如何解决:Pygame中的“ TypeError:'Mob'对象不可下标”?

时间:2019-08-07 19:53:27

标签: pygame python-3.7.4

我正在pygame中制作平台游戏。我正在为这个关卡添加暴民。我认为这与添加平台相同,但事实并非如此。我不断收到此错误: “ TypeError:'Mob'对象不可下标”。 (底部的完整错误)。谁能解决这个问题并解释?注意:我要导入很多文件,所以会有很多导入。

GridBagLayout layout = (GridBagLayout)panel;
Component[] components = panel.getComponent();

for (each component in the array)
    GridBagConstraint gbc = layout.getConstraints( component )

    if (gbc.gridX == ?? && gbc.gridY = ??)
        // remove the component from the panel

    import pygame
    from spritesheet_functions import SpriteSheet

    SLIME_WALK = (52, 125, 50, 28)

    class Mob(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
        """ Mobs the player will encounter in the level. """

        def __init__(self, sprite_sheet_data):
            """ Mob constructor. Assumes constructed with 
            user passing in
            an array of 5 numbers like what's defined at the 
            top of this
            code. """


        sprite_sheet = SpriteSheet('enemies.png')

        self.image = sprite_sheet.get_image(sprite_sheet_data[0],

        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

    import pygame
    from os import path
    from spritesheet_functions import SpriteSheet
    import constants
    import platforms
    import mobs

    class Level(object):

        def __init__(self, player):
           # Lists of sprites used in all levels. Add or remove
           # lists as needed for your game.
           self.platform_list = None
           self.enemy_list = None

           # Background image
           self.background = None
           # How far this world has been scrolled left/right
           self.world_shift = 0
           self.level_limit = -1000
           self.platform_list = pygame.sprite.Group()
           self.enemy_list = pygame.sprite.Group()
           self.player = player

           # Update everything on this level
           def update(self):
           """ Update everything in this level."""

        def draw(self, screen):
            """ Draw everything on this level. """

            # Draw the background
            # We don't shift the background as much as the 
            sprites are shifted
            # to give a feeling of depth.
            (self.world_shift // 3, 0))

            # Draw all the sprite lists that we have

        def shift_world(self, shift_x):
            """ When the user moves left/right and we need 
            to scroll everything: """

            # Keep track of the shift amount
            self.world_shift += shift_x

            # Go through all the sprite lists and shift
            for platform in self.platform_list:
            platform.rect.x += shift_x

            for enemy in self.enemy_list:
                enemy.rect.x += shift_x

    # Create platforms and mobs for the level
    class Level01(Level):
        """ Definition for level 1. """

        def __init__(self, player):
        """ Create level 1. """

            # Call the parent constructor
             Level.__init__(self, player)

            self.background = SpriteSheet('background_01.png')
            self.level_limit = -2500

            # Array with type of platform, and x, y location of the 
            level_blocks = [[platforms.GRASS_LEFT, 500, 500],
                            [platforms.GRASS_MIDDLE, 570, 500],
                            [platforms.GRASS_RIGHT, 640, 500],
                            [platforms.GRASS_LEFT, 800, 400],
                            [platforms.GRASS_MIDDLE, 870, 400],
                            [platforms.GRASS_RIGHT, 940, 400],
                            [platforms.GRASS_LEFT, 1000, 500],
                            [platforms.GRASS_MIDDLE, 1070, 500],
                            [platforms.GRASS_RIGHT, 1140, 500],
                            [platforms.STONE_PLATFORM_LEFT, 1120, 280],
                            [platforms.STONE_PLATFORM_MIDDLE, 1190, 
                            [platforms.STONE_PLATFORM_RIGHT, 1260, 

            # Array with type of mob, and x, y location of the mob
            level_enemies = [[mobs.SLIME_WALK, 100, 400]]

            # Go through the array above and add platforms
            for platform in level_blocks:
                block = platforms.Platform(platform[0])
                block.rect.x = platform[1]
                block.rect.y = platform[2]
                block.player = self.player

             # Go through the array above and add mobs
             for enemy in level_enemies:
                enemy = mobs.Mob(enemy[0])
                enemy.rect.x = enemy[1]
                enemy.rect.y = enemy[2]
                enemy.player = self.player

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

# Array with type of mob, and x, y location of the mob
level_enemies = [mobs.SLIME_WALK, 100, 400]

# Go through the array above and add mobs
    for enemy in level_enemies:
        enemy = mobs.Mob(enemy[0])
        enemy.rect.x = enemy[1]
        enemy.rect.y = enemy[2]
        enemy.player = self.player



level_enemies = [[mobs.SLIME_WALK, 100, 400]]