
时间:2019-08-06 06:00:12

标签: google-bigquery

交易->交易ID,买方ID,卖方ID,对象ID,发运ID,价格,数量,站点ID,交易日期,预期交货日期,结帐退出状态                             leaf_category_id,defect_id



列表-> object_id,seller_id,auction_start_date                Auction_end_date,listing_site_id,leaf_category_id                数量

对于在12月第二周(2015年12月6日至2015年12月12日)进行交易的英国卖家,请找到卖家数量 他们在下周的总交易金额(数量*价格)至少翻了一番。


With trans_dec_uk as
select s.seller_id,t.transaction_date, sum(t.Qty * Price) trans_amount
from transaction t join seller s
on t.seller_id =s.seller_id
where s.country ='UK'
and t.transaction_date between '12-05-2015' and '12-18-2015'
group by s.seller_id,t.transaction_date
select count(seller) from  trans_dec_uk
where trans_amount =  2 * to_char(sysdate+7,'DD-MM')

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

with uk_sellers as (
 select * from <dataset>.Seller where country = 'UK'
first_week_uk as (
  select seller_id, sum(Price*Quantity) as first_week_total
  from <dataset>.Transaction
  inner join uk_sellers using(seller_id)
  where transaction_date between '2015-12-05' and '2015-12-11'
  group by 1
second_week_uk as (
  select seller_id, sum(Price*Quantity) as second_week_total
  from <dataset>.Transaction
  inner join uk_sellers using(seller_id)
  where transaction_date between '2015-12-12' and '2015-12-18'
  group by 1
select count(distinct seller_id) as the_answer
from first_week_uk
inner join second_week_uk using(seller_id)
where second_week_total >= 2*first_week_total