// Include the GTXiLib umbrella header.
// Note that that is +setUp not -setUp
+ (void)setUp {
[super setUp];
// ... your other setup code (if any) comes here.
// Create an array of checks to be installed.
NSArray *checksToBeInstalled = @[
[GTXChecksCollection checkForAXLabelPresent]
// Install GTX on all tests in *this* test class.
[GTXiLib installOnTestSuite:[GTXTestSuite suiteWithAllTestsInClass:self]
override static func setUp() {
//let checksToBeInstalled: [GTXChecking] = GTXChecksCollection.allGTXChecks()
let checksToBeInstalled: [GTXChecking] = [GTXChecksCollection.checkForAXLabelPresent()]
let tmp = GTXTestSuite.init(allTestsIn: ExampleTests.self)
GTXiLib.install(on: tmp ?? GTXTestSuite(), checks: checksToBeInstalled, elementBlacklists: [])
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我遇到了同样的问题,基本上我发生的事情是GTXiLib只能在与Host Application一起运行的XCTest上运行,而不能在XCUITest上运行。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
缺少的链接是,在您的测试用例中,您必须创建视图并将其添加到 keyWindow(确保您的视图声望 >0)。
这是因为库使用 keyWindow 作为它的根对象,然后遍历它的子视图来运行检查。 https://github.com/google/GTXiLib/blob/d9161c0cefd07556cd97739fdc8862a2711bc1d3/Classes/GTXiLibCore.m#L159
func testBadButton() {
let button = UIButton()
button.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 32, height: 32)
let keyWindow = UIApplication.shared.windows.filter {$0.isKeyWindow}.first
将它添加到关键窗口后,我终于能够验证 GTXiLib 确实在做某事。这是这个测试给我的错误:
One or more elements FAILED the accessibility checks:
<UIButton: 0x7f97c043e390; frame = (0 0; 32 32); opaque = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x600001e77780>>
+ Check "Accessibility label" failed, This element doesn’t have an accessibility label. All accessibility elements must have accessibility labels.
+ Check "Touch target size" failed, This element has a small touch target. All tappable elements must have a minimum touch target size of 44X44 points.
Element accessibilityFrame: 32x32.
Element frame: 32x32.
最后一点:我最终集成了 GTXiLib 3.1,因为较新的版本依赖于需要导入 protobuf 的 c++。我们遇到了一个问题,protobuf 与 Carthage 不兼容。可能只是 Carthage 的问题,因为 Google 团队似乎在使用 Cocoapods。