
时间:2019-08-05 13:05:28

标签: powershell outlook



  1. 在我的前景中解析一个子文件夹

  2. 使用正则表达式,可自动获取电子邮件警报中的特定变量

  3. 每个循环都将每个匹配项转储到csv的新行中

我正在计算每个用户的出现次数。因此,如果出现“ jdoe”,它将添加到数组中。如果“ Jdoe”在2000左右的电子邮件中显示了4次以上,那么最后它会说类似


Jdoe 5


Jbond 2





Add-Type -Assembly "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook"
$Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$namespace = $Outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
$DebugPreference = 'Continue'

# Selects my Inbox, and then selects sub-folder under inbox. For my outlook, I have a subfolder called
# "Account Locked Alerts" that I have an outlook rule put all of the account locked out alerts in
$inbox = $namespace.GetDefaultFolder([Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlDefaultFolders]::olFolderInbox)    
$subfolder = $inbox.Folders('Account Locked Alerts')

#I'm using RegEx here because selecting the values is super dooper easy. Also, there's technically two "account name" value in these emails
# and I'm interested in the second.
$RE = [RegEx]'(?sm)Account Name\s*:\s*(?<AccName>.*?)$.*Account Name\s*:\s*(?<Acc2Name>.*?)$.*'

$users = @()

# For every email in my sub folder...
# (p.s., to check every email in "inbox", just replace $subfolder with $inbox)
$Data = ForEach ($item in $subfolder.items){

    # Check to see if there's a match, and if there is....
    if ($item.body -match $RE){
        # Add to array and write it to csv
        Write-Host "ding " $Matches.Acc2Name
        $users += $Matches.Acc2name
                AccName = $Matches.Acc2Name


$Data | Export-CSv '.\data.csv' -NoTypeInformation


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



#I'm using RegEx here because selecting the values is super dooper easy. Also, there's technically two "account name" value in these emails
# and I'm interested in the second.
$RE = [RegEx]'(?sm)Account Name\s*:\s*(?<AccName>.*?)$.*Account Name\s*:\s*(?<Acc2Name>.*?)$.*'

# For every email in my sub folder...
# (p.s., to check every email in "inbox", just replace $subfolder with $inbox)
$Data = ForEach ($item in $subfolder.items){

    # Check to see if there's a match, and if there is....
    if ($item.body -match $RE){
        # Add to array and write it to csv
        Write-Verbose "ding " $Matches.Acc2Name
                Acc2Name = $Matches.Acc2Name


$Data | Group-Object -Property Acc2Name -NoElement
$Data | Export-CSv '.\data.csv' -NoTypeInformation