Musixmatch API响应返回200,但是返回None值的json

时间:2019-08-04 06:17:34

标签: python api swagger-codegen musixmatch

我正在使用MusixMatch API获取给定musixmatch分配的专辑ID的曲目列表。我正在使用的相册ID是20903197,并且我已验证它可以正常工作。!/Track/get_album_tracks_get 将其插入album_id字段

但是,当我尝试使用其python sdk调用它时,所有属性的响应均为None,但返回200响应。我在他们的网站上大摇大摆地对其进行了测试,效果很好。可能是他们的api损坏了或者我做错了吗?


import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

swagger_client.configuration.api_key['apikey'] = 'API_KEY_HERE'

api_instance = swagger_client.TrackApi()
album_id = '20903197' # str | The musiXmatch album id
format = 'json' # str | output format: json, jsonp, xml. (optional) (default to json)
callback = 'callback_example' # str | jsonp callback (optional)
f_has_lyrics = 'f_has_lyrics_example' # str | When set, filter only contents with lyrics (optional)
page = 3.4 # float | Define the page number for paginated results (optional)
page_size = 3.4 # float | Define the page size for paginated results.Range is 1 to 100. (optional)

    api_response = api_instance.album_tracks_get_get(album_id, format=format, callback=callback, f_has_lyrics=f_has_lyrics, page=page, page_size=page_size)
except ApiException as e:
    print "Exception when calling TrackApi->album_tracks_get_get: %s\n" % e


{'message': {'body': {'track_list': [{'album_coverart_100x100': None,
                                      'album_coverart_350x350': None,
                                      'album_coverart_500x500': None,
                                      'album_coverart_800x800': None,
                                      'album_id': None,
                                      'album_name': None,
                                      'artist_id': None,
                                      'artist_mbid': None,
                                      'artist_name': None,
                                      'commontrack_id': None,
                                      'commontrack_vanity_id': None,
                                      'explicit': None,
                                      'first_release_date': None,
                                      'has_lyrics': None,
                                      'has_subtitles': None,
                                      'instrumental': None,
                                      'lyrics_id': None,
                                      'num_favourite': None,
                                      'primary_genres': None,
                                      'restricted': None,
                                      'secondary_genres': None,
                                      'subtitle_id': None,
                                      'track_edit_url': None,
                                      'track_id': None,
                                      'track_isrc': None,
                                      'track_length': None,
                                      'track_mbid': None,
                                      'track_name': None,
                                      'track_name_translation_list': None,
                                      'track_rating': None,
                                      'track_share_url': None,
                                      'track_soundcloud_id': None,
                                      'track_spotify_id': None,
                                      'track_xboxmusic_id': None,
                                      'updated_time': None}]},
             'header': {'available': 1.0,
                        'execute_time': 0.0039160251617432,
                        'status_code': 200.0}}}

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

要查找此问题的原因,需要查看由Swagger Editor生成的 swagger-client 的代码:有关同步请求,请查看> __call_api < / em>,默认情况下将从服务返回的结果反序列化,导致有效载荷为空。

要修复该问题,需要通过设置参数 _preload_content = False 来禁用反序列化。


  1. github

  2. 上使用MusixMatch-service的 swagger.json
  3. 使用Swagger Editor基于swagger.json生成python客户端

  4. 安装自动生成的模块 swagger-client

  5. 运行代码

import swagger_client
from import ApiException
import json

configuration = swagger_client.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['apikey'] = '..'

api_instance = swagger_client.TrackApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(configuration))
album_id = 20903197

    api_response = api_instance.album_tracks_get_get(album_id, _preload_content=False)
    result = json.loads(
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling TrackApi->album_tracks_get_get: %s\n" % e)

# result: {u'message': {u'body': {u'track_list': [{u'track': {u'track_share_url': u'', u'album_name': u'Disarm You (feat. Ilsey)', u'has_subtitles': 1, u'track_name': u'Disarm You (feat. Ilsey)', u'primary_genres': {u'music_genre_list': [{u'music_genre': {u'music_genre_parent_id': 34, u'music_genre_name_extended': u'Dance', u'music_genre_vanity': u'Dance', u'music_genre_id': 17, u'music_genre_name': u'Dance'}}]}, u'album_id': 20903197, u'explicit': 0, u'has_lyrics': 1, u'artist_name': u'Kaskade feat. Ilsey', u'track_id': 84384445, u'instrumental': 0, u'updated_time': u'2015-10-16T17:38:45Z', u'track_rating': 21, u'commontrack_id': 46959082, u'restricted': 0, u'num_favourite': 773, u'artist_id': 28754430, u'track_name_translation_list': [], u'has_richsync': 1, u'track_edit_url': u''}}]}, u'header': {u'available': 1, u'status_code': 200, u'execute_time': 0.0088551044464111}}}