
时间:2019-08-07 00:34:54

标签: javascript html css


function drop() {
    //grab the current time
    let now = Date.now();
    //create a var to hold the difference of the current time
    let delta = now - dropStart; //------Why can't these be switched
    if(delta > 800) {
        dropStart = Date.now();
        drawPiece(p.activeTetromino, vacant);
        drawPiece(p.activeTetromino, p.color);



 function drop() {
    //grab the current time
    let now = Date.now();
    //create a var to hold the difference of the current time
    let delta = now - dropStart; //------Why can't these be switched
    if(delta > 800) {
        dropStart = Date.now();
        drawPiece(p.activeTetromino, vacant);
        drawPiece(p.activeTetromino, p.color);



// //create your globals
// const canvas = document.querySelector('#canvas');
// const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// const row = 20;
// const col = 10;
// const sq = 40;
// const vacant = 'black';

// //-----------------------Why can't I initialize the tetrominos??

// //create and draw board
// let board = [];
// for(let r = 0; r < row; r++) {
// 	board[r] = [];
// 	for(let c = 0; c < col; c++) {
// 		board[r][c] = vacant;
// 		draw(c, r, board[r][c]);
// 	}
// }

// //define a function to draw to the canvas
// function draw(x, y, color) {
// 	ctx.fillStyle = color;
// 	ctx.fillRect(x * sq, y * sq, sq, sq);
// 	ctx.strokeStyle = 'white';
// 	ctx.strokeRect(x * sq, y * sq, sq, sq);
// }

// //create an object for the tetrominos 
// function Tetromino(tetromino, color) {
// 	this.tetromino = tetromino;
// 	this.color = color;
// 	this.tetrominoN = 0;
// 	this.activeTetromino = this.tetromino[this.tetrominoN];
// 	this.x = 0;
// 	this.y = 0;
// }

// //create an array for the pieces
// const pieces = [
// 	[Z, 'red'],
// 	[S, 'limegreen'],
// 	[T, 'yellow'],
// 	[O, 'blue'],
// 	[L, '#b938ff'],
// 	[I, 'cyan'],
// 	[J, 'orange']
// ]

// //create a new instance of Tetromino
// function randomPiece() {
// 	let r = Math.floor(Math.random() * pieces.length);
// 	return new Tetromino(pieces[r][0], pieces[r][1]);
// }
// let p = randomPiece();

// //draw the piece
// function drawPiece(piece) {
// 	//loop through the tetromino
// 	for(let r = 0; r < piece.length; r++) {
// 		for(let c = 0; c < piece.length; c++) {
// 			//if the tetromino index is zero skip it
// 			if(!piece[r][c]) continue;
// 			//else draw it
// 			else draw(p.x + c, p.y + r, p.color);
// 		}
// 	}
// }

// //undrawdraw the piece
// function undrawPiece(piece) {
// 	//loop through the tetromino
// 	for(let r = 0; r < piece.length; r++) {
// 		for(let c = 0; c < piece.length; c++) {
// 			//if the tetromino index is zero skip it
// 			if(!piece[r][c]) continue;
// 			//else draw it
// 			else draw(p.x + c, p.y + r, vacant);
// 		}
// 	}
// }

// drawPiece(p.activeTetromino);

// //control the piece 
// document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
// 	if(event.keyCode === 37) p.moveLeft();

// 	else if (event.keyCode === 38) p.rotate();

//     else if (event.keyCode === 39) p.moveRight();

// 	else if (event.keyCode === 40) p.moveDown();

// });

// Tetromino.prototype.moveDown = function() {
// 	if(!this.collision(0, 1, this.activeTetromino)) {
// 		undrawPiece(this.activeTetromino);
// 		this.y++;
// 		drawPiece(this.activeTetromino);
// 	} else {
// 		//lock piece and generate a new one
// 		this.lock();
// 		p = randomPiece();
// 	}
// }

// Tetromino.prototype.moveLeft = function() {
// 	if(!this.collision(-1, 0, this.activeTetromino)) {
// 		undrawPiece(this.activeTetromino);
// 		this.x--;
// 		drawPiece(this.activeTetromino);
// 	}
// }

// Tetromino.prototype.moveRight = function() {
// 	if(!this.collision(1, 0, this.activeTetromino)) {
// 		undrawPiece(this.activeTetromino);
// 		this.x++;
// 		drawPiece(this.activeTetromino);
// 	}
// }

