我正在使用flask作为Web服务器,并且在执行return tree_definitions.to_html()
tree nodes classes cues directions thresholds exits
1 1 4 i;i;n;i PLC2hrOGTT;Age;BMI;TimesPregnant >;>;>;> 126;29;29.7;6 1;0;1;0.5
2 2 3 i;i;n PLC2hrOGTT;Age;BMI >;>;> 126;29;29.7 0;1;0.5
3 3 4 i;i;n;i PLC2hrOGTT;Age;BMI;TimesPregnant >;>;>;> 126;29;29.7;6 1;0;0;0.5
4 4 4 i;i;n;i PLC2hrOGTT;Age;BMI;TimesPregnant >;>;>;> 126;29;29.7;6 1;1;0;0.5
5 5 4 i;i;n;i PLC2hrOGTT;Age;BMI;TimesPregnant >;>;>;> 126;29;29.7;6 0;1;0;0.5
6 6 3 i;i;n PLC2hrOGTT;Age;BMI >;>;> 126;29;29.7 0;0;0.5
7 7 4 i;i;n;i PLC2hrOGTT;Age;BMI;TimesPregnant >;>;>;> 126;29;29.7;6 1;1;1;0.5
8 8 4 i;i;n;i PLC2hrOGTT;Age;BMI;TimesPregnant >;>;>;> 126;29;29.7;6 0;0;0;0.5
我正在尝试将其转换为json,以便可以像这样http://bl.ocks.org/d3noob/8326869这样使用d3进行可视化 但是我对json和d3不太熟悉。
当我return tree_definitions.to_json(orient='columns')
var treeData = [
"name": "Top Level",
"parent": "null",
"children": [
"name": "Level 2: A",
"parent": "Top Level",
"children": [
"name": "Son of A",
"parent": "Level 2: A"
"name": "Daughter of A",
"parent": "Level 2: A"
"name": "Level 2: B",
"parent": "Top Level"