我使用Dev-C ++在Windows上编译了程序,并且程序按预期运行。我使用Clang在Mac OSX上编译了它,但没有。在OSX上,2D字符数组无法正确打印。最右边的墙面最终被打印在墙的 中,并且当程序打印“图片”时,图片根本无法正确打印。他们放弃了最右侧墙面的间距(导致该墙面上的某些星号出现了锯齿,并超出了适当的列)。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void)
char wall[1000][1000];
int rows;
int columns;
int wfeet;
int winches;
int hfeet;
int hinches;
int wtotalinches;
int htotalinches;
int xcoordscols;
int ycoordsrows;
int rowunderscorechars;
int columnpipechars;
int i;
int j;
int k;
int p;
int xcoordTL[500];
int ycoordTL[500];
int xcoordTR[500];
int ycoordTR[500];
int xcoordBL[500];
int ycoordBL[500];
int xcoordBR[500];
int ycoordBR[500];
int picwidth[500];
int picheight[500];
p = 0;
printf("How wide is the wall? You'll first enter feet only. Then you'll need to enter inches (if any).\n");
printf("Please enter the width of the wall in feet (don't worry about inches yet):\n");
scanf("%d", &wfeet);
printf("Please enter any extra inches now.\n");
scanf("%d", &winches);
printf("Great! Now how TALL is the wall? Again, feet first, inches second.\n");
printf("Please enter the height of the wall in feet (don't worry about inches yet):\n");
scanf("%d", &hfeet);
printf("Please enter any extra inches now.\n");
scanf("%d", &hinches);
wtotalinches = (wfeet * 12) + winches;
htotalinches = (hfeet * 12) + hinches;
ycoordsrows = round((float)htotalinches / 2);
xcoordscols = round((float)wtotalinches / 2);
for (i = 0; i < xcoordscols; i++)
wall[0][i] = '*';
for (i = 0; i < xcoordscols; i++)
wall[ycoordsrows - 1][i] = '*';
for (i = 0; i < ycoordsrows; i++)
wall[i][0] = '*';
for (i = 0; i < ycoordsrows; i++)
wall[i][xcoordscols - 1] = '*';
for (k = 0; k < ycoordsrows; k++)
for (j = 0; j < xcoordscols; j++)
printf("%c", wall[k][j]);
printf(" ");
while (1)
printf("Great! Now I need the x and y coordinates for the UPPER LEFT hand corner of the picture or object to be hung.\n");
printf("So pick out where you want the picture or object hung, then figure out where the upper left hand corner of that picture or object ");
printf("would be on the wall. Then, count the *s to get the x and y coordinates for the UPPER LEFT hand corner of the picture or object.\n");
printf("First, the x coordinate (of the upper left hand corner of the picture or object):\n");
scanf("%d", &xcoordTL[p]);
printf("Great! Now, the y coordinate (counting DOWN from the top):\n");
scanf("%d", &ycoordTL[p]);
printf("Great! Now, enter the dimensions of the picture, in INCHES only.\n");
printf("First, the width of the picture or object (in inches):\n");
scanf("%d", &picwidth[p]);
printf("Now the height of the picture or object (in inches):\n");
scanf("%d", &picheight[p]);
xcoordTR[p] = xcoordTL[p] + ((picwidth[p] / 2) - 1);
ycoordTR[p] = ycoordTL[p];
xcoordBL[p] = xcoordTL[p];
ycoordBL[p] = ycoordTL[p] + ((picheight[p] / 2) - 1);
xcoordBR[p] = xcoordTR[p];
ycoordBR[p] = ycoordBL[p];
for (i = xcoordTL[p] - 1; i <= xcoordTR[p] - 1; i++)
wall[ycoordTL[p] - 1][i] = '*';
for (i = xcoordBL[p] - 1; i <= xcoordBR[p] - 1; i++)
wall[ycoordBL[p] -1][i] = '*';
for (i = ycoordTL[p] - 1; i <= ycoordBL[p] - 1; i++)
wall[i][xcoordTL[p] - 1] = '*';
for (i = ycoordTR[p] - 1; i <= ycoordBR[p] - 1; i++)
wall[i][xcoordTR[p] - 1] = '*';
for (k = 0; k < ycoordsrows; k++)
for (j = 0; j < xcoordscols; j++)
printf("%c", wall[k][j]);
printf(" ");
return 0;