如何在浮点数数组中找到“ dtype('O')”?

时间:2019-08-02 00:50:56

标签: python numpy-ndarray


In [83]: np.info(urt[0,0])
float(x) -> floating point number

Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.

In [84]: np.info(urt)
class:  ndarray
shape:  (18586, 18586)
strides:  (148688, 8)
itemsize:  8
aligned:  True
contiguous:  True
fortran:  False
data pointer: 0xa85bf0040
byteorder:  little
byteswap:  False
type: object

In [84]: csr_matrix(urt)
TypeError: no supported conversion for types: (dtype('O'),)

大概是因为array中某处出现了某种an array protocol (dtype) of 'O' for Object *。



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