
时间:2019-08-19 09:26:08

标签: nativescript nativescript-angular

我已经工作了一段时间的NativeScript Angular项目大约一周前停止编译,错误消息为Build failed with error code 2。 但是,在另一台机器上的项目正常编译! 在两台计算机上,我都使用

NativeScript Sidekick,最新版本:1.19.1-v2019.8.1.2,

NativeScript CLI版本:6.0.3,




[19-08-19 10:18:56.133] Error detected during LiveSync on 709dacd534f7bbb357482d696468f8efbd5888ac for C:\Users\USR\Documents\NATIVESCRIPT\proj. Error: Build failed. Reason is: 'Build failed with error code 2'. Additional information: [00:00:27.138] [WARN]  Executing webpack failed with exit code 2.
[00:00:27.522] [ERROR] Executing webpack failed with exit code 2.
'Build failed with error code 2'.
[19-08-19 10:20:26.189] Error detected during LiveSync on D67LLNGU7HY96HVO for C:\Users\USR\Documents\NATIVESCRIPT\proj. Error: Build failed. Reason is: 'Build failed with error code 2'. Additional information: [00:00:17.670] [WARN]  Executing webpack failed with exit code 2.
[00:00:17.730] [ERROR] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './info.component.css' in '/mnt/storage/builds/_/0065576d41c5e3acbcdc3ba31c41167f50faec72/6.0.3/6.0.0/proj/src/app/info'
[00:00:17.730] [ERROR] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './specs1.component.css' in '/mnt/storage/builds/_/0065576d41c5e3acbcdc3ba31c41167f50faec72/6.0.3/6.0.0/proj/src/app/specs/specs1'
[00:00:17.731] [ERROR] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './specs2.component.css' in '/mnt/storage/builds/_/0065576d41c5e3acbcdc3ba31c41167f50faec72/6.0.3/6.0.0/proj/src/app/specs/specs2'
[00:00:17.731] [ERROR] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './lzs.component.css' in '/mnt/storage/builds/_/0065576d41c5e3acbcdc3ba31c41167f50faec72/6.0.3/6.0.0/proj/src/app/info/lzs'
[00:00:17.731] [ERROR] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './specs.component.css' in '/mnt/storage/builds/_/0065576d41c5e3acbcdc3ba31c41167f50faec72/6.0.3/6.0.0/proj/src/app/specs'
[00:00:17.731] [ERROR] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './aboutus.component.css' in '/mnt/storage/builds/_/0065576d41c5e3acbcdc3ba31c41167f50faec72/6.0.3/6.0.0/proj/src/app/aboutus'
[00:00:17.731] [ERROR] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './pdk.component.css' in '/mnt/storage/builds/_/0065576d41c5e3acbcdc3ba31c41167f50faec72/6.0.3/6.0.0/proj/src/app/info/pdk'
[00:00:17.731] [ERROR] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './tips1.component.css' in '/mnt/storage/builds/_/0065576d41c5e3acbcdc3ba31c41167f50faec72/6.0.3/6.0.0/proj/src/app/tips/tips1'
[00:00:17.731] [ERROR] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './tips2.component.css' in '/mnt/storage/builds/_/0065576d41c5e3acbcdc3ba31c41167f50faec72/6.0.3/6.0.0/proj/src/app/tips/tips2'
[00:00:17.734] [ERROR] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './stuff.component.css' in '/mnt/storage/builds/_/0065576d41c5e3acbcdc3ba31c41167f50faec72/6.0.3/6.0.0/proj/src/app/info/stuff'
[00:00:17.996] [ERROR] Executing webpack failed with exit code 2.
'Build failed with error code 2'.



