVarASP + "?SessionVar=" + ASPSessionVar);
     ("Cookie: " + ASPCookieName + "=" + ASPCookieValue);

 // Send the request and get a response
 HttpWebResponse myResponse =

    Stream receiveStream = myResponse.GetResponseStream();

    System.Text.Encoding encode =

    StreamReader readStream =
        new StreamReader(receiveStream, encode);

    string sResponse = readStream.ReadToEnd();

    // Do a bit of cleanup
 return sResponse;

// This function simply takes the Request that was passed by the client and extracts the ASP Session cookie from it. 
// This function is called by the GetSessionVar function to retrieve the ASPSession cookie.

private bool GetSessionCookie
  (out string ASPCookieName, out string ASPCookieValue)
       int loop1;
       HttpCookie myCookie;     // Cookie variable

    ASPCookieName = "";
    ASPCookieValue = "";

    // Capture all cookie names into a string array.
    String[] CookieArray =

    // Grab individual cookie objects by cookie name.
    for (loop1 = 0; loop1 < CookieArray.Length; loop1++)
        myCookie =
        if (myCookie.Name.StartsWith("ASPSESSION"))
            ASPCookieName = myCookie.Name;
            ASPCookieValue = myCookie.Value;
            return true;

    return false;

//The ASPX page will instantiate an ASPSessionVar object, passing in the current Context to the construct or.
//The GetSessionVar function is then called, passing in the name of the ASP Session variable that is to be retrieved.

//Create an ASPSessionVar object,
//passing in the current context
SPI.WebUtilities.ASP.ASPSessionVar oASPSessionVar
  = new SPI.WebUtilities.ASP.ASPSessionVar(Context);
string sTemp = oASPSessionVar.GetSessionVar("FirstName");

//The ASP code for this example was placed in an ASP file called SessionVar.asp. 
// It performs two simple tasks. First, it ensures that the request is coming from the server that the ASP page is running on. 
// This ensures that the request is valid and coming ONLY from the Web server's IP address. 
// The ASP page then returns the session variable it was asked to provide

  dim sT
  if Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") =
   Request.ServerVariables("LOCAL_ADDR") then
   sT = Request("SessionVar")
   if trim(sT) <> "" then
     Response.Write Session(sT)
   end if
  end if

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