
时间:2019-08-16 19:23:34

标签: bash file perl

我有一个制表符分隔的文件,该文件包含三列(GO ID,生物过程,基因),并且我想比较第三列的行,如果它们匹配,我想分别加入其第一列和第二列。我是一种新编程,我尝试了许多效率不高的方法,但没有得到想要的结果。



GO:0007155      cell adhesion   ACHE
GO:0022610      biological adhesion     ACHE
GO:0007155      cell adhesion   ADAM19
GO:0022610      biological adhesion     ADAM19
GO:0007155      cell adhesion   AMBN
GO:0022610      biological adhesion     AMBN


GO:0007155;GO:0022610      cell adhesion;biological adhesion   ACHE
GO:0007155;GO:0022610      cell adhesion;biological adhesion   ADAM19
GO:0007155;GO:0022610      cell adhesion;biological adhesion   AMBN

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


$: cat cols
GO:0007155      cell adhesion   ACHE
GO:0022610      biological adhesion     ACHE
GO:0007155      cell adhesion   ADAM19
GO:0022610      biological adhesion     ADAM19
GO:0007155      cell adhesion   AMBN
GO:0022610      biological adhesion     AMBN

$: declare -A A B C # associative arrays - "lookup tables"
$: tab=$'\t'        # just to make it easier to see it embedded
$: while IFS=$'\t' read a b c
   do A[$c]="${A[$c]};$a"
   done < cols      # stack cols
$: for c in "${!A[@]}"
   do echo "${A[$c]#;}$tab${B[$c]#;}$tab$c" # strip leading semicolons
GO:0007155;GO:0022610   cell adhesion;biological adhesion       ADAM19
GO:0007155;GO:0022610   cell adhesion;biological adhesion       AMBN
GO:0007155;GO:0022610   cell adhesion;biological adhesion       ACHE

输出顺序重要吗? 例如,如果您需要按字母顺序排列它们,则可以使用以下方法:

$: for c in $( printf "%s\n" "${!A[@]}" | sort )
   do echo "${A[$c]#;}$tab${B[$c]#;}$tab$c"

答案 1 :(得分:1)

使用经常使用的GNU datamash加上某种按摩以获得所需格式的输出的一种方法:

$ datamash -g 3 collapse 1 collapse 2 < input.tsv | \
   awk 'BEGIN { FS=OFS="\t" } { print $2, $3, $1 }' | tr , ';'   
GO:0007155;GO:0022610   cell adhesion;biological adhesion   ACHE
GO:0007155;GO:0022610   cell adhesion;biological adhesion   ADAM19
GO:0007155;GO:0022610   cell adhesion;biological adhesion   AMBN



$ perl -F"\t" -lane 'push @{$genes{$F[2]}}, [@F[0,1]];
                     END { $,="\t";
                           for (sort keys %genes) {
                             print join(";", map { $_->[0] } @{$genes{$_}}),
                                   join(";", map { $_->[1] } @{$genes{$_}}),
                                   $_ } }' input.tsv
GO:0007155;GO:0022610   cell adhesion;biological adhesion   ACHE
GO:0007155;GO:0022610   cell adhesion;biological adhesion   ADAM19
GO:0007155;GO:0022610   cell adhesion;biological adhesion   AMBN