[19-08-21 08:56:25.214] Build started.
[19-08-21 08:56:26.279] (CLI) Preparing project...
[19-08-21 08:56:26.286] (CLI) Project successfully prepared (ios)
[19-08-21 08:56:26.835] (CLI) Starting Cloud build. Cloud operation id: 8367422f-bdae-4aef-bb0c-a4ff5dcb94a8
[19-08-21 08:56:26.840] (CLI) Getting accounts information...
[19-08-21 08:56:27.785] (CLI) Using account 79475b26e9fe4bf1952e3298ce5c9214.
[19-08-21 08:56:27.785] (CLI) Cloud build of 'C:\Users\usr\Documents\ns\acmeapp', platform: 'iOS', configuration: 'Debug'.
[19-08-21 08:56:28.784] Upload step started.
[19-08-21 08:56:29.383] (CLI) Unable to use git, reason is:
[19-08-21 08:56:29.383] (CLI) Git Installation Not Found. Install Git to improve the speed of cloud builds.
[19-08-21 08:56:37.691] Upload step completed.
[19-08-21 08:56:39.237] Build step started.
[19-08-21 08:56:44.398] (CLI) ios Build Tooling revision 2019.08.07.1r
[19-08-21 08:56:44.398] (CLI) Build Tooling Hostname administrators-mac-14.local
[19-08-21 08:56:44.398] (CLI) Unzip Project Files
[19-08-21 08:56:44.398] (CLI) NativeScript CLI version 6.0.3
[19-08-21 08:56:44.398] (CLI) Add platform ios with runtime version 6.0.1
[19-08-21 08:56:47.360] (CLI) Copying template files...
[19-08-21 08:56:50.375] (CLI) Platform ios successfully added. v6.0.1
[19-08-21 08:56:50.375] (CLI) Prepare Project for Platform -  ios
[19-08-21 08:57:20.477] (CLI) Preparing project...
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) Hash: 7b2f90d5b50178cb7f9d
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) Version: webpack 4.27.1
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) Time: 10055ms
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) Built at: 08/20/2019 11:57:40 PM
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI)                                             Asset       Size                                          Chunks             Chunk Names
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI)                                         bundle.js   61.8 KiB                                          bundle  [emitted]  bundle
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI)                             fonts/FontAwesome.ttf    162 KiB                                                  [emitted]
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI)                                      package.json   81 bytes                                                  [emitted]
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI)                                        runtime.js   71.4 KiB                                         runtime  [emitted]  runtime
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) tns_modules/tns-core-modules/inspector_modules.js  643 bytes  tns_modules/tns-core-modules/inspector_modules  [emitted]  tns_modules/tns-core-modules/inspector_modules
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI)                                         vendor.js   3.84 MiB                                          vendor  [emitted]  vendor
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) Entrypoint bundle = runtime.js vendor.js bundle.js
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) Entrypoint tns_modules/tns-core-modules/inspector_modules = runtime.js vendor.js tns_modules/tns-core-modules/inspector_modules.js
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) [./app.scss] 19.8 KiB {bundle} [built]
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) [./main.ts] 926 bytes {bundle} [built]
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) [./package.json] 73 bytes {bundle} {tns_modules/tns-core-modules/inspector_modules} [optional] [built]
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI)     + 173 hidden modules
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) ERROR in src/app/foobar/bar-foobar/bar-foobar.component.ts(63,25): error TS2339: Property 'ios' does not exist on type 'Observable'.
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) src/app/foobar/bar-foobar/bar-foobar.component.ts(65,25): error TS2339: Property 'android' does not exist on type 'Observable'.
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) src/app/foobar/bar-foobar/bar-foobar.component.ts(67,25): error TS2339: Property 'android' does not exist on type 'Observable'.
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) src/app/foobar/bar-foobar/bar-foobar.component.ts(67,118): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'android'.
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) Webpack compilation complete.
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) Executing webpack failed with exit code 2.
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) # tns prepare
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) ### Description
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) Starts a Webpack compilation and prepares the app's App_Resources and the plugins platforms directories. The output is generated in a subdirectory for the selected target platform in the platforms directory. This lets you build the project for the selected platform. You must specify the target platform for which you want to prepare your project.
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) When running this command the HMR (Hot Module Replacement) is not enabled by default. In case you want to enable HMR, you can pass --hmr flag.
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) ### Commands
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) ┌─────────┬──────────────────────────┐
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) │ Usage   │ Synopsis                 │
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) │ General │ $ tns prepare <Platform> │
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) └─────────┴──────────────────────────┘
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) ### Arguments
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) <Platform> is the target mobile platform for which you want to prepare your project. You can set the following target platforms.
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI)     * android - Prepares your project for an Android build.
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI)     * ios - Prepares your project for an iOS build.
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI) ### Options
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI)     * --hmr - Enables the hot module replacement (HMR) feature.
[19-08-21 08:57:33.894] (CLI)     * --force - If set, skips the application compatibility checks and forces npm i to ensure all dependencies are installed. Otherwise, the command will check the application compatibility with the current CLI version and could fail requiring tns migrate.
[19-08-21 08:57:35.416] (CLI) Executing webpack failed with exit code 2.
[19-08-21 08:57:43.483] Build step completed.
[19-08-21 08:57:43.489] (CLI) Unable to apply changes on device: 709dacd534f7bbb357482d696468f8efbd5888ac. Error is: Build failed. Reason is: 'Build failed with error code 2'. Additional information: [00:00:49.725] [WARN]  Executing webpack failed with exit code 2.
[19-08-21 08:57:43.489] (CLI) [00:00:51.335] [ERROR] Executing webpack failed with exit code 2.
[19-08-21 08:57:43.489] (CLI) 'Build failed with error code 2'..
[19-08-21 08:57:43.494] Error detected during LiveSync on 709dacd534f7bbb357482d696468f8efbd5888ac for C:\Users\usr\Documents\ns\acmeapp. Error: Build failed. Reason is: 'Build failed with error code 2'. Additional information: [00:00:49.725] [WARN]  Executing webpack failed with exit code 2.
[00:00:51.335] [ERROR] Executing webpack failed with exit code 2.
'Build failed with error code 2'.
[19-08-21 08:57:43.501] Stopped LiveSync on 709dacd534f7bbb357482d696468f8efbd5888ac for C:\Users\usr\Documents\ns\acmeapp.

我已经固定了可疑对象-这是在安装 Angular CLI 之后开始的,但是现在即使我卸载了Angular CLI,仍然存在错误,并且我无法使用NativeScript!

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