
时间:2011-04-20 22:46:50

标签: c# smtp gmail

我有一个运行.NET 3.5的ASP.NET MVC后端的网站。在这个网站上,有一个脚本使用gmail作为邮件服务发送电子邮件。该脚本在我的开发机器上运行并在本地发送邮件很好,但是一旦我将它上传到实时服务器就失败了。它现在给我的唯一错误信息是(因为我告诉它,因为你会看到更进一步):

The transport failed to connect to the server.


using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Web.Mail;
using MailMessage = System.Web.Mail.MailMessage;

namespace MySite.Helpers
    public class GmailHelper
        private readonly int _port = 465;
        private readonly string _accountName;
        private readonly string _password;

        public GmailHelper(string accountName, string password)
            _accountName = accountName;
            _password = password;
        public GmailHelper(string accountName, string password, int port)
            _accountName = accountName;
            _password = password;
            _port = port;
        public void Send(string from, string to, string subject, string body, bool isHtml)
            Send(from, to, subject, body, isHtml, null);

        public void Send(string from, string to, string subject, string body, bool isHtml, string[] attachments)

            var mailMessage = new MailMessage

                                                              From = from,
                                                              To = to,
                                                              Subject = subject,
                                                              Body = body,
                                                              BodyFormat = isHtml ? MailFormat.Html : MailFormat.Text

            // Add attachments
            if (attachments != null)
                foreach (var t in attachments)
                    mailMessage.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(t));

            //  Authenticate
            mailMessage.Fields.Add("", 1);
            // Username for gmail - for email for Google Apps
            mailMessage.Fields.Add("", _accountName);
            // Password for gmail account
            mailMessage.Fields.Add("", _password);
            // Google says to use 465 or 587.  I don't get an answer on 587 and 465 works - YMMV
            mailMessage.Fields.Add("", _port.ToString());
            // STARTTLS 
            mailMessage.Fields.Add("", true);

            // assign outgoing gmail server
            SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "";


public ActionResult Employment(EmploymentModel model, FormCollection collection)
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        return View(model);

    var results = new EmploymentViewModel();

        results.Position = model.Position;
        results.FirstName = model.FirstName;
        results.LastName = model.LastName;
        results.ContactPhone = model.ContactPhone;
        results.OtherPhone = model.OtherPhone;
        results.Address = model.Address;
        results.Email = model.Email;
        results.HsDiploma = model.HsDiploma.ToString();
        results.CollegeYears = model.CollegeYears;
        results.Skills = model.Skills;
        results.Employment = model.Employment;
        results.DateSent = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");

        var gmail = new GmailHelper("", "[*removed*]");

        var fromAddress = new MailAddress("", "MySite");
        var toAddress = new MailAddress("", "MySite Employment");
        var subject = string.Format("Employment Application for {0} {1}", model.FirstName, model.LastName);

        gmail.Send(fromAddress.Address, toAddress.Address, subject, EmployMailBody(results), false);
    catch (Exception ex)
        results.Sent = false;
        results.Title = "Oops, our mail drone seems to have malfunctioned!";
        results.Message = string.Format("We appologize, {0} {1}, but our email system has encountered an error and your email was not sent.</p>",
                results.FirstName, results.LastName);
        results.Message += Environment.NewLine + "<p>Please try your request later, or fax your résumé to our Corporate office.";
        results.Message += Environment.NewLine + JQueryHelpers.GenerateErrorField(ex.Message);

        return View("EmploymentSubmit", results);
    results.Sent = true;
    results.Title = "Thank you for your submission!";
    results.Message = string.Format("Thank you for your interest in joining our team, {0} {1}!</p>", results.FirstName, results.LastName);
    results.Message += Environment.NewLine + "<p>We have successfully recieved your information and will contact you shortly at the number your have provided.";

    return View("EmploymentSubmit", results);






Request for the permission of type 'System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.





public class GoDaddyHelperNet
    private readonly int _port = 25;
    private readonly MailAddress _accountName;
    private readonly string _password;
    private readonly string _host = "";

    public GoDaddyHelperNet(MailAddress accountName, string password)
        _accountName = accountName;
        _password = password;
    public GoDaddyHelperNet(MailAddress accountName, string password, int port)
        _accountName = accountName;
        _password = password;
        _port = port;
    public GoDaddyHelperNet(MailAddress accountName, string password, int port, string host)
        _accountName = accountName;
        _password = password;
        _port = port;
        _host = host;
    public void Send(MailAddress to, string subject, string body, bool isHtml)
        Send(_accountName, to, subject, body, isHtml);

    public void Send(MailAddress from, MailAddress to, string subject, string body, bool isHtml)
        var smtp = new SmtpClient
                           Host = _host,
                           Port = _port,
                           EnableSsl = false,
                           DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
                           UseDefaultCredentials = false,
                           Credentials = new NetworkCredential(from.Address, _password),
                           Timeout = 15000

        using (var message = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(from.Address, to.Address)
                         Subject = subject,
                         Body = body,


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



答案 1 :(得分:0)

Gmail对SMTP中继有很多限制。 IIRC每天不超过100名受助人。还限制每封邮件的收件人。消息/附件大小限制。如果您超出限制或Gmail认定您看起来像垃圾邮件 artiste ,则他们的SMTP服务器可能会在一天左右拒绝连接。