// Tetromino.prototype.rotate = function() {
// 	let nextPattern = this.tetromino[(this.tetrominoN + 1) % 4];
// 	if(!this.collision(0, 0, nextPattern)) {
// 		if(this.tetromino.length > 1) {
// 			undrawPiece(this.activeTetromino);
// 			this.tetrominoN = (this.tetrominoN + 1) % 4; // take paranthesis off
// 			this.activeTetromino = this.tetromino[this.tetrominoN];
// 			drawPiece(this.activeTetromino);
// 		}
// 	}
// }

// //create a function to check for collisions
// Tetromino.prototype.collision = function(x, y, piece) {
// 	for(let r = 0; r < piece.length; r++) {
// 		for(let c = 0; c < piece.length; c++) {
// 			//skip index if it is 0
// 			if(!piece[r][c]) continue;
// 			//create vars for the future piece position
// 			let newX = this.x + c + x;
// 			let newY = this.y + r + y;
// 			//see if new position collides with border
// 			if(newX < 0 || newX >= col || newY >= row) return true;
// 			//see if there's a locked piece on the board
// 			if(board[newY][newX] !== vacant) return true;
// 		}
// 	}
// 	return false;
// }

// Tetromino.prototype.lock = function() {
// 	for(let r = 0; r < this.activeTetromino.length; r++) {
// 		for(let c = 0; c < this.activeTetromino.length; c++) {
// 			if(!this.activeTetromino[r][c]) continue;
// 			//if piece reaches the top its gameover
// 			if(this.y + r < 0) {
// 				gameover = true;
// 				alert('Game Over!');
// 			}
// 			//lock the piece by updating the board
// 			board[this.y + r][this.x + c] = this.color;
// 		}
// 	}
// }

// let dropStart = Date.now();
// //drop the piece every 1s
// function drop() {
// 	let now = Date.now();
// 	let delta = now - dropStart;
// 	//if delta is greater than 1s drop the piece
// 	if(delta > 800) {
// 		p.moveDown();
// 		dropStart = Date.now();
// 	}
// 	requestAnimationFrame(drop);
// }

// drop();

//declare globals
const col = 10;
const row = 20;
const sq = 40;
const vacant = 'black';
const cvs = document.querySelector('#canvas');
const ctx = cvs.getContext('2d');

//create and draw the board
let board = [];
for(let r = 0; r < row; r++) {
	board[r] = [];
	for(let c = 0; c < col; c++) {
		board[r][c] = vacant;
		draw(c, r, board[r][c]);

//create a blueprint function to draw to the board
function draw(x, y, color) {
	//set the drawing specifications
	ctx.fillStyle = color;
	ctx.fillRect(x * sq, y * sq, sq, sq);
	ctx.strokeStyle = 'white';
	ctx.strokeRect(x * sq, y * sq, sq, sq);

//create a blueprint object for the tetrominos
function Piece(tetromino, color) {
	//create the properties
	this.tetromino = tetromino;
	this.color = color;
	this.tetrominoN = 0;
	this.activeTetromino = this.tetromino[this.tetrominoN];
	this.x = 0;
	this.y = 0;

//create an array to hold all of the tetrominos
const pieces = [
	[Z, 'red'],
	[S, 'limegreen'],
	[T, 'yellow'],
	[O, 'blue'],
	[L, '#b938ff'],
	[I, 'cyan'],
	[J, 'orange']

//grab a piece
let p = new Piece(pieces[2][0], pieces[2][1]);

//create a blueprint function to draw tetrominos to the board
function drawPiece(piece, color) {
	for(let r = 0; r < piece.length; r++) {
		for(let c = 0; c < piece.length; c++) {
			if (!piece[r][c]) continue;
			draw(c + p.x, r + p.y, color);

//draw a piece to the board
drawPiece(p.activeTetromino, p.color);

//start a time to set as a refrence for the dropstart
let dropStart = Date.now();
//create a blueprint function to drop the piece
function drop() {
	//grab the current time
	let now = Date.now();
	//create a var to hold the difference of the current time
	let delta = now - dropStart; //------Why can't these be switched
	if(delta > 800) {
		dropStart = Date.now();
		drawPiece(p.activeTetromino, vacant);
		drawPiece(p.activeTetromino, p.color);

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1 个答案:

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