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如果对现有IAM角色/用户等进行了更改,或者创建了新角色,则必须通过键入“ y”来确认部署,您可以使用选项library(ggplot2)
data(SLC4A1, package="ggplot2")
SLC4A1 <- read.csv(file.choose(), header = TRUE)
# bubble chart showing position of polymorphisms on gene, the frequency of each of these
# polymorphisms, where they are prominent on earth, and p-value
SLC4A1ggplot <- ggplot(SLC4A1, aes(Position, log10(Frequency)))+
geom_jitter(aes(col=Geographical.Location, size =(p.value)))+
labs(subtitle="Frequency of Various Polymorphisms", title="SLC4A1 Gene") +
labs(color = "Geographical Location") +
labs(size = "p-value") + labs(x = "Position of Polymorphism on SLC4A1 Gene") +
scale_size_continuous(range=c(1,4.5), trans = "reverse") +
guides(size = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE))