
时间:2019-08-16 10:40:07

标签: c++ templates enums

tl; dr:有没有一种方法可以从typename派生枚举值?

详细信息: 我正在尝试对函数进行模板化以在每个结构数据之前发送标头。标头存储在枚举类中,例如:

enum class TypeHeader {
  Test1 = 4;
  Test2 = 16;
  Test3 = 50;

我有许多带有字段和类型的结构。 示例结构:

struct Test1 {
  uint32_t field1;
  uint32_t field2;

struct Test2 {
  uint8_t field1;
  uint8_t field2;

struct Test3 {
  uint8_t field1;
  uint16_t field2;



template<typename T>
void send(const uint8_t* const s) {
  uint8_t data[2 + sizeof(T)];

  // data[1] = TypeHeader::???? << 8
  // data[0] = TypeHeader::????
  // i want data[0] and data[1] to have the struct id
  // as a uint16 which is in the enum TypeHeader

  memcpy(data + 2, s, sizeof(T));

  // then data is ready and I can send it...


Test1 test1; 

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


enum class TypeHeader: uint16_t { // make it really a 16bit as you later access it as such!
  Test1 = 4,
  Test2 = 16,
  Test3 = 50,

struct Test1 {
  uint32_t field1;
  uint32_t field2;
  static constexpr TypeHeader header = TypeHeader::Test1; // not part of object but of the type!

struct Test2 {
  uint8_t field1;
  uint8_t field2;
  static constexpr TypeHeader header = TypeHeader::Test2;

struct Test3 {
  uint8_t field1;
  uint16_t field2;
  static constexpr TypeHeader header = TypeHeader::Test3;

template<typename T>
void send(const T& obj)
  uint8_t data[2 + sizeof(T)];

   // converting to the given type, even if T changes    
   data[1] = (std::underlying_type_t<decltype(obj.header)>)T::header >> 8; // you wrongly used <<!
   data[0] = (std::underlying_type_t<decltype(obj.header)>)T::header & 0xff;

  memcpy(data + 2, &obj, sizeof(T));

int main()
    Test1 t1{ 1,2 };
    send( t1 );




  • obj.header是变量,即使它是const
  • decltype(obj.header)为我们提供了枚举类型
  • std::underlying_type_t现在为我们提供了代表枚举的整数类型。我们将其定义为uint16_t!而我们通常使用这种类型。


template <typename T> void send(const T& obj)
    auto header = (std::underlying_type_t<decltype(obj.header)>)T::header;

    // if your header now vary in the size, you must add an additional header
    // size information! If not, the receiver did not know if data is from 
    // header or from the following data field
    uint8_t data[sizeof(header) + sizeof(T)];

    // now you have the order of bytes in the header
    // in the same order as the machine uses ( endianess )
    // That is ok as long you use the same system architecture
    // to read back the data but it is not portable
    memcpy(data, &header, sizeof(T));

    // here you definitely write the data in the architecture dependent
    // order and also with potential padding bytes... 
    // As long as you know what you do, everything is fine.
    // But if you change from 32 bit to 64 bit or use pragma(pack)
    // you will change your serialized format!
    memcpy(data + sizeof(header), &obj, sizeof(T));

答案 1 :(得分:1)



template <typename T> static const uint16_t TypeHeader;

template <> const uint16_t TypeHeader<Type1> = 4;
template <> const uint16_t TypeHeader<Type2> = 16;
template <> const uint16_t TypeHeader<Type3> = 50;


template<typename T>
void send(const uint8_t* const s) {
    uint8_t data[2 + sizeof(T)];

    data[0] = TypeHeader<T> & 0xFF;
    data[1] = (TypeHeader<T> >> 8) & 0xFF;

    memcpy(data + 2, s, sizeof (T));

    // then data is ready and I can send it...