替换文件中的字符串 - C.

时间:2011-04-22 10:31:49

标签: c string file replace





  1. 要替换的字符串集(每个字符串出现一次)。
  2. 要按外观顺序替换的字符串列表(字符串可以在列表中多次)但不知道它们的偏移量。
  3. 感谢您的帮助。

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define LINE_LEN     128
    int main(){
    char fileOrig[32] = "orig.txt";
    char fileRepl[32] = "new.txt";
    char text2find[80];
    char text2repl[80];
    printf("enter text to replace in the file:");
    scanf ("%s",text2find);
    sprintf(text2repl,"%s%s%s","<b><font color=\"#FF0000\">",text2find,"</font></b>");
    char buffer[LINE_LEN+2];
    char *buff_ptr, *find_ptr;
    FILE *fp1, *fp2;
    int buff_int;
    size_t find_len = strlen(text2find);
    fp1 = fopen(fileOrig,"r");
    fp2 = fopen(fileRepl,"w");
        buff_ptr = buffer;
        while ((find_ptr = strstr(buff_ptr,text2find))){
            while(buff_ptr < find_ptr)
            buff_ptr += find_len;
    return 0;

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

有时事情会变得复杂。假设您有要替换为{ab,ba}的字符串,它们将分别替换为{xy,yx}。假设你有输入文件包含&#34; aba&#34;。现在输出变得依赖于顺序。




答案 1 :(得分:0)

我不确定您的想法是否可行,但您可能需要调查string search algorithms以使算法的搜索部分更加优化。根据维基百科,天真的搜索算法具有复杂度Θ((n-m+1) m)n文本的长度和m搜索字符串的长度。看看链接,你可以做得更好。



答案 2 :(得分:0)


从Top lavel函数调用此函数,如下所示:


void replaceIPAddress(char * confFileName,char * text_to_find,char * text_to_replace) {

FILE *input = fopen(confFileName, "r");

FILE *output = fopen("temp.txt", "w");

char buffer[512];

while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), input) != NULL)
    char *pos = strstr(buffer, text_to_find);
    if (pos != NULL)
        /* Allocate memory for temporary buffer */
        char *temp = calloc(
                strlen(buffer) - strlen(text_to_find) + strlen(text_to_replace) + 1, 1);

        /* Copy the text before the text to replace */
        memcpy(temp, buffer, pos - buffer);

        /* Copy in the replacement text */
        memcpy(temp + (pos - buffer), text_to_replace, strlen(text_to_replace));

        /* Copy the remaining text from after the replace text */
        memcpy(temp + (pos - buffer) + strlen(text_to_replace),
                pos + strlen(text_to_find),
                1 + strlen(buffer) - ((pos - buffer) + strlen(text_to_find)));

        fputs(temp, output);

        fputs(buffer, output);


/* Rename the temporary file to the original file */
rename("temp.txt", confFileName);


答案 3 :(得分:-1)

// Find and replace data in a file
// This is not as straightforward a problem as it initially appears,
// because if you have the text
// "Jack is a pirate"
// And you wish to replace "is" with "was", the string needs to be longer,
// or else you end up with the following:
// "Jack wasapirate"
// This becomes more of a problem for larger text.  For example, if we wanted
// to replace "Jack" with "Rumpelstiltskin", we'd end up with:
// "Rumpelstiltskin"
// Which completely overwrites our original text!!!
// In order to do this correctly, we wither need to:
// 1. Read the entire file into a in-memory buffer
// 2. Write to a temporary file, then replace the original file
// Option #2 is easier to implement, and should work for your coursework.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // We need a buffer to read in data
    const int BufferSize = 0x1000;
    char      Buffer[BufferSize];
    char     *InputFileName     = "input.txt";
    char     *TemporaryFileName = "temp.txt";

    // Open the file for reading.  'rt' means that it must already exist, for reading.
    FILE     *Input = fopen(InputFileName, "rt");

    // Our output file.  'w+' means to create the file if it doesnt exist, for writing.
    FILE     *Output = fopen(TemporaryFileName, "w+");

    // Our find and replace arguments
    char     *Find = "is";
    char     *Replace = "was";

    if(NULL == Input)
        printf("Could not open file");
        return 1;

    printf("Find:    %s\n", Find);
    printf("Replace: %s\n", Replace);

    // For each line...
    while(NULL != fgets(Buffer, BufferSize, Input))
        // For each incidence of "is"
        char *Stop = NULL;    // Where to stop copying (at 'is')
        char *Start = Buffer; // Start at the beginning of the line, and after each match

        printf("Line: %s\n", Buffer);

            // Find next match
            Stop = strstr(Start, Find);

            if(NULL == Stop)
                // Print the remaining text in the line
                fwrite(Start, 1, strlen(Start), Output);

            // Write out everything between the end of the previous match, and the 
            // beginning of the current match.
            // For example:
            // "Jack is a pirate who is cool"
            // Has two instances to replace.  In order, we'd find them as such:
            // "Jack is a pirate who is cool"
            //       ^
            //                        ^
            // What we want to do is write:
            // - "Jack "
            // - "was"
            // - "a pirate who "
            // - "was"
            // - "cool"
            printf("Match starts at: %s\n", Stop);

            // We have found a match!  Copy everything from [Start, Stop)
            fwrite(Start, 1, Stop - Start, Output);

            // Write our replacement text
            fwrite(Replace, 1, strlen(Replace), Output);

            // Next time, we want to start searching after our 'match'        
            Start = Stop + strlen(Find);

            printf("Search resumes at: %s\n", Start);

    // Close our files

    // If desired, rename the Output file to the Input file
    rename(TemporaryFileName, InputFileName);

    return 0;