List<String> _list = ["Apple", "Ball", "Cat", "Dog", "Elephant"];
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(),
body: ReorderableListView(
children: _list.map((item) => ListTile(key: Key("${item}"), title: Text("${item}"), trailing: Icon(Icons.menu),)).toList(),
onReorder: (int start, int current) {
// dragging from top to bottom
if (start < current) {
int end = current - 1;
String startItem = _list[start];
int i = 0;
int local = start;
do {
_list[local] = _list[++local];
} while (i < end - start);
_list[end] = startItem;
// dragging from bottom to top
else if (start > current) {
String startItem = _list[start];
for (int i = start; i > current; i--) {
_list[i] = _list[i - 1];
_list[current] = startItem;
setState(() {});
我正在使用Flutter的本机ReorderableListView小部件,但我想将列表分为3个可扩展类别;每个类别都有自己的标头/ ExpansionTile,不能像其他ListTiles一样拖动。