
时间:2019-08-16 08:11:38

标签: php laravel




[25] [22] [27] [33] [25] [27] [33] [27] [33] [33] 函数中的$this->storeImage($ad, 'photo1')似乎不起作用。我首先尝试仅使用一张图像,但无法弄清楚如何使其工作。我尝试在update()方法中执行与在update()方法中相同的操作,但是它不起作用。



这是public function store() { $ad = new Ad(); request()->validate([ 'title' => ['required', 'min:10'], 'description' => 'required', 'guarantee'=>'required', 'city' => 'required', 'address' => 'required', 'rent' => 'required', 'type' => 'required', 'partitioning' => 'required', 'number_of_rooms' => 'required', 'culinary' => 'required', 'phone' => 'required', 'date_available' => 'required', // 'min_age' => ['min:1', 'max:99'], // 'max_age' => ['min:1', 'max:99'], 'photo1' => 'required' ]); $ad -> title = request('title'); $ad -> description = request('description'); $ad -> city = request('city'); $ad -> address = request('address'); $ad -> rent = request('rent'); $ad -> type = request('type'); $ad -> partitioning = request('partitioning'); $ad -> number_of_rooms = request('number_of_rooms'); $ad -> utilities_price = request('utilities_price'); $ad -> RadioFurniture = request('RadioFurniture'); $ad -> air_conditioning = request('air_conditioning'); $ad -> parking = request('parking'); $ad -> terace = request('terace'); $ad -> garden = request('garden'); $ad -> elevator = request('elevator'); $ad -> dishes_machine = request('dishes_machine'); $ad -> clothes_machine = request('clothes_machine'); $ad -> cable_internet = request('cable_internet'); $ad -> wifi_internet = request('wifi_internet'); $ad -> TV = request('TV'); $ad -> microwaves = request('microwaves'); $ad -> fridge = request('fridge'); $ad -> own_heat = request('own_heat'); $ad -> about_me = request('about_me'); $ad -> my_age = request('my_age'); $ad -> number_of_residents = request('number_of_residents'); $ad -> my_sex = request('my_sex'); $ad -> cleaning = request('cleaning'); $ad -> guests = request('guests'); $ad -> parties = request('parties'); $ad -> wake_up = request('wake_up'); $ad -> sleep_hour = request('sleep_hour'); $ad -> culinary = request('culinary'); $ad -> smoke = request('smoke'); $ad -> work_hours = request('work_hours'); $ad -> min_age = request('min_age'); $ad -> max_age = request('max_age'); $ad -> smoker_buddy = request('smoker_buddy'); $ad -> RadioStudents = request('RadioStudents'); $ad -> RadioPets = request('RadioPets'); $ad -> AcceptsPets = request('AcceptsPets'); $ad -> phone = request('phone'); $ad -> facebook = request('facebook'); $ad -> photo1 = request('photo1'); $ad -> photo2 = request('photo2'); $ad -> photo3 = request('photo3'); $ad -> photo4 = request('photo4'); $ad -> photo5 = request('photo5'); $ad -> photo6 = request('photo6'); $ad -> photo7 = request('photo7'); $ad -> photo8 = request('photo8'); $ad -> guarantee = request('guarantee'); $ad -> owner_id = auth()->id(); $ad -> date_available = request('date_available'); $this->storeImage($ad,'photo1'); $this->storeImage($ad,'photo2'); $this->storeImage($ad,'photo3'); $this->storeImage($ad,'photo4'); $this->storeImage($ad,'photo5'); $this->storeImage($ad,'photo6'); $this->storeImage($ad,'photo7'); $this->storeImage($ad,'photo8'); if($ad->max_age<$ad->min_age){ return redirect('/adauga')->withErrors('Intervalul de varsta trebuie sa fie unul valid(Ex:19-22)')->withInput(); } $ad->save(); return redirect('/home'); } // Here is the update function using the $id public function update($id){ $ad = Ad::findOrFail($id); $ad -> title = request('title'); $ad -> description = request('description'); $ad -> city = request('city'); $ad -> address = request('address'); $ad -> rent = request('rent'); $ad -> type = request('type'); $ad -> partitioning = request('partitioning'); $ad -> number_of_rooms = request('number_of_rooms'); $ad -> utilities_price = request('utilities_price'); $ad -> RadioFurniture = request('RadioFurniture'); $ad -> air_conditioning = request('air_conditioning'); $ad -> parking = request('parking'); $ad -> terace = request('terace'); $ad -> garden = request('garden'); $ad -> elevator = request('elevator'); $ad -> dishes_machine = request('dishes_machine'); $ad -> clothes_machine = request('clothes_machine'); $ad -> cable_internet = request('cable_internet'); $ad -> wifi_internet = request('wifi_internet'); $ad -> TV = request('TV'); $ad -> microwaves = request('microwaves'); $ad -> fridge = request('fridge'); $ad -> own_heat = request('own_heat'); $ad -> about_me = request('about_me'); $ad -> my_age = request('my_age'); $ad -> number_of_residents = request('number_of_residents'); $ad -> my_sex = request('my_sex'); $ad -> cleaning = request('cleaning'); $ad -> guests = request('guests'); $ad -> parties = request('parties'); $ad -> wake_up = request('wake_up'); $ad -> sleep_hour = request('sleep_hour'); $ad -> culinary = request('culinary'); $ad -> smoke = request('smoke'); $ad -> work_hours = request('work_hours'); $ad -> min_age = request('min_age'); $ad -> max_age = request('max_age'); $ad -> smoker_buddy = request('smoker_buddy'); $ad -> RadioStudents = request('RadioStudents'); $ad -> RadioPets = request('RadioPets'); $ad -> AcceptsPets = request('AcceptsPets'); $ad -> phone = request('phone'); $ad -> facebook = request('facebook'); $ad -> instagram = request('instagram'); $ad -> guarantee = request('guarantee'); $ad-> date_available = request('date_available'); $ad-> photo1 = request('photo1'); $this->storeImage($ad, 'photo1'); $ad -> owner_id = auth()->id(); $ad -> save(); return redirect('/home'); } 函数:


似乎private function storeImage($ad, $photo){ if(request()->has($photo)) { $ad->$photo = $ad->title.$ad->date_available.$photo.'.'.request()->$photo->getClientOriginalExtension(); $imageExtensions = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'svg', 'svgz', 'cgm', 'djv', 'djvu', 'ico', 'ief','jpe', 'pbm', 'pgm', 'pnm', 'ppm', 'ras', 'rgb', 'tif', 'tiff', 'wbmp', 'xbm', 'xpm', 'xwd']; $foo = \File::extension($ad->$photo); if(in_array($foo, $imageExtensions)) { $width = Image::make(request()->$photo)->width(); $height = Image::make(request()->$photo)->height(); $img = Image::make(request()->$photo->getRealPath()) ->resize($width/3,$height/3) ->orientate() ->save('images/'.$ad->$photo,40); } } } $this->storeImage($ad, 'photo1');方法中不起作用。关于如何更换它的任何想法?我必须改变什么?谢谢!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

首先,可以代替所有的$ad->param = request('param')

 $input = $request->all();

这将使用给定的输入更新$ ad中的所有字段。


$input = $request->all()
$ad = \App\Models\Ad::updateOrCreate($id, $input);


为了节省图像,您最好阅读laravel的文档: File upload in laravel