
时间:2019-08-06 16:23:39

标签: c# android xamarin mtp

有人有使用Xamarin的Android MTPDevice的经验吗? 我支持Xamarin中的一个应用程序,该应用程序可在Android上运行,并且需要使用MTP协议通过USB电缆从Nikon DSLR下载图像。


下面有很多代码,因此我删除了大约90%的代码,其中包括try / catch,记录调试信息,创建我自己的类的对象并插入SQLite数据库。



private UsbDevice GetAttachedDevice()
    // find devices
    UsbDevice usbDevice = null;
    if (UsbManager.DeviceList != null && UsbManager.DeviceList.Count > 0)
        foreach (var usbAccessory in UsbManager.DeviceList)
            return usbAccessory.Value;  // yeah, i know
    return null;

public async Task<bool> OpenAttachedDevice()
    var connectedDevice = await GetAttachedDevice();
    if (connectedDevice == null)
        return false;

    usbDeviceConnection = UsbManager.OpenDevice(connectedDevice);
    mtpDevice = new MtpDevice(connectedDevice);

    MtpDeviceInfo info = mtpDevice.DeviceInfo;
    if (info != null)
        Log.Information($"Device Info: {info.Manufacturer} {info.Model} {info.SerialNumber}");
        Log.Information($"Device Info is null");

    return true;

// finds each storage unit and calls the recursive function to find and download files
public async Task<List<string>> GetFilesAsync()
    var results = new List<string>();
    if (await OpenAttachedDevice())
        storageUnits = mtpDevice.GetStorageIds();
        if (storageUnits == null || storageUnits.Length == 0)
            Log.Information("GetFileListAsync: StorageUnits is empty");
            return results;

        foreach (var storageUnitId in storageUnits)
            var storageUnit = mtpDevice.GetStorageInfo(storageUnitId);
            if (storageUnit != null)
                var objectHandles = mtpDevice.GetObjectHandles(storageUnitId, 0, 0);

                // this works, I get all the object handles

                foreach (var objectHandle in objectHandles)
                    // do stuff here
                await RecurseMTPDirectories(results, storageUnitId);
    return results;

// look through all objects in the given folder - download files, recurse back in for folders
private async Task RecurseMTPDirectories(List<string> exhibits, int storageUnitId, string parentFolder = "\\", int parentHandle = -1)
    // find all the objects in the folder - download the files, add the folders to a list and then recurse into each
    var directories = new List<MtpObjectInfo>();
    var objectHandles = mtpDevice.GetObjectHandles(storageUnitId, 0, parentHandle);

    if (objectHandles != null && objectHandles.Length > 0)
        foreach (var objectHandle in objectHandles)
            MtpObjectInfo objectInfo = mtpDevice.GetObjectInfo(objectHandle);
            if (objectInfo != null)
                if (objectInfo.Format == MtpFormat.Association)
                    // add to list of directories
                    var imagePath = await GetImagePathForFile();

                    await DownloadFileAsync(objectHandle, objectInfo.Name, imagePath, thumbPath, objectInfo.CompressedSize);

    foreach (var objectInfo in directories)
        string fullname = parentFolder + objectInfo.Name;
        await RecurseMTPDirectories(exhibits, storageUnitId, $"{fullname}\\", objectInfo.ObjectHandle);

// download the actual file, and thumbnail
public async Task DownloadFileAsync(int objectHandle, string nameOnCamera, string destination, string thumbdestination, int size)
    int receivedBytes = 0;

    if (await OpenAttachedDevice())
        var rootFolder = await FileSystem.Current.GetFolderFromPathAsync(destination);
        var thumbFolder = await FileSystem.Current.GetFolderFromPathAsync(thumbdestination);

        var fileService = DependencyService.Get<IFileStorageService>();

        // download the image data here
        byte[] imageData = await mtpDevice.GetObjectAsync(objectHandle, size);

        var fileWriter = await rootFolder.CreateFileAsync(nameOnCamera + ".part", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
        using (var fileStream = await fileWriter.OpenAsync(PCLStorage.FileAccess.ReadAndWrite))
            await fileStream.WriteAsync(imageData, 0, size);
        await fileWriter.RenameAsync(nameOnCamera, NameCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);



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