分配前已引用局部变量“ overPowerSword”

时间:2019-08-07 17:05:54

标签: python python-3.x

当我运行代码并选择(输入)1或2时,我的变量出现错误,它表明我的变量未正确声明。 问题是,当我尝试在方法内部增加变量值时,它只是在该方法内部增加,而不是不计入其他方法(我想),因为我真的看不到任何其他原因

import time #importing the package to use it in slowing time
def printAll(phrase): #this method to just slow down my messages 
    time.sleep(2) #freezing time for 2 seconds
    print(phrase) #then printing whatever i wanna print 

printAll("To your right is a dark cave.") #just to clarify
printAll("In your hand you hold your trusty dagger.") #just to clarify 

caveVisits = 0       #increases Every time i use the cave method (i disabled it for now)
houseVisits = 0      #expected to increase by one Every time i use the house method 
overPowerSword = False    #It's False until i enter the cave method
firstChoice = None        #this is where i store my input (1 or 2)
def giveOptions(): #This method pretty much runs everything here
    firstChoice = None  #making sure it's already None to avoid any Error
    printAll("Enter 1 to knock on the door of the house.") #1 for the house
    printAll("Enter 2 to peer into the cave.") #2 for the cave
    firstChoice = input() #assigning the value from null no the current input
    if firstChoice == "2": #if it's 2 then we are going to cave
    elif firstChoice == "1": #if 1 then we are entering the house
        houseOption() #calling houseOption, it's written bellow

    elif firstChoice != "2" or firstChoice != "1": #if either both
        printAll("You entered " + firstChoice + " Please enter 1 or 2")#just to clarify
def houseOption(): #to enter the house 
    houseVisits +=1 #increases everytime we use it (The problem is here in 
 //case of input 1)
    if overPowerSword == true: #if we already have the sword then it's true
        printAll("You killed the dragon ") # just to clarify
        printAll("The dragon burned you") #if we don't have it yet 
def caveOption(): #to enter the cave
    if overPowerSword == False: #if the sword var is not true yet (The problem here in case of input 2)
        overPowerSword = True   # then make it true
        printAll("You discard your silly old dagger and take the sword with you.") #just to clarify
        printAll("You walk back out to the field.") #just to clarify
        giveOptions #we use it for another input which this time actually 
                    #triggers the house method to kill the dragon

    else:                       #if we already claimed the sword
        printAll("There isn't anything to do here anymore") #just to clarify
        printAll("Getting out from the cave")  #just to clarify

giveOptions() # we have to call the method so the code actually begins running
In case of input = 1 the error is :      #This is the Error when i input 1
Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                               
  File "main.py", line 58, in <module>        #error at line 58                                                                                   
  File "main.py", line 26, in giveOptions     #26                                                                                 
  File "main.py", line 35, in houseOption     #35                                                                                 
    houseVisits +=1    #not increasing by one                                                                                                          
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'houseVisits' referenced before assignment
#That's because the houseVisits variable was increasing inside houseOption method and but not inside the other methods 
In case of 2: #this is the error when i input 2

Traceback (most recent call last):             #if i input 2                                                                              
  File "main.py", line 58, in <module>         #error at line 51                                                                                
    giveOptions()                              #problem with the caveOption method                                                                                
  File "main.py", line 24, in giveOptions      #at 24                                                                            
    caveOption()                               #problem with the caveOption method                                                                      
  File "main.py", line 44, in caveOption       #at 44                                                                                

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'overPowerSword' referenced before assignment #That's because the OPS variable was increasing inside the caveMethod method and but not inside the other methods i guess